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Just got called!!

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Correct, although my first choice is ROTP hence why I said ROTP instead of RMC, but ill defiantly take RMC  ;D. Thanks for the correction.
C/Wo.Banks said:
Correct, although my first choice is ROTP hence why I said ROTP instead of RMC, but ill defiantly take RMC  ;D. Thanks for the correction.

Perhaps you are a bit confused...

When you enroll under ROTP, you can either be ROTP (RMC  Junior - Prep Year), ROTP (RMC Sr) or ROTP Civilian University.  All three "education methods" are ROTP.

Course you can also go to RMC under UTPNCM, and some other more specific plans that wouldn't apply to johnny-civilian.
Thanks, I was under the impression that ROTP was reserved entirely for civilian university. Sorry for the confusion.
I was under the impression that ROTP was reserved entirely for civilian university.

Perhaps a little more research on your part is in order before you go in for your interview.  A strong knowledge of the entry program, the CF and the occupations you are interested in will go a long way in helping you get selected.  Good luck.
Thank you, like I said in my first post ill be using the search function allot more for a few days  ;).
this is my first post so i will give some back ground... i applied to the CF almost 3 years ago and i did a few drugs in highschool so an Lt. told me to come back in 3 years, and while i was waiting (being punished for being a dumbass) to go out and make myself desireable to the Canadian Forces so i went to college and took Police Foundations, I'm an avid marathon runner one on my favor it ones was the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington DC i know i should have did a Canadian Forces marathon and i plan to, i want to do the 100km marathon in the Yukon like a true Canadian Solider. I also have my civi skydiving course and i love that, not to mention various student leadership positions around college. when i went in to the CFRC over the Christmas break they told me my aptitude test was good to go, asked me if I've changed since grade 12 and i said yes because its true. I went on to tell them what I've been doing to make my self an asset to the CF like the Lt. told me to and they told me I'd be a valued asset now. i told them i would be done my 3 years on Feb 1 (11 days from now its been a long time coming) and they told me to come back on that day and bring in all my paper work and I'd have my boots in a couple weeks ... after reading all the posts on here does a couple weeks seem a little to soon, or will it be more like a month or so? oh yes i forgot to say my trade goal is Infantry or Armoured... any thoughts? let me know  :cdn:
It all depends on the circumstances. But let's just say you have nothing wrong with you medically, your aptitude is good and your interview goes smoothly, then yes, it could take a couple of weeks. I applied just before the Christmas holidays and I'm already being sent to basic next Saturday.

Oh ,and for the sake of my eyes; paragraph.  :D
You already did the CFAT, ahead of submitting paperwork, and the 3 year deadline?  "Aptitude test good to go"...

Meridian said:
You already did the CFAT, ahead of submitting paperwork, and the 3 year deadline?  "Aptitude test good to go"...

Jesus wept.  He would have done the CFAT when he last applied because that is what you do before the drug questionnaire.
ThatsLife said:
It all depends on the circumstances. But let's just say you have nothing wrong with you medically, your aptitude is good and your interview goes smoothly, then yes, it could take a couple of weeks. I applied just before the Christmas holidays and I'm already being sent to basic next Saturday.

Oh ,and for the sake of my eyes; paragraph.  :D

ill see ya there bud ;D  :cheers:
thanks for the input guys i cant wait to finally go, i guess in the mean time i will continue with my private security job i mean watch TV and wonder what to eat next lol ... if anyone else has done security they know what I'm talking about. see you all in the Forces  :warstory: oh ya, i did do the aptitude test 3 years ago and i guess they are good for a long time i was happy about that because its just one less hurdle I'm going to have to go through in the coming weeks  :cdn:
kincanucks -

Whats the timeout on CFATs? I am re-enrolling, and was already enrolled in the same trade before (unqual), so obviously I met the CFAT requirements.. .have they changed?  (This was just under 5 yrs ago).  CFRC said to redo it... I don't really care, but if he did his 3 years ago...
Meridian said:
kincanucks -

Whats the timeout on CFATs? I am re-enrolling, and was already enrolled in the same trade before (unqual), so obviously I met the CFAT requirements.. .have they changed?  (This was just under 5 yrs ago).  CFRC said to redo it... I don't really care, but if he did his 3 years ago...

If anyone has done the CFAT since 1997 then it is good however, you are going through Montreal and they are always different than everyone else so good luck.
Lol. (Uneasy laugh).  Maybe I should have driven back to Ottawa to apply....

I dropped off my App today and the Sgt (a different one) mentioned that my CFAT would probably still be good; but that they would have to check. (I'm applying for the same trade, so..)

i have too just got the call to sworn in on thursday, i'm in the reserves and was just wondering if I am able to parade with the regiment.  or do I have to wait after i  done BMQ ?

  And do I get my kit at BMQ or do I get it after I sworn in ?       

Homer - it's all been discussed before.... do a search like everyone else
PS - congrats on getting the call
try paste  do I get my kit at BMQ or do I get it after I sworn in

and see if you can find anything.