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Just got called!!

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Well I finally got the call this morning. At first i was told that the Infantry was full but then he said there was one spot open, so im in!

No specific dates were given but I was told that basic would start for me next month this time. I accepted into the RCR and was told that I‘d be stationed at either Petawawa or Gagetown upon successfull completion of Basic.

I have a question, will I recieve anything in the mail regarding the specifics of Basic Training and what not?

Thanks!! :warstory:
they‘ll send you a package with a list of stuff to bring, as well as some other paperwork. you need to fill out your Will too!!
You should receive your Joining Instructions by mail or at your local CFRC. If you don‘t get anything, call your recruitor and simply inquire about them. Don‘t worry about your will and the like, they will take care of that when you get there. Like any government organization, some paperwork can be long and tedious and may require some explanations.

Good luck in St-Jean on basic, and welcome to the CF!
Just got informed that Basic Starts Feb 18th. Anyone else got the same one?
Just to know...when did you pass your physicals?

Im wondering because Im passing mine on the 22nd of this month...and Im wondering how fast they process people. (calculating that the armed forces recruiting staff were on break during christmas).

They were actually very fast to sched. me the tests...I signed up on the 17th of december at like 1615 and they called up the next morning at 0815 to inform me of me test dates... :)

Hey maybe we will match up there....since my tests are 2-3 weeks before feb. 18th maybe ill recieve the same boot date...so anyways...keep me posted plz. :cdn:
I‘m leaving Feb 9th and starting my BT on Feb 11th. One month, can‘t wait.

I was originaly scheduled for March 11th, but was told today it got bumped up.
I completed my file on December 9th. Though they didnt recieve it until 1 day before the Holiday break. So the actual process time was about 3 days.

If you complete your test and finish your file then maybe we will be at the same BT.

Best of luck!
question to johnson:

did they tell you that you are going to RCR petewawa or gagetown befor or after you signed?
They just said that I would be going to either Petawawa or Gagetown, they are not sure what one yet. I dont swear in till the 12th of Feb so maybe they will tell me then which one I will be going to.

To answer your question, they told me prior to signing.
Wow, you guys got in fast. I put a application in over 3 monthes ago and i have still not recieved a call. I have also left 3 messages at the Recruiting centre and they have not phoned me back. Now Im thinking about joining the British Army and becoming a paratrooper. There u can sign up for the parachute regiment right at enlistment(if u meet the standerds).That is one of the things i like about the British army more then the Canadian army. I think i remember reading on this forum that it could take up to 3 years or even longer to get in the parachute course. Can someone tell me why it takes so long to get in the course? And if your wondering im a Canadian citizen...Canadians are allowed to join the British Army because where in the commanwealth.
wow you‘re pretty lucky Johnson. I completed
my tests/interviews on Dec 03, was deemed
suitable and competitive and still haven‘t recieved
a call.. the waiting is killing me...
Oh yea con grads johnson on your enlistment.I can‘t believe they have no more room in the Infantry.Did the recruitor serioulsy say that. I would have expected that then infantry would be one of the easyier trades to get into. Is there not a high turnover rate in the infantry? :cdn:
A few things not to misunderstand....

There is plenty of room in the infantry, and more to come with the army restructuring. There is however a lack of place within the infantry course training school. Thats why people are waiting...to get in there.

An advantage to have is to be bilingual. The school takes part english and part french on quotas so people that are bilingual like me can take one or the other language for the course, if you dont mind serving with ANY of the 3 main regiments that is. This can get you in faster especially when one language is full for 2-3 months at times.
Drez u misunderstood. I just got called from the recruiting center and they told me that there is no more room in the infantry.....so i can not go forwrad with my application....wtf is going on with the cf.....Oh well i guess ill try for the british army....
Johnson...you will find out what regiment you will get into after your SQ course. My SQ course is starting up next month and will find out after it is complete where I will be going.

Sean I would seriously reconsider joining the British Army. Yes they would take anyone in the commonwealth. But you have no military experience so you could go all the way over there and don‘t like it for whatever reason if its not all you put it to be and get out. That will end up costing ALOT of money PLUS that would be pretty embarracing coming home and telling everyone you failed.
Stick to the CF and call that recruiting center every day. Get on them! They ALL knew my name and my voice and in the end. And I sure hope that they were looking when they told me they were on the phone. Just remember to Hurry then Wait :blotto:

Andrew :bullet: :cdn: :bullet:

:mg: :dontpanic: *recruiting center*

Also you got to remember that there was like a 2 week Christmas break so recriuting centers and ottawa probably weren‘t working through that(although i maybe wrong)
I agree with u andrew i really wanted to be in the canadian army but.....

I put a application in over 3 mothes ago and they never phones me. I left messages on the answering machine and they never phone me.I finally got a phone call becuase i got the number for the person that is directly invovled in the setting up of the test and left a massgae with them.. She told that the canadian army are not taken any more infantryman applications and that i should reply about this time next year.

ALso what u said about failing and everything wouldn‘t that be the same with the canadian army...or any army?
Ok I really dont understand this AT ALL. Either you misunderstood what she said or she was obviously missing something.

I applied for infantry on dec. 17th, and on the 18th my tests were booked and the officer told me to expect to be called to boot shortly after i pass my tests on jan 22nd (if successful and etc), for infantry training and stuff.....

And many other people are getting called up for boot within the next few weeks for infantry.

So im lost to what your saying....can anybody see something wrong here? Please feel free to help out.
Well Drez im not bs u at all.... this is the truth and anyway it might have to do with u being on the east coast or something..i don‘t know....all i know is that she cleary said that there is no infantry spots open...and she asked if i would like to do anything else
Also u applied on dec 17...........wtf i applied in october and just recieve a phone call today saying there is no infantry spots and u recive a call the next day