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Just got called!!

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i enrolled with the RHLI in early january...recruiting officer told me i'd get a call back within the next two weeks..I waited a month + untill I finally went down to the Recruiting Center and talked to them personally and ask what was taking so long for the call...well they booked me in that day [the monday that just passed] for my cfat, med, and interview to commence on today..I had my cfat, but didnt qualify...the guy never told me my mark, but he said that i was off math by like 1 or 2 questions...i was actually so upset, and still am..

i really want to go to BT this summer..I honestly dont want to stay in my city..its so...uhh i dont even know how to describe it..i graduate this year too, so if i dont get in to the army for BT by the summer, then chances are i will go back to school for a semester..Anything BUT school...ahh, im going to now review math because i am not good at it at all..
Thanks for the replies everyone. I am still waiting for my call from recruiting. At the same time, I havent received a letter from Ottawa either. That's for the best I assume. I was told to wait til the end of March and if I heard nothing, to call recruiting back. The anticipation is killing me.

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone was making out. To those who finally got their call, Congrats! and to those of you who are still waiting, hang in there!

The motions are always the worst...You'll get that call, sooner then you think.
I think its different from area to area. but i submitted my application about a little over a week ago and i just called in today to ask them about the status of my application and they basically booked me in for the end of the week. I honestly think a little initiative can do ya alot of good. I honestly dont think they would have called anytime soon. so yeah just call em up be nice and try to make em squeeze u in. good luck.
I'm just waiting on my background check. Once that's done, CFRC Kitchener will fire my file back to 11th Field, where I'll hopefully get started pretty quick. I'm real eager to get started with my training. Too much sitting around for me at the moment. The anticipation's killing me!
Sake that happened to me as well. I submitted my forms in early January and did not recieve a phone call at all. I actually went down in person a month later and they too booked me for the end of that week. You're totally right, initiative pays off. It also looks good on yourself, too.

Transmundane - I know how you feel. I'm waiting for a package, a phonecall, an email, anything to let me know what the next stage is for my recruitment. I think I might go down there like I did previously and ask them.

I think a large part of it depends on which province you are in, and the distance from the recruiting center.  It seems, by the way I understood it, in BC, they will travel around the province to do the CFAT, and interview, not sure about the medical portion, since there are so many communities that are a far travel to Vancouver.  In that case, I can understand some of the wait, especially if they want to get it all done in one shot, for example having your VFS, and prior forms in front of them during the interview, instead of having a person return, or having them come back at a later time to complete some unfinished business.  Congrats to all of you that have been accepted the past while, and am holding my breath for my call.
yay i just got called for me to start bmq on June 17th, I'm going in for infantry. Is anyone here going for that time?
i finally got the call for bmq....i get sworn in on oct 23 in vancouver and leave on the 25.  I am a bit worried because i have been harvesting 14 hrs a day for 2 months and am a bit out of shape but i look forward to the challenge.  Is there anyone one else heading out to st jean....I think the actual bmq start date is the 27 of october
Woot! I received a call, unfortunetly went to my voicemail at home but said there was a job offering waiting for me!  I called back and left a message and got the Corporals voicemail.. Lol I dont want to play phone tag but I'm almost there! =]
Congratulations man! I'm still in the waiting for my medical that should be just fine, stage.
Alright so heres the scoop, maybe I will see someone else there from the forums.  I swear in on November 10th in Hamilton and leave from Toronto, Pearson Airport, on November 21st to start my BMQ on the 23rd.  I'm so stoked about it, can't wait.

Anyone else have any similar dates?
Hey Congrats man! ;D, i just gotta quick question for ya. when did you get everything finished? (your apptitude test, medical and your interveiw) im just wondering because i am currently waititng for the call myself. but i just wanted a reference for how long it will take for me. i completed everything on the same day in Calgary AB on Sept 9/09 and the lady that i had my interview with said if everything goes right i should be go to go by some time in November. THANKZ!

DaveyOldNavy said:
Hey Congrats man! ;D, i just gotta quick question for ya. when did you get everything finished? (your apptitude test, medical and your interveiw) im just wondering because i am currently waititng for the call myself. but i just wanted a reference for how long it will take for me.

Every application is different.  Everyone's timing is different.

Read this.
PMedMoe is right...  I finished the CFAT/Medical/Interview all on September 21st.  You will probably hear back soon enough.  Maybe you should give the recruiting center a call and ask to speak to your file manager, just dont be a pest lol.  I was just about to do that, decided to wait one more day, then I got the call =]