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Engineer's PT


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So I'm considering the engineers.  While I'm quite physically fit, I don't have, by any stretch of the imagination, a good back!  Is it a pretty bad idea for myself to get invovled in this trade while having this potenial disability?  Is there a lot of heavy-lifting involved in this trade?  I don't want to be a ditriment (sp??) to the rest of my unit!

Thanks for any thoughts.
When you join you'll be giving a physical by the CF and they'll determine you employability. Sadly, all we can offer here is speculation as it's difficult to do a diagnosis over the internet and the majority of us lack significant medical training. Anyway, my advice to you is to go through the application process and they'll be able to tell you definitively whether or not you'll be up to the task.

    Have you gone to an FES to talk to the recruiter there? If you HAVEN'T, I'd suggest that you start THERE. Go to your nearest PRes Engineering unit and ask them what they do, how they do it, how often they do it, and where they do it. Find out those questions, see the troops at work, then decide if that job's for you or not.

    Unfortunately, if you have any spinal problems, or previous injuries, pending on how severe, and whats wrong you may not be accepted into the CF. However, if you want to know MORE about the recruiting process, do a SEARCH on the forum and you'll get the answers to many of your questions. Failing THAT, I'd suggest you go to a CFRC, and get your answers in person.

    Good Luck.
Kanne said:
So I'm considering the engineers.  While I'm quite physically fit, I don't have, by any stretch of the imagination, a good back!  Is it a pretty bad idea for myself to get invovled in this trade while having this potenial disability?  Is there a lot of heavy-lifting involved in this trade?  I don't want to be a ditriment (sp??) to the rest of my unit!

Thanks for any thoughts.

If you have a bum back don't even think of it.
A good back is a necessity in the Engineers mainly for bridging and yes if you are not in shape and be able to lift your own weight you can injure others because of your malaise and it is not only bridging is a good back needed also building bunker's,humping your explosives,crawling all over a
bridge to lay the charges to blow the puppy never mind the rest of our job. 
It depends on how bad your back is. Iam on my 3`s right now...we ruck every second day, we do do alot of lifting everyday. I ended up getting nerve damnage in my back durning Basic, it hasnt fully healed up, but with all the lifting, rucking and Push ups and chin ups we do I can put up with the pain, its not much anymore anyways. If it something that would dibiltate you I would recomend anything out side of combat arms, there is heavy lifting in most combat arms trades......Then agian there is about ten times the heavy lifting in Engineering.

What type of activites effect your back?....sometimes a sore back can be avoided by useing the proper lifting tools and of course proper lifting...(with your legs)

Moderator edit : Keep your stupid comments about other trades to yourself, this is a freebie warning
Sapper.Murray said:
It depends on how bad your back is. Iam on my 3`s right now...we ruck every second day, we do do alot of lifting everyday. I ended up getting nerve damnage in my back durning Basic, it hasnt fully healed up, but with all the lifting, rucking and Push ups and chin ups we do I can put up with the pain, its not much anymore anyways. If it something that would dibiltate you I would recomend anything out side of combat arms, there is heavy lifting in most combat arms trades......Then agian there is about ten times the heavy lifting in Engineering.

What type of activites effect your back?....sometimes a sore back can be avoided by useing the proper lifting tools and of course proper lifting...(with your legs)

Moderator edit : Keep your stupid comments about other trades to yourself, this is a freebie warning

Watch it or I will make you swim Swan Lake  >:D