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I'm currently beginning the process of switching from Naval Combat Systems Engineering (Officer) to MARS.  I'm in my last year of University under the ROTP program and have IAP, BOTP and NETP-O under my belt.  I'm am very familiar with the training that comes next (for both trades) (MARS III and IV / NEI) But I know with my limited time in the forces that there are many things I don't know about what the future would hold for me in either trade.  Has anyone done this transfer before or thought of doing, and what do people believe are the pros and cons on either trade.  I know people love telling me that I'm making the wrong decision.  However, I have family who are MARS officers so I do know what the job is like, and I come from a back ground of sailing and working on ships.
I'd say those people are probably right, but then again, I'm likely somewhat biased. Meh, if you think ship-driving is your thing, have at 'er. I don't know of anyone else who had done the switch in that direction. I do know someone who made the switch towards CSE, but that was because he washed out of MARS training.

Personally, I like being a CSE. Most other CSEs I know also seem to like it. A lot of MARS people I know do not like it. Especially those still under training. Some, however, seem to love it. Your mileage may vary.