Posted by "John Pullman" <> on Fri, 26 Nov 1999 11:19:56 -0800
In the Airborne, I would always do the simple version. One of the big boxes
of milk from the mess, one big round drum of vanilla ice cream from the same
location, one 40 ounce of rum dark or light, one 26 of tia maria, nutmeg
and cinammon. The ice cream kept it cold and creamy. Simple yet efficient.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rhett
Date: November 26, 1999 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: Moosemilk
>Though quite different than most of you would think, the RMR managed to
>concoct a recipe for the drink and was borne out of things at hand that
>were found on a field exercise some time during the early
>60s...................... That‘s when it was permissible to have a rum
>ration given the troops while cold and wet.........remember the good old
>The Moosemilk recipe of The Royal Montreal Regiment is:
>One part Rum poured liberally
>Three parts condensed milk preferably Carnation
>One part packaged hot chocolate powder.... anyone‘s will do
>Stir slowly over heat until hot, not enough to burn the tongue etc.
>Drink with gusto out of your canteen cup...........
>One may add additional rum for effect..........
>Have a good time.........
>Rhett Lawson
>Ian Edwards wrote:
>> Does anyone know a good recipe for moosemilk?
>> Is this strictly a Canadian Forces Xmas/NewYears/Levee
>> hair of the dog, or is it common in other armies?
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