Er, no.
Cost Centre. Example 5001AA. Organizational entity within DND/CF that will be attributed the expenditure.
Fund. Example L101. Type of funding - L for Local, C for corporate, can be Operations and maintenance, Pay, or Capital (and many variations thereof)
General Ledger account. Example 2106. Categorization of expenditure - for example travel (further broken down into domestic, international, for course, for meetings...), fuel, professional services, pay. These fall within categories dictated by treasury board, and roll up into "standard objects"
Internal Order. Example GRC0000FUBAR or 7895631. Used to group like expenditures. Can be across multiple cost centres, or are often used as subordinate cost centres. Thus, a unit with a cost centre of 5001AA ("The Buckshot Fusiliers") might have an IO to track unit administration, one to track a winter warfare exercise, others fora variety fo other purposes.