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Facial Armour... Thoughts?

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? integrate as part of Vehicle kit.
For drivers, Gunners & Crew commanders.

maybe we should paint on a duck's bill instead of a smilie (for those that are sitting ducks in their vehicle cabs).
I agree with Big Red on the issue for a turret - but on a LAV or other AFV - IMHO for the GWagon, the Thombs and Bolen glass shield is a better approach and could be intergrated to a Hummer pretty easy and it is LIV glass (or LVI) IIRC...

I dont forsee it being ANY good for a dismounted shooter -- both wieght and FOV issues - as well and breathing.

I'd be willing to try it tail gunning in my Soft Skin 4 Runner though...
At least it would keep the brass from a M249 Para off my face  ;D

So wearing glasses. Its hot I am running will they steam up? When I breathe will it steam up?
How fraking cold will it be on my cheeks in the winter...
.is it beleclava compatible.?..
Will I have to get a bib from dental to keep the condensation spit drool that acumulates in it from staining my Cbt's?
Is wearing this for extended periods of time going to be bad for my future health? (lung issues, carceogenic)
Is this just something else that is cool for the first bit that will be hated and trashed in a year or so?
Is it worth it? Bullet may go through my cheeks however wearing this might  break my jaw.....
Can I still move my head around with as much dexterity with it on?
does it have a drinking tube?

You could keep one in your golf bag, just incase your ball lands near an IED or UXO ;D
Pte.Pinky said:
You could keep one in your golf bag, just incase your ball lands near an IED or UXO ;D

Yes, and i could also stuff my #1 driver right up your a** too
geo said:
? integrate as part of Vehicle kit.
For drivers, Gunners & Crew commanders.

I don't think it would be a good idea if drivers should wear this piece of kit. It would really restrict your field of vision.  Maybe if your driving a AFV with hatches up.
Although lighterweight (not sure level of armour protection), Dutch CH47 Chinook crewman already have something similar in theatre here.



Looks like the simunition darth vader mask - and we all know how useful that is....
I've foud that the biggest problem with the simunition mask is that the goggles are attached to, and not separate from the mask (which leads to fogging since one's breath is forced up into the goggles). Since this "facial armour" doesn't attach directly to any eye protection I don't think there would be as much of a fogging problem. But I do agree that those darth vader masks really do suck.

Pleading ignorance on that one, what's the deal with the masks you guys are mentioning?

It's the mask that everyone is forced to wear when training with simunition (little plastic bullets filled with colouring that are fired from modified C7s and C8s). After wearing the mask for a few minutes it becomes impossible to see, let alone clear a room (simunition is used mainly for FIBUA training, AFAIK). Google can tell you a lot about simunition.

Ahhh, seen.  I would think the airflow for aircrew would keep it clear.  I thought thses were different as they seen to be a custom fit for the Gentex HGU-56P helo helmet...

Duey said:
Although lighterweight (not sure level of armour protection), Dutch CH47 Chinook crewman already have something similar in theatre here.

I was going to trade for one (pure LCF) until the crew chief told me it wasnt armoured at all, just a piece of plastic. He said they are going to make an armoured version however.
Big Red said:
I was going to trade for one (pure LCF) until the crew chief told me it wasnt armoured at all, just a piece of plastic. He said they are going to make an armoured version however.

BR, I heard that the life support guys in Ft. Rucker were trialling an armoured version but hadn't heard whether it had made the street yet...

GO!!! said:
Looks like the simunition darth vader mask - and we all know how useful that is....

Yeah impossible to aim with that ****** on.  Also funny hpw they say "scratch-resistant polycarbonate" in the link poted above... cuz the masks ive used had so many scratch on them you could hardly see anything
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