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Dilemma: Current reservist and pacemakers / heart problem


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I am not going through recruiting, but I don't /know where else to post this. Currently I am a reservist.

I've been healthy all my life. I don't smoke, consume alcohol, caffeine, soft drinks, do drugs or the like.

This week I have been diagnosed with Type II Atrioventricular Heart Block which is a type of heart arrhythmia, where my heart literally skips beats. For medically inclined people, in the normal PQRST wave, and will have PP QRST at times, then normal other times. I can feel the palpitations sometimes. I feel perfectly fine though, although lately sometimes I'll feel fatigued.

My cardiologist said this normally gets worse 90% of the time, and recommends a pacemaker. He says I MAY pass out from time to time if it gets worse, although that is not happening now. My heart rate was lower than Lace Armstrong's in his office (31 beats / minute, although I kinda think /that's half a minute because that is seriously low, and I measured it after and it was definately twice that). My blood pressure has gone to 85/38 last month.

I do work out and run 15k 2 times / week, sometimes 3 times a week, although that is far from overtraining so I don't think that is the cause.

Are pacemakers allowed in the CF?

I can't find any medical regulations, but I am pretty sure this disqualifies me from the CF and any tours. Anyone have any words on this?

I'm so confused and distraught. I love my job, but it feels like it's coming to an end.

I'm thinking of seeing how it goes (I'm on a 4 month waiting list for my pacemaker so lots of further tests and anything can happen) and NOT telling my chain of command for the time being until I really feel worse.

What on earth do I do?  ???
Do you mean a moral dilemma?  If that's the case, I don't see a choice between two wrongs here; I only see a choice between a right course of action and a wrong one.  Honesty, integrity...how much do those mean to you?

I'm not trying to be an asshole, but the only way to see through a question of character is to look at it in the starkest possible terms.
For my $0.02 worth, I think your chain of command or someone you work with or for might figure something out one day when you turn a funny colour of white, start sweating alot and then hammer in because your heart rate and BP either bottomed out on you or stop outright, as Type 2 Heart Blocks like to do sometimes.  Like Brad says, you have to face up to yourself, reality and your CoC. 

To be realistic, think of who you'd be letting down if something went wrong while you were driving a vehicle loaded with troops or you were in a firefight and something bad happened - it wouldn't just be yourself, it would be everybody around you and anyone who has to look after you as well.

As for the Regs on this, I'm pretty sure there is likely to be a category issue of basically at least G4O4 because of the pacer and follow up required, but that's for DMedPol and the CRB to figure out.

I'm really sorry to hear about your problem, and while I think you should continue to hope and pray for the best, I think you should plan for the possibility of having to do something other than soldiering, at least for now.


Do the right thing, look after yourself. After all, and at the end of the day, its your life and future, and somtimes we have to do things we don't like, and leaving something you love and enjoy doing is difficult. Your heath and well being are paramount, as is those around you who you work with.

Remember that.

Good luck, and I hope things turn out for the best.

Time to retire from the CF.

The army is a career for up to 30 yrs...your life is much longer then that.
One of my buddies has a pacemaker, he is 24 years old.  He is trying to get into the CF but also does not know if having a pacemaker will be a restriction.  Is there any way he will not be aloud to join?  Thanks
BushmasterBob said:
Is there any way he will not be aloud to join? 

Hmmm...trying to find an answer so that it doesn't sound like a sarcastic remark....

It is highly unlikey they will allow him to join.

...it is unfortunately time for you to think about retiring. I know you're still young, heck by your profile, you're the same age as I am. However, your existing medical condition will likely bar you from future and further career advancement. If you're thinking about a tour, well, I'm sorry to say, that's not going to happen. The same maybe for many other things in the future.

It is a hard and sad decision to make, when you contemplate about leaving the military. However, like StMMT said, your life is longer then 30yrs and we, including yourself should greatly want that to be so. I wish you all the best.


I agree with others as well, don't be foolish, better take care yourself first health wise otherwise you be having regrets if anything happens if you enroll and something bad will happen ..  :salute: