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Conan O‘Brien - Dissing the Canadians?

Canadians make fun of Yanks all the time.
Heck, Rick Mercer makes a living just doing that.

Maybe some PC idiots got upset because it‘s just the Quebecois Conan was targeting. Someone send Conan a note saying he must make fun of all Canadians so that PC idiots can be appeased.
Is it just me, or are Quebecors starting to come off as extremely insecure, anal, crybabies who have no sense of humor, and cannot handle insults?

We have 3 "MAJOR" incidences being discussed at length in our national and international press, one of which has been escalated to a political level.

We have Nelly Furtado allegedly omiting French words from the national anthem, although its been stated in the press that no one can seem to define what word/s they may have been. Poor pronunciation, definately, but this is a girl who grew up in British Columbia and MAYBE had 3 or 4 years of French language classes in Highschool. Cut her some slack, it should be enough that she put forth the effort to learn the anthem partially in French, to sing at an American basketball event.

We have Don Cherry making his usual comments about the French and Europeans being "soft" hockey players. His "Europeans and French guys" comment came moments after he explained why he saw it that way, which is that on the most French populated hockey team in the league, the Montreal Canadiens, you have 17 players wearing visors, more than any other team. In context, you can see how he may have come to that conclusion (although we all know its incorrect by now).
What his French detractors are lacking is the ability to keep perspective when feeling insulted. I mean everybody knows that Don Cherry has harboured to questionable feelings towards non English speaking non Canadian born players. Its just one part of his obnoxious charm, and in my opinion he has come a long way toward warming to all nationalities and language groups of hockey players.
Don Cherry is not a symbol of biggotry, he gives credit to all where credit is due, however he feels free to express his fondness (or preference if you will) for the hard nosed grinders and work horses that Canada has a knack for producing. So what? He voices his opinion once a week for five minutes, he‘s hardly the last word in hockey. If you don‘t like his opinion, then change the channel back from CBC to SRC, and let the rest of us enjoy his hot winded tirades, we can choose for ourselves if we think he‘s full of it or not. I dont need the French Language Coalition or whatever they are called to dictate what is appropriate for me to view, thank you very much.

Lastly, we have the Conan Obrian incident with his puppet. I didn‘t see the bit, but when I read it, I totally laughed. His comedy is hilarious, and the jokes he made at the Quebecors expense are outrageously funny.
The people who are upset about it are definately not endearing themselves to those of us who enjoy some self depricating humor. They are making huge waves about a brief bit done on an american late night talk show, and quite frankly I feel embarassed that it has reached a political level. What do you think the Americans think of our ability to accept a joke? To Americans, as well as most Canadians, Quebec is just a part of Canada, and their anal, crybaby attitude reflects back on all of us.

Maybe they failed to see the previous episodes where Conan constantly made homosexual inuendo ladden comments to every Canadian he met. Or how he constantly drew attention to the CN Tower, and eluded to the fact that we collectively have a national fixation, or insecurity about penis size. Or when he hung around Toronto all day with Canada‘s most recognisable homosexual Scott Thompson, dancing naked with the Stanley Cup and watching male gay pornography in a bar where he apparently knows everyone.

I mean wow, he made a homosexual reference toward the French? I certainly don‘t feel bad for them, since they got off easy. The jokes were in good nature as our easy realationship with the States usually allows, poking fun at stereotypes.

I don‘t really see why they even get mad at the stereotypes, since if we poked fun at the real flaws of Quebec, it would be a lot worse. Canadians who don‘t want to be Canadians, A Province viewed as the serious, humourless spastic, and unforgiving crybaby of the family, who you forever have to watch what you say around because they will freak out with the slightest provocation and will never let you forget about it.

If there are any French speaking induviduals, or Quebec residing induviduals reading this post, I‘m going to tell you right now that I‘m not interested in a flaming war. I‘m not spreading anti French views around, I‘m making comments about the way *I* see people perceiving Quebec as a whole these days.
I came from a familiy very much like the Brady Bunch, only half of the family is French. The youngest two of my family have grown up entirely bilingual, with a lot of emphasis on their Quebec heritage which I fully support and encourage their confidence in. So I don‘t want to hear any whinning, you can‘t make a case against me for spreading anti Quebec propoganda. Just accept that by making such a huge deal about every little thing, the image of a strong proud Quebec is becoming tarnished, and is taking on the reflection of that tattle tale kid in the schoolyard that you loved to take shots at, even though you knew he would cry to the principal
I agree with you GrahamD. What i dont understand is, most of the comedians at the Montreal Comedy Festival make jokes about the french, half their acts are based on Quebec. The audience is laughing hysterically. Which brings me to wonder if it is in fact the people that are taking offence to this, or is it just their political leaders?

Last night on The National there was a woman commenting on how this entire scandal thing should be down sized since its shedding a bad light on Quebec and its people, and creating an even bigger divide between Quebec and the rest of Canada. If Im not mistaken, its Quebec that wants to seperate, not the rest of Canada?!

I dont want to cause a huge issue here, Im just stating what I‘ve picked up over the last while.

It does seem that the tension is growing once again between the province and the rest of Canada.
I saw this skit when it was first aired and thought it was hilarious. Maybe some of the individuals who were the brunt of the joke might take offense ‘cause it‘s a personal attack, but I see no reason for the Quebec people in general to be up in arms about it.

I haven‘t heard of any sort of response from anyone in the news who isn‘t some sort of politician. I personally think nobody East of Ottawa really gives a crap. It‘s all just overblown.
Why is it Ok for Conan to say these things about French Canadians (In Quebec)... as most you posting above seem to think this was funny... no harm, no foul.

What if these same remarks were made for example about Jews, Blacks or Homosexuals ? Would it still be ok, I think most would agree it wouldn‘t be and that they would be "vile racist" remarks... but because its about French Canadians it is OK and FUNNY?

The comments made by Conan and the de-facing of street signs was inappropriate and ignorant.

His comments WOULD BE racist, if not for the fact that Quebec‘ers or French Canadians aren‘t a race...


I think this entire racist issue is on a very thin line. When it is intended to hurt or downsize the person, it is wrong. I take no offence when a friend calls me a "cakey" because i know its just in good fun. i have a black friend, and i call him "my n__" all the time. He knows im joking, and no hard feelings are ever drawn from it.

Its the sensitive people who feel that every comment is directed at them in a hurtful way that are complaining.

if i were french, i wouldnt care?

I have alot of American friends, think I lose my head everytime they take shots at me? No, I laugh at it, because to be honest...half the stuff they‘re saying is true and funny.
The CF term is SHARP training, and ErorZ are you French Canadian? If not then why get all bent out of shape. I am sure there are a few Quebecois who were offended, but they are in the minority.
We are making a big deal over nothing.
Take "Talking To Americans". Was Mercer making fun of Americans? Yes he was. Would some find it offensive? Maybe, but Jay Leno does a similar skit on his show regularly and a lot of people find it funny.
Most adults can tell the difference (or at least should be able to) between something made in jest and something that is meant to be offensive.

Do comics make fun of their own ethnicity? Yes they do. Do we still laugh? Yes. Because most people can recognize a joke when they see/hear one.
Erorz.. what if what if. What if everytime someone up north made a funny comment about americans or god forbid GWB. If the Americans were a race we‘d be in a heap of trouble too. Too many what ifs. Fact of the matter is that French canadians are not a race and that Conan or anyone else can make fun of them just as they can make fun of anyone else. Just because you don‘t like it, doesn‘t mean you have to scream bloody murder and try to censor the person.
Sorry, I need to clarify my own mistake. Depending on the sources, the following words can mean differente things, such as... (Webster)

Race - a subgroup of human population that shares a greater number of physical traits with one another than they do with those of other subgroups, also can be defined as a group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution


Racism â “ Prejudice PLUS power; the systematic mistreatment of any group of people which isolates and divides human beings from each other; the systematic discrimination and exploitation of human beings on the basis of race...etc

***Now to comment***

I don‘t believe in double standards either. No argument from me... but somethings you can‘t say to certain group, in certain circumstances. Something like "Your in North America, speak the language". Canada has 2 OFFICAL languages, and they have the right to speak either, this is not something you say anywhere in Canada. BTW, if Conan was to actually go see other groups and tell them that... wonder what everyones reaction would be...

Your argument is often used, "my friend doesn‘t mind when I call him n****, he knows its all in fun." Was Conan talking to his buddy buddy when he was talking to the people on the street ? Your argument does not work.

"and ErorZ are you French Canadian? If not then why get all bent out of shape."

What if it doesn‘t affect me I shouldn‘t bother ? World famine, aids, the war in Iraq does not affect me either... should I not care ?

I never screamed bloody murder about this, I jsut don‘t think defacing municipal property and insulting people with un-intelligent remarks to be funny. Personally I don‘t think most of it was that bad, but he did cross the line a few times.

Yes, of course, except most of his jokes were directed at the French (from France), so why did he do this in Quebec... could he not pay for a ticket to France... to expensive for him was it ?

P.S. I am French Canadian, not a Quebec‘er, even though I was born and lived in Quebec all my life. I voted Liberal in the last provincial and federal elections. My work collegue, which is an English Canadian (from Ontario) is actually more appalled by Conan‘s remarks then I am.

But no worries, as he said, we won‘t take what you guys say to seriously, you must be Westerners. :p
BTW, no need to take this any further... as stated, I am not offended by it personally, I just feel... somethings you can and some you cannot and before saying something you‘d best be informed.

This is after all a Politically correct world. :p
Oh for the love of God, CONAN IS A COMEDIAN. He‘s supposed to make people laugh, even if it IS racist. And I mean, how many people stayed up till the wee hours to watch that show. I think maybe the people in Quebec are taking it a wee bit far, (no offence to all of you in Quebec.)

I think maybe Quebequers who heard O‘Brien call them loud, rude people should reflect upon what makes him say that. If they are offended by the fact that what he said may be true for certain individuals, maybe that signifies time for a change. Maybe they could realize, "Hey, I need to work on becoming a better person so that in the future such things aren‘t said about me and my people."
And the Quebequers who aren‘t loud, rude and notorius doughnut eaters should dissmiss it because they‘re not giving their province a bad reputation.

That‘s how it is, folks, best as I can put it.

(P.S: I didn‘t mean to offend anyone in posting this message. If I did, I‘m sorry.)
Lexi: Actually I think nobody really cares... more so in Quebec.

Also, try not to generalize so much. It‘s the root to all racist remarks...
Originally posted by ErorZ:
P.S. I am French Canadian, not a Quebec‘er, even though I was born and lived in Quebec all my life. I voted Liberal in the last provincial and federal elections. My work collegue, which is an English Canadian (from Ontario) is actually more appalled by Conan‘s remarks then I am.
WHAT !!! You voted liberal in the last federal election ??? This is a lot more insulting than Conan‘s stunt !!! :D
BTW, I‘m French-Canadian, living in Québec, and I don‘t hear anyone talking about this... seems like another political stunt.
From what I saw, most of the people he talked to on the street were European tourists... no wonder they looked confused. I think only the 2 guys in fur coats were locals...
This is just another case of the media requiring a message so they make a controversy where there is‘nt one. The problem is with all the media outlets today they require a constant stream of "new" news. The more stupid things they can bring to the table the more air time they can consume with it. My wife is french-canadian and volunteers at my daughters french school and no one there could care less.You can be sure the moment that aired some moron "reporter" went screaming into the streets to find another moron who felt the need to get his part of the "15" minutes. Oh by the way I heard part of his apology from last‘s night show on Bob and Tom this morning and if you understand any french you MUST listen, it‘s as funny as TV gets nowadays. CHEERS