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Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

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What you need to is go into your orderly room as soon as you get back and fill out the online component transfer application. It is a very simple form, posting preference, deu preference, trade and preferred transfer date. As well as basic contact information. (In theory you could do it in Valcartier, but you need information such as your chief clerk's contact information, so it is much easier to have your CC or someone within the OR assist you).

I'm not sure how badly they need cooks (assuming you are planning on going that route), but i'd be willing to bet that your file will not move that quickly until you become fully dp 1.0 qualified. So what you need to is tell your ops PO (through the COC) that you are available for the next dp 1.0 (assuming you are). Once you graduate you tell your broker (assuming you know who her or she is) at DMCPG-5 that you are 3's qualified (sent them a copy of your MPRR as well). In the meantime you wait and get whatever cls A/B/C you can or civvy work on the side until your CT goes through. Which will be months - years.

You can't release and reapply either because you aren't OFP qualified which means if you do you will have to wait a year to reapply. 
It it possible to get loaded on a RegF QL3 Cook course, while still serving in the Reserve. I've sent two of my cooks out in the last two years. You should let your training department know that you would like to go this route, and that you're willing to make yourself available. You might then have your CT progress more smoothly.
Simply put, can I make a counter offer after receiving a CT offer?

I just received an offer to move from PRes GEO to Reg F Geo.
I was awarded Pte 2 salary, but I was hoping for Pte 3 as I've been in for 4 years and have Cpl 0 pay.  I was INT before but didn't finish all the training so I switched to GEO which I should have done long ago as it's my thing.

This spring I was awarded an advanced diploma in Geographic Sciences from a reputable Geomatics school that MCE sends it's GEO techs to for survey training.
I also have a degree from a recognized university (major in Geography).

I was offered a job in the US with a salary of $52000 USD, and the ranges of salaries of similar jobs in Canada are similar.
Will this be taken into consideration if I make a counter offer? (If I can make one)

Advice is appreciated,

This is not a recruiter question, CFRC does not handle CTs anymore.

You get what pay scale they determine based on 1/1 Cl B days and 1/4 ratio for Cl A days. You didn't work enough Cl A days, so you get Pte(2). Take it or leave it. You'll be a Cpl making 60k in 2 years anyways.
EPZ = 4 Dec 18
This is when I am due for my Cpl rank again I take it?

And does TCP mean I will be bumped to Pte 3 IPC in 1 year and 268 days?  Or does it mean 93 days after accepting the offer I will be bumped up to Pte 3 IPC?

I really appreciate both of your responses.  Puckchaser, sorry for posting in the wrong area.  This seemed most appropriate when I was looking at places to post.
You move to Pte3 97 days after you start in the RegF.

Were you just promoted to Cpl very recently? It is my understanding that Cpl is an uncontrolled rank, and you should go Cpl to Cpl. There is a CFAO on CTs that would give you clarity here. It's possible if it's a recent promotion they may not have had that info when rendering the decision, going off your Pte rank.
I think he might have been promoted to AL/Cpl so he is coming back in his substantive rank (Pte).
cptstubing said:
Simply put, can I make a counter offer after receiving a CT offer?
I just received an offer to move from PRes GEO to Reg F Geo.
I was awarded Pte 2 salary, but I was hoping for Pte 3 as I've been in for 4 years and have Cpl 0 pay.  I was INT before but didn't finish all the training so I switched to GEO which I should have done long ago as it's my thing.
This spring I was awarded an advanced diploma in Geographic Sciences from a reputable Geomatics school that MCE sends it's GEO techs to for survey training.
I also have a degree from a recognized university (major in Geography).
I was offered a job in the US with a salary of $52000 USD, and the ranges of salaries of similar jobs in Canada are similar.
Will this be taken into consideration if I make a counter offer? (If I can make one)
Advice is appreciated,

It's your CT, you can do anything you want.  If you feel that the TCP and or IC Credits being offered seem to be a bit low, you can always ask WHY?  I'm sure DMCPG will be happy to explain the details associated with the offer which they have presented to you.

TCP = Time Credit towards Promotion
IPC = Incentive Pay Category
IC = Incentive Credits
cptstubing said:
EPZ = 4 Dec 18
This is when I am due for my Cpl rank again I take it?

EPZ = Enters Promotion Zone, basically the earliest you can be promoted to Cpl.

Find and have a read of CFA0 49-4. 

IAW with Mil Pers Instruction 03/08 which amplifies the DAOD governing CT, EPZ is determined as part of the PLAR process.  Specifically, the processing CFRC would have reviewed all your training to date and a PLAR would have been submitted to the occupational authority who would then determine rank level and EPZ based on transferable skills.  I note you recently graduated from a course particular to GEO . . . is the CFRC aware of the graduation?

Time Credit for Promotion (TCP) and Pay Increment (PI) shall be based on Previous Full Time Paid Service (PFTPS) calculations Incentive Pay for CT from Res F to Reg F is calculated based on all available information.  IAW policy, there is no guaranteed pay protection on transfer from the Res F to the Reg F.  Conditions for pay protection include (1) Members must have Operationally Functional Period (OFP) which is defined by the individual MOSID but in a nutshell you are trained to standard (determined by the MOSID) to be functionally employed; (2) PLAR and Review of Previous Experience must demonstrate appropriate rank level; and (3) There must be a position in the target MOSID available at the targeted rank.

If you think your TCP was not properly calculated or you have concerns about your PLAR, I would definitely talk to the CFRC . . . it might not change but it can't hurt to ask.


Andraste said:
If you think your TCP was not properly calculated or you have concerns about your PLAR, I would definitely talk to the CFRC . . . it might not change but it can't hurt to ask.

CFRC's don't manage the CT process, so any questions you have regarding your CT Offer will need to be sent to your CT Broker at DMCPG 5-2.
For now I am going to stick with my unit, I am graduated, and have completed Mods 2 and 4, as well as the unit taught NETP which I think is only Mod 1, not sure though to be brutally honest.

I am going into my unit tomorrow, to fix up my AVREP and let them know I want to get on the next courses as soon as humanly possible, whether it's QL3 first or the rest of my NETP course. (I have been told I can do my QL before the rest of my NETP).

From what I have been told is I won't need MITE codes however it can speed the process up.... Though I am not sure where I can find those other than I know they can be found on DWAN, also how does one get put on a class b contract without being fully qualified? Is it even possible to be attached to a unit other than my home unit as an untrained OS?
AlphaBravo said:
From what I have been told is I won't need MITE codes however it can speed the process up.... Though I am not sure where I can find those other than I know they can be found on DWAN, also how does one get put on a class b contract without being fully qualified? Is it even possible to be attached to a unit other than my home unit as an untrained OS?

I'd ask around your unit (Through the COC) and see if someone can find you some work, but I'd put the priority on getting fully trade qualified as that will speed up your CT and it will also open up more employment opportunities. 

Edit: added (Through the COC)
AlphaBravo said:
how does one get put on a class b contract without being fully qualified?

Class B
ONT said:
However just wondering if you can get a class B without being fully qualified?

NFLD Sapper said:
Most units will not send you on tasking until you are at least trades qualified.

Do you have to be Qualified ??? RESERVE 
krimynal said:
WAS IT POSSIBLE to have a class B without being trade qualified.  Like people already said , no it's not possible.

See also,

Class B
Thanks for your replies, unfortunately I can't even request to go on my next courses until my unit starts parading in September, as my training department isn't in until then. So again I am on hurry up and wait haha.
As a reservist I've been told that its much faster to get into the regforce by releasing and rejoining. Can anyone confirm this to be true? I've been told this by multiple people and judging by the 1 1/2 year wait into a trade that is always "hiring" I think I should have taken the advice.
My issue is that I recently added to my application to get into Marine Eng, which is the trade that I now want. However I was told that there is only 1 spot available this year, even though my local recruiting center and CF website states that its in demand. Any advice would be appreciated.
Releasing and rejoining may be an option ( that's the one I chose ) But its not that easy and that fun.

- I for one , lost my rank / pay scales.
- Also if ever something were to happen to you during the time you are out , lets see they discover an illness or anything , it might prevent you from    joining back at all.
- it might take you longer than the actually transfer since you need to wait AT LEAST 6 months before applying , then the trade might not still be open , then once it opens back your file might not be as competitive
- You will be questioned on why you left , and your file might take longer to process in Ottawa since they need to get all of your previous stuff from the previous enrollment

So yeah it may be faster , but there is no certainty about that .... if they give you a 1 year waiting period for transfer , just wait 1 year and be happy .... I released and reapply because they told me it would take anywhere between 5 to 7 years to transfer , so it was worth a shot