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Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

I finished all the steps in the application process about 1 month ago in Hamilton.
I too was told that I had been "Merit Listed".
My MOC of choice is the 291 Comm Research.  I am told that they are looking at an opening in the 3rd quarter which is the Fall 2004.  The recruiter at the front desk informed me that this could be at the earliest in the begginning of September or at the lastest in the middle of October.  However, he did tell me that this is subject to change at a moment's notice because basically what determines whether or not the trade is open is : a) enough people have registered to warrant sending to BMQ
                      b) whether it coincides with the times the BMQ and subsequent SQ courses are held.

Apparently, they could phone you one day to tell you the good news about an actual date for BMQ to begin and that would be roughly 2-3 before -- just to give you enough time to prepare things here during your training.

About the merit list -- I inquired at the front desk about it and he told me there was no relative ranking based on your test scores....I don't know if this is entirely accurate or if I misunderstood...For instance, after my physical test I knew that I exceeded  all the base-line pre-requisites and I wanted to know where I ranked on the Merit List and they told me it was just Pass or Fail because sometimes there are so many candidates to be tested they don't have time to wait for someone to show they can do 62 push-ups instead of the 22 needed....

Being merit listed doesn't mean that you are going to get an offer, if 100 people are merit listed and you are listed as #99, you could still have a long wait. Your standing on the merit list is determined by your overall military potential, the person who conducted your interview has a list of assessment factors that they use to determine your military potential, one of them is physical fitness.  Testing is not just pass or fail, everything is considered, how well you scored on the CFAT, physical fitness, education, so on. 
I too am applying for MOC 291 Comm Research.  Did I understand right, there will be "one" opening in Fall 2004?  Only "one" opening?  If this is the case, man, if 100 of us across Canada have applied for this then our chances of getting into this MOC is like "0"

Who told you there was only "one" position avail for 291?
Hajdut777, two messages above me.  He sort of implies that there is only one position available.
I doubt they're going to run a course with 1 person. Although there might alot of ppl in a PAT platoon waiting for course.
were all gonna get there, August will be a magical month but september will bethe month business will be taken care of. trust me. all the info i have lead to that and my recruiting centre seems VERY organized and VERY informative with dates and such. so wait it out, more time to improve yourself and get ready for the big test.  :army:
Sorry man, I didn't mean to imply "one" position....My mistake....
Sorry I didn't have time before to expand upon what I meant....

I was informed that they were waiting enough applicants to the 291 before they would send all of those chosen (I guess after choosing from the merit list)  to BMQ in St. Jean.  I don't know how often this opening comes about but I do not think it is as frequent as some other MOC trades....They simply gave me a rough timeline of the "3rd quarter" of 2004 which means sometime in the fall when they would like to put those applying to the 291 through the BMQ and SQ together.
This Friday I get half a day off work and I would like to visit the recruiting centre to see if there is any more recent  information they can give me about when we would be getting a phone call....
:cdn: I would like to comment on the post by tracker in the reply to cath Taylor.
you mention Military potential. I am an X Member Of the RCR with a a couple of Tours under my belt.I went to renllist to Material Tech I am a certified Machinist And  a Ceritfied millwright. i wanted semi skilled and the add from the CF clearly states that you only need some of the MOC to qualify for this entry plan. However some retired warrant officer who has all the say in Borden said That since I didn't have autobody I could not obtain semi skilled status but that I was a strong candiate.

So don't give your excuses Tracker you sound like the rest of the recruiters.
What does the merit list have to do with this?   Complain is PM's or in the thread you are talking about plz.
ruksak what the hell do your post have to do with the topic?
I completed my Medical and Interview about a month ago and the recruiting officer said I would be placed on the merrit list around the begining of Augest. I still havn't recieved a call on my status yet (maybe I should give them a call to see where my file is  ???). I'm going for Reg Force Infantry...

I am not sure what your comment has to do with the topic you chose to post it under.  Anyway, being considered "skilled" or "semi-skilled" is only a small portion of determining your military potential, as is previous service and "a couple of tours under your belt."

Did the add you are referring to specify what areas of the MOC you needed? 

If the "retired warrant officer who has all the say in Borden" says you are not semi-skilled, then you are not semi-skilled.  We probably have enough machinists and millwrights but are short in the auto body area.

At the risk of sounding "like the rest of the recruiters," have you considered the Navy?

I didn't think I was giving excuses, just telling it like it is, if the rest of you in this forum think I'm making excuses, let me know and I'll keep my comments to myself.
OK maybe I made a mistake of posting under the wrong heading I should have commented directly to you Tracker. Now having said that, You and I both know the Armed forces will try and channel people to areas where there is a void. not necessarily where the person wants to go or is best suited to. if you look at the trade Mat Tech 441 on the Recruiting site you Will see the requirements. i was referring to the the semi skilled entry plan where it states that one would only need some or part of the MOC.

I doubt the CF has enough Machinist and Millwrights, I Know of people who spent 10 years in and had to write for their ticket after they left the Forces.

As far as all the entrance requirements to the Armed Forces I aced them all, PT.Interview.Aptitude etc: Sorry about the comment about excuses I guess I was just a bit frustrated. :salute:
Well I got my offer yesterday for MOC 291.  I'm extremely happy about the offer especially since  I've been accepted in MOC 291.  The only problem, is since yesterday I've been having this extreme separation anxiety ------ and I haven't even left yet!!!!!  Is this normal?  I'm happy that I got what I wanted but at the same time I can barely cope with the thought of leaving my family and friends.  Sure would like to know if this feeling is only temporary as I sure hope it is.

In the recruiting centre that I work at, we do not channel people into areas where there is a void.  We have a list of all the occupations in the CF and their hiring status, anyone who has been in CFRC Toronto looking into the Regular Force can tell you about it.  This list indicates the jobs that are hiring for unskilled, skilled, semi-skilled or closed.  The choice is then yours, you channel yourself either into an occupation that is looking for troops now, or take your chances on one that is closed and hope that it opens up soon. 

I tried to look at the semi-skilled requirments for 441 today but it kept giving me an error message so I can't address that one.  I do know however, that the Career Manager for each occupation determines what is to be considered skilled or semi-skilled, not a website that might be out of date.

"I doubt the CF has enough Machinist and Millwrights,"  How do you know?  From the 16 years I spent in Infantry Battalions, I never once saw a Mat Tech using a milling machine, I saw lots of them using a weilder and a sewing machine. 

"I Know of people who spent 10 years in and had to write for their ticket after they left the Forces."???  I don't get this one.

You can Ace every part of the selection and still not merit a job offer.  I can understand your frustration, I might not be in your situation, but I deal everyday with people who are.  Don't be sorry, you did nothing more than vent, better here than in a CFRC somwhere.  Good luck, I hope things work out for you.
Contrats on your good news!!!!!
Did they give you a date when you will be leaving?  I still have to visit my recruiting office to talk with my case manager to see if I'm going or not..... ???
Congrats on the good news looking2enlist!!!!
Did they give you a definite date when you will be leaving to St. Jean?
*CDN*Blackhawk said:
Trav if they told you their is no such thing as a Merit list, they are pulling you chain.
Start calling your recruitment office every week to two week's and asking questions.

And yes i know how you feel when you say you always get a different answer,
I went through all the Malarcgy for 13 months before i got my offer, the wait was worth it.

their is a serious serious flaw in our recruitment system, No one ever seems to know whats going on, infact the day before i got my offer i was in the CFRC barrie and asked about where i stand.

I was told, that i would not hear anything at least untill september, the next day i got my call.
that just goes to show, they really have no clue other then the higher ups that you dont ever speak to.

Make sure to tell them your concern, that you have been waiting 14 months already and any other concerns, these RO's are not getting paid to feed you false info, they are getting paid to manage your application and answer every question you have the best they can, and thats somtimes still not good enough.

good luck it will be worth it in the end.

rgr that man. you said it right.

i initially applied for the Naval Res ( http://www.navres.dnd.ca/navres/don/Intro_e.htm )  and my interview went absolutely perfect, and the Captain gave me his full recommendation. he even told me why. but just a few days later, i decided to go for the Reg For Navy. i had my medical the next week and was issued my interview just 2 days later. i had the worst, most incompetent dragon b*tch you could imagine. it took all my patience to survive that. and if thats not bad enough, she told me i had to change my moc choices (all 3) because of a stipulation--1 day before my interview. i had been preparing for months. and to add insult to injury, the Seargants downstairs didnt even know that some criteria had been added to certain mocs 3 weeks prior. i found out a lot of info literally "on the spot" in my interview. the most gruelling 2 hrs of my life. and the day before i got advice from the worst jack-donkey...but in the end, it was worth it cause its finally over.

just waiting for my turn to be put on teh merit list also. but i cant emphasize how much sense you make with that point of the faulty communication and members not being "in the know" unless they belong to the senior brass. the system deffinately needs revision. those 2 individuals aside, the rest of the recruitment centre staff was so cool and supportive. they all know me now. and because of my enthusiasm, they gave me a Navy Poster. i was so happy. i hope no one else has bitter experiences. most recruiters are cool, but do your homework and browse the websites first. i must say stumbling onto this website really helps a lot (even though i found it at the end of my file process). lots of kind and inspirational ppl here willing to help. cant say enough good things about Army.ca.forum

thx all...Hooya :army: