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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Eye In The Sky said:
I don't know.  I won't comment because I don't know if what you were told was 'true' or 'who' said it.  Different people carry different...credibility.  Lots of people talk like they know the goods when they don't so...hard to offer an opinion on what is fact or otherwise.  But the SIP #s don't lie.

BTW...a lot of those "flat face civies" who were on the initial DE trial are now Cpl's in the Advanced Category and moving onto their 2nd tour.  I suspect you'll see the first of them promoted to MCpl in the next year if not sooner.  :2c:

Lots of people, in the past, who were VOTs, failed in Winnipeg.  Prior service may, or may not, give someone a 'leg up' in the AES OP trg system

Don't get me wrong, I feel your frustration.  VOT, OT or DE...there is no guarantee you will get offered a position in the trade and/or pass Winnipeg.  A lot of it is right time/right place/luck to get in the door.

Good luck!

Hey, I was a CT not a DE...when do I get my Cpl's damn it?!?!  LOL I hope it comes before i become an "Aviator"  :blotto:
hmmmm...I wonder if I should change my icon, whats your thoughts, LOL I just realized it is still a sea king
If you are going dry it should be a picture of the greyhound of death.

If you are going wet it should be a picture of a toaster.  ;D
weeellllll, I don't like the smell of burnt toast, so I guess it wont be a toaster  :dude:
Out with the old, In with the new  8) how does it look?  And I found this while browsing the Net......
I've been reading through this topic trying to gain a better understanding about what an aesop actually does day-to-day. Currently I'm a struc tech, but I've always wanted to work on an aircraft. I've read through the aircrew trades and on the forces.ca site and it sounds great. . . .but I know a job description and what you actually do at work all day can vary greatly.

So I guess to be quick about it; What exactly would you say an aesop does while at work? Is it alot of flying time and actual aesop specific work? or alot of prep and picking up box lunches.
Box lunches and stuff like that is delivered to the aircraft for us.  We just have to carry it up the stairs and stow it. 

I will talk from a 'first tour' LRP perspective, from after you are Wings qual'd and posted to a Sqn;  maybe a MH community pers will speak up about their life.

- once you are posted, you will have to wait for the next course to start.  Could be a few weeks to several months depending on a variety of factors.  While you are waiting, you will be employed in a spot that has some relevance to the job on the plane you will be doing, or how the Sqn operates.  You will get the opportunity to get up flying (as a passenger; you can't hold a crew spot until you are qualified).  Actually the flying is a requirement now for people waiting their next course.  During this time you could find yourself on a handful of different qualification/currency trg that our community is required to maintain such as weapons qual, CBRN, first aid, etc.

- time winds down and you start your platform course.  This will take you approx. 6 months.  You will go thru a ground phase (classroom), a simulator / flying phase.  Lots of studying, exams at the first and then your system knowledge will be assessed further in the flying phase on the aircraft. 

- graduate your course..now what?  I think this is the part you're looking for.

You will return to the Sqn and be put on a crew and start doing the 'day to day' job.  This includes actual flying which is pretty much broken down in what I will call "crew events" and "pilot proficiency flights".  Crew events are longer and you go thru a variety of different scenarios;  ASW, SAR, etc.  PPFs are more for the flight deck types and we go along to look after things in the back end and perform various crew duties.  These are more 3-4 hour flights where you have time to enjoy the scenery and you aren't staring at a screen the whole time.  Great way to get out of the crew room and away from the computer stuff.  I'd say you can expect 3 flying events a week as a normal expectation.  Could be less, or more but 3 is a safe number.  Some events require no prep work and others you could start prep work some time before it.

While not flying, as a first tour operator you will spend a lot of time enhancing your knowledge, both from a systems and tactical perspective covering a whole range of topics (I won't get into specifics on here obviously).  There are some informal/formal ways we do this.  We have an OJTP we go thru that details what subjects to what levels we need to touch on.

You have a fair amount of qualifications/currencies to maintain as well concurrently.  Some of them are "every 3 months min", annually, etc.  Maintaining them and tracking them takes some time.

Once you are qualified and in a crew slot, you will hold 'standby' crew every so often as well.  That usually means you have your stuff ready to go at a moments notice and are confined to the geographical area. 

All of those things together considered, I would say that 90-95% of your time/daily routine is spent on "flying time and actual AES Op specific work" as a first tour AES Op after you've completed your aircraft-specific course.  The OJTP is the focus and it dictates a lot of what you do, which is also AES Op specific so it is very focused.

The other time could be taken up by a secondary duty or other 'generic' stuff that comes up. 

I would say your time spent "counting drip-pans" and other "make work" stuff I've seen in previous trades is non-existent.  There is more than enough real work to be done.

All in all, a really super trade, if you like flying and can handle it in a multi-tasking environment, sometimes down low and being tossed around by a sporty sea-state.
Thanks a lot, I find it hard to gather the "true" information from something like the forces website.

Being in an aircrew trade which is focused on doing its job is enticing. How big would you say the trade is? I also heard a rumor that the "working trade" is a MCpl.
Currently in my trade there is a bottleneck of PLQ qualified cpl's, which is making promotion quite competitive. Is there anything like this for AESOP?
I would say no.  If anything, from the info I've read, the MCpl rank for AES Op will increase somewhat from current #s with the MESIP proposals; all stakeholders had higher #s for MCpl rank in the trade.  However, this is because of the downranking of Sgt-CWO positions proposed.

However, having said that MCpl is now a competed rank like any other trade.  Before the Direct Entry stuff happened, MCpl was a "SOP" promotion one year after Wings qual'd.  Now, it's merit boards and all that stuff.  OFP used to be after you completed OTU or MOAT, now OFP is QL5 qual (Wings after completing IAQC in the 'Peg).
Eye In The Sky said:
This is a pretty decent working environment if you ask me.  :nod:

:salute: :salute: :salute: I'm back!!! Completed the math CFRC said I needed. Just did my forces (fitness) test today. Annual Medical is done...so retained my AF. Now.....HUURY UP APRIL!!!! Man, there better be some DE positions again next year.....I don't think I could wait in this current position for another one.  The only thing that's kept me going is the prospect of my CT. Otherwise, I may have to look at release and other options. :salute: :salute: :salute:

Good day,
Just checking in. I completed my BMQ on 21nov14 and made the drive out to Winnipeg from CFLRS. After 3 provinces and 5 states I rolled in to 17 Wing with the standard reporting procedure of no one being aware of my arrival or who I should report to (wasn't included on the posting message). With out much of a hassle that was cleared up, I was assigned a room, and an OJT spot with 435 SOR.

It is rumoured that the next 3's course will start in April. I hope that's true and there is a slot with my name on it. Unfortunately all of the land/sea/arctic survival and aeromedical courses are filled up until april. That would have been a great way to keep things interesting in the mean time. Looks like I have a fair amount of time to brush up on BEW. I have met a lot of solid people who are waiting on their 5's course and have been a great help. It's true what they say "the people make the place" and this is evident in Winnipeg.

Good luck to everyone in the new year.

Yikes. If that's the case, I better look in to getting on the medical and survival courses in the new fiscal year.

Yep, the Sqn Orderly Room... I hear it's a bit out of the ordinary.
That's what I heard from a guy who just got back from the 3s not long ago...you will be course loaded, don't worry.  There is a system and the CWOs will have your name and put it into the sausage machine.  ;D

SOR is kinda...well I wouldn't be happy with it myself.
So far I have met 2 other DE AESOp's in my situation waiting. Not sure what the DE/OT ratio usually is for the 3's course, but hopefully it isn't too long before we have a full roster.

Yea OJT there has it's ups and downs. Working in an office setting is very new to me, but am learning a fair bit (if you have any questions about leave forms, I'm your guy :P ). On the up side I had the chance to take a flight in a Herc' with more famil' flights possible in the future. I have heard some iffy stories about other jobs, so consider myself relatively lucky.