Actually, as I recall, it started because someone (I think MTS himself) indicated that Asterix couldn't carry ammunition. Then Chief noted that she can carry some sea cans for ammo (a limited capability) and I chimed in that we usually only transfer small missiles and gun ammunition, and on top of that weren't exactly expending same at any high rate these days, intimating that for an iAOR the sea cans were sufficient. Finally, Underway explained how much more complete and ranging the facilities of the actual JSS's are going to be for all types of ammunition.
Nobody has pretended for a long time that Asterix is equal to the actual JSS's, when we get them.
This said, she can RAS fuel, avgas, water and food, and dry stores generally, the whole when operating in a safe area. Well, that's 90% of the job of an AOR right there. She also has facilities that are not being used to their full extent, such as medical and dental theatres, or used at all such as aviation maintenance/administrative/stores spaces for a full air detachment.
Is Asterix in the same league as JSS: No.
Is she a damn useful ship as is: Yes.
Is she useful enough so that the RCN might want to retain her (in any form: Full RCN operation, Federal Service lease or transfer to CFAV) so as to free the JSS to forward deploy everywhere in the world while still having a ship to support training along the coast - or as a gap ship whenever one of the JSS is in long refit? I would say yes, but it is for the currently serving admirals and HQ staffers to make that call.