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You know the army is getting into your brain when...

235.  When you tuck some first aid stuff into a zip-loc baggie for your five-year-old son'd kindergarten backpack (the Batman one - not the CADPAT one you've got for other outings), and you include an olive drab triangle bandage.

236.  When you use an IPE bag for your five-year-old's skates and helmet ... and cinch up the straps so he can wear it (i.e. one man, one kit ...).
237.  While out in the yard, you get the family's attention by bellowing "LISTEN UP!"

238.  Glare menacingly at any male who dares come by for your daughter.  Shake your head in disgust and walk away leaving him pondring your intentions and his life expectancy. (Hey, it works.... my future son-in -law still stands and says "sir" when I walk in the room.)

239.  Stretch out on the yard swing and tell the wife you're "going to rack out".

240. Tell your mountain-biking kid to "stay on the cleared routes".

241.  When travelling to a new location, announce that you have "eyes-on" once you spot it.
242. When you are driving down the highway and you are constantly revising your ETA

243. You are on army.ca at 0215 hrs

244. you are watching "Russia's war" on History television at 0215 hrs

245. You have the CP-140 Aurora AOIs on you living room table, open at 0215 hrs

246. Your appartment is directly under the runway glideslope for the base
247.All the windows in your house have range cards posted by them.
248.You've ever considered digging a stage 5 trench in the back yard "just in case"
249.In long line-ups at Walmart or Tim's,you consider "taking a knee"
250. You have ranger blankets for window coverings ( as is the case in my house at the momnet)

251. after having a watergun fight with your 10 year old son, being called in for dinner by the wife, you unconsciously attempt to do a safety precaution on your XP-100 SuperSoaker before going in the house...
Oh, what the heck... you send a claim off to your superivsior for approval and say "rounds fired"!  yeah, yeah, clerk humour...
252. When everything on shelves in your house is covered-off left to right, front to rear
253.  Fresh out of Basic Trg, getting ready for Xmas dinner at Mom's house by putting on DEU's, you announce to your mother that you can't get the "c**t out of your tie!" - lol 
backinblack said:
253. Fresh out of Basic Trg, getting ready for Xmas dinner at Mom's house by putting on DEU's, you announce to your mother that you can't get the "c**t out of your tie!" - lol

which brings us to the old standard home for Christmas Dinner after Basic:

254.  "Pass the Fu**ing Butter!"
spenco said:
Er....how does backinblack have 0 posts?

he has two http://forums.army.ca/forums/members/8972;sa=showPosts   :-\

That reminds me of the day i was playing Ghost Recon and my stats at the end of the mission looked like something this:

Shots fired: 367
Hits: 35
accuracy: 100%
The reason he has no posts is because both of his posts have been in the Radio Chatter forum, not in any of the other forums.
255 You find yourself telling civvies at your university to "f**king move with a sense of urgency".
256 You reply to your toddler "Say again all after Daddy"
257 You require 5year old to demonstrate IA/Stoppages procedure before issue of Supersoaker.
260.  You use trip wires when you hide the Easter eggs ...
261. When people at school try to salute, you yell out "WTF are you doing!? Stand up strait! Arm parallel to the ground! Dont bend your ******* wrist!"
262. When people dont do something fast enough, you scream out "WAKE UP! As you were!"
263. You issue drill commands when giving directions.