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Whar are your hot-button issues?


Army.ca Fixture
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Hey guys,

Just doing a quick survey here.  What are some of your pressing issues as a sailor/soldier/airman?

Particularly in the Halifax area.

Here's some stuff that's been poked my way:

Manning (recruitment, retention, etc)
Ops Tempo/Pers Tempo
Training Delays
Sailing Schedules
New Equipment and Funding

If you have any suggestions to add to the list, I'd welcome them!


Ok says soldier so I'll bite.

non FIT people in the cf (all trades) ...how did you know I was going to say that  >:D

lack of a canadian MBT

lack of disipline of new troops

lack of ability to kick pers out of the army

cocaine addicts

people who are all talk

people who dont stay on topic..  :)

I dislike it when some of the young guys around here , right off their biq or even still on , walk around town thinking they own the place - type of attitude. Ridiculous..

That and , how the military in general takes forever to process any type of paperwork , regardless how big or small..

They also make a big deal of the littlest , moronic things. Especially in the army. Charging  someone for having a toaster in their room is a tad peculiar.. yet , slightly comical  ;D ha!
I would like to see more time off for people who do major deployments.  And/or look at our taxes while deployed.  I think you would have a lot more people willing and eager to sail/deploy or even join the forces if they new they would get a tax break.  Civi's get it (oil industry workers who work on CND flagged ships) why not us?  Imagine making your gross pay for six months a year. 

Navy_Blue said:
I would like to see more time off for people who do major deployments.  And/or look at our taxes while deployed.  I think you would have a lot more people willing and eager to sail/deploy or even join the forces if they new they would get a tax break.  Civi's get it (oil industry workers who work on CND flagged ships) why not us?  Imagine making your gross pay for six months a year. 

I got my tax money back from bosnia,dont everyone get it now?
Tax free status is only given to those on missions meeting a certain risk level.  The "low risk" (although there's risk inherent in our jobs) missions don't merit tax free status.
gijesso said:
people who dont stay on topic..  :)

I dislike it when some of the young guys around here , right off their biq or even still on , walk around town thinking they own the place - type of attitude. Ridiculous..

That and , how the military in general takes forever to process any type of paperwork , regardless how big or small..

They also make a big deal of the littlest , moronic things. Especially in the army. Charging  someone for having a toaster in their room is a tad peculiar.. yet , slightly comical  ;D ha!

Considering that your profile states you are 19, the remainder of your post belies the sentiment contained in the first sentence.

As far as toasters in quarters goes, have you checked with the Fire Hall to see what the electrical circuits in your building are rated for?  Have you asked them how many fires have been started by heating devices in quarters??

I was merley using it as an example of sometimes , how the army tends to ' bs ' alot over some absurd things. Thats all.

Secondly , my age has nothing to do with the fact that yes , the young guys who come off course should pay more respect to people who have been in batallion for awhile and worked very hard to get there , instead of going to the bars and trying to fight them second week into biq , or even sq. I personally just find it incredibly disrespecful. Which therefor would be my hot button issue..

I think thats a pretty fair statement that I know alot of people would agree with.

The toaster? You're right .. fire hazard , my mistake it is an issue. I did however say peculiar , not wrong. Just a bad example , my apologies.
Parking is definatly a problem in Halifax and at the dockyard, I can't wait to get out to Esquimalt where there is lots.
Sundborg said:
Parking is definatly a problem in Halifax and at the dockyard, I can't wait to get out to Esquimalt where there is lots.
Not so fast their sonny, with the FMF consolidation project parking at Dockyard is at a premium. But there is still alot more parking availability here than in Halifax
FSTO said:
Not so fast their sonny, with the FMF consolidation project parking at Dockyard is at a premium. But there is still alot more parking availability here than in Halifax

No, they gave back the section of parking lot they were using for storage quite some time ago, so parking is back to normal.  I've never not been able to find a spot, and even use the same spot pretty much every day.  As long as a guy doesn't roll in at 0745 expecting a great spot, it's not a problem.  In by 0710, no problems.

The only issue I've encountered is at Naden when the reservists use the Fleet School lot as easy access to Y jetty, but I don't park there too often.

It's parking paradise compared to nightmare of Halifax no matter how you look at it.
Okay, here's MY biggest hot button issue:

Posting sick, lame, lazy and whiners into legitimate shore billets while those of us who are healthy, do a good job, and don't bitch get to stay at sea for at least twice as long.

I'm sure I'll come off as bitter, but could nonetheless rattle off a dozen or more names of people who have rather suspicious physical ailments who are in cushy billets that I or my shipmates would enjoy for three years, as opposed to these folks, whose real problem is mental and involves not liking going to sea combined with no personal shame or pride.

As an adjunct, lately there has been a rash of postings into cushy billets of people who are blatantly underqualified.  Rumours swirl around how they got them, none of them especially savoury - mostly of the "I'll tell on you" flavour, and/or the circlejerk style of PER writing (a friend lost a posting to one of these, and let me tell you I was SHOCKED when I learned who got it.  SHOCKED.  Speechless.  It defies language, law, and logic).  And, some people are getting career courses while missing some obvious prerequisites.

Lastly, the ten-year killick who does nothing but stand around holding a coffee cup, bitching about how he hasn't got his Masters yet.  Those guys are a personal fav.

Hopefully the first issue will be curbed a bit by the universality of service message that came out a couple of days ago.  Although, the guys and I were sitting around brainstorming as to how someone fat of body and devious of mind could find loopholes in it, and it doesn't look too difficult.
Standing up for your convictions regardless of the consequences. I'd like to believe that there is more of that than I've seen in life, but I dunno. Not necessarily limited to the CF, but an overall peeve that I feel strongly about in general.

It really irks me when someone backs down out of fear, regardless of the situation. Everyone "feels" afraid at times, but rising above it is important. Honestly, what is the worst thing that is going to happen when you're in a confrontation on base? A charge? A reprimand? A fine? Prosecution? What? If someone is abusing their authority and lets face it, being a ruddy fool, and you want to call them on it, then do so. If you feel that strongly, then take the bloody charge if it comes to that. If it doesn't, even better. I'm not advocating rebellion, just that there are times when you may be tested and its important to be able to come through it and look at yourself in the mirror the next day.

I should probably explain a bit. Years ago, I was on base coming back from the mess and a Sergeant and I passed. I was in a mood due to an injury and my situation at the time so I just wanted to be left alone. Something about my deportment (which probably was poor) caught his attention and he didn't care for it. I didn't know him from Adam, so he slowed up and appeared to be about to address me which I didn't have the patience for so I focused my attention upon him in a way that made it very clear as to what I was thinking. He lowered his gaze and continued on. That annoyed me even more for in all honesty he should have at least sorted me out for that. Instead, I heard him dressing down a reservist who was walking behind me. This kid didn't do anything and was clearly upset. I felt responsible so I turned around and called the Sergeant out. I dressed him down. His apparent fear angered me all the more and I verbally nailed him. I told the kid to take off (which he did with a smile) and I then asked this Sergeant what he wanted to do next. I was clearly out of line and I didn't care, I gave him my information and if he wanted to take it up with my Warrant, his call. He was sweating and just wanted away from me. Two officers walked past and smiled as they carried on. That sealed it for him and he said that we didn't have a problem and that he just wanted to leave. I dismissed him and continued on my way.

I wasn't actively looking for a confrontation and I know I can be more than capable of behaving as a superior shite at times, but that moment has always stayed with me. I wasn't pleased with myself as I was not behaving as a professional when I challenged his authority. But still... I'd have respected him more if he'd stood his ground. I should have been sorted out for no matter how I may have judged him for his appearance prior to our engagement, behaving in an insubordinate manner was unacceptable. I was in the wrong, but I was prepared to accept the consequences of my actions. I had no problem looking at myself in the mirror.

Could he?
You're my hero  :)

And Melba - Agreed. I saw guys who deserved their Masters.. and had the respect , but nothing  done about it . I saw guys who hav their Masters because they kiss a*s , or Cpl's who suck up to the highers.. it drove me  nuts , and im sure it will continue to. Fortunetly , this is noticed by most peers and there for they are disrespected , and they should be. And yes , the guys who b*tch and complain when their job isn't that hard in the first place , the " I did this , I did that " so you must bow down attitude , but stand around holding a wrench , err.. pen haha and do jack all. Im happy Im going Navy and even happier to no longer be in Shilo!!

That and people with no ambition - you're in the military.. the military looks highly upon physical fitness. Just because you're a certain trade , thinking that'll be their saviour and way out of PT.

And people who want to be in so bad that all they c an do is think about it - And the people who are in and don't give a sh*t or care about the military or their career in the least. 

Drives me crazy haha

Enzo said:
Standing up for your convictions regardless of the consequences. I'd like to believe that there is more of that than I've seen in life, but I dunno. Not necessarily limited to the CF, but an overall peeve that I feel strongly about in general.

It really irks me when someone backs down out of fear, regardless of the situation. Everyone "feels" afraid at times, but rising above it is important.

I'll agree here...  Hardest thing I've ever had to do in my (brief) military career was to stop a PO who walked past a few of us newly-minted (read: wet behind the ears) officers just outside the base without saluting.  I mean, this guy probably has more years in than I've been alive, but something had to be said.  I talked with him about it (away from my peers), said the cliché about saluting the commission, etc.  He saluted, I returned it, and after he left, it was all I could do to not fall over.  The flashbacks of my PO's and Sgt's from basic just about took my knees out from under me.  What irked me was that the other new folk I was with were perfectly willing to allow this to pass.

I am on the other side of the coin, I have been ashore since June 2001....................Not going back to the fleet until 2008..........Victoria won't be operational until then anyway, but I have asked to go back to the fleet for the past 3 years, everytime I get denied...Now I am newly promoted, and it might be possible (doubt it) to never sail as a MS......