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Twitter account attacking Toews tied to Parliament

Nemo888 said:
"exceptional circumstance"(Whatever that means, the bill only says exceptional circumstance and doesn't delineate what that is.)

It says exactly what those "exceptional circumstances" are, what the procedure is, and what the follow up procedures are. I put the link above but I can't copy/paste from it, but it's Section 17 if you're interested.
ballz said:
.... Here is the bill http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/292611-bill-c-30.html ....
And here it is at the Parliament of Canada web page in case the link above is firewalled where you are:

And here's an overview of the bill, including where the bill is at:
Kat Stevens said:
I find the whole "if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about" thing to be more than a little disturbing.

I used to be a smart ass and say this all the time. If you don't have anything to hide why do you care?  If you're innocent then you shouldn't mind anyone snooping around your business.

That is until someone made completely false allegations against me once.  I didn't want a lawyer (I wasn't guilty of anything after all)  Everyone told me I was being stupid but I stuck with the I'm not guilty I got nothing to hide.  Until friends of mine on the police force told me I was an idiot for being so trusting and started telling me stories about innocent guys getting railroaded.  Same with my father.  When I spoke up and said well maybe I should look at getting a lawyer just to make sure everything is on the up and up?  I became guilty to the police.
"Why would you change your mind huh? That's very suspicious of you, clearly you have something to hide. We're going to have to step this investigation up a notch and really get down and dirty.  Attitude towards me changed from hey buddy we believe you it's all good just procedure to you're a scumbag.
Yep.  I had a similar story happen to one of my MCpls in regards to a missing piece of serialised kit.  They started by saying they wanted him to come in to give a statement.  Turned into an accusation and outright accusing him.  It was all baseless of course.  Then they asked if he would be willing to take a lie detector test.  I got a panicked phone call from him.  Referred him to the JAG hotline.  They explained the legalities of the test and they pretty much said what I had said and he refused the lie detector test or to give any more statements without a lawyer present.  They left him alone after that.

I once went in to provide a witness statement to the MPs and I was treated like an accused.

I have no issues helping and cooperating with the police but if I choose to exercise my rights for whatever reason that's my perogative.  If I know I'm innocent I have nothing to prove and shouldn't have to either.  My car, my bags, my home.  Unless I give them reason to of course.
And it will only cost 80 million. Sounds like another great idea in times of budget cuts and pension slashing. Brilliant stuff.

dogger1936 said:
And it will only cost 80 million. Sounds like another great idea in times of budget cuts and pension slashing. Brilliant stuff.


Hah....the Liberals beat them out!!! The LGR was only gonna cost 2 Million, then be self sustaining.....

so there nasty Cons!!!.................

uh.....wait one.....that didn't work out quite that way, did it.................
And Bob Rae apologizes, according to this article which is reproduced under the fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from the Globe and Mail:

Rae apologizes after Liberal staffer admits to ‘Vikileaks’ attack


OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update
Published Monday, Feb. 27, 2012

The Liberals have admitted that a staff member in their research bureau was responsible for publishing personal details of Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’s divorce on Twitter.

Interim Leader Bob Rae rose in the House of Commons Monday to say that someone in the employ of the Liberal Party was behind the “Vikileaks” messages that were issued in retaliation for the introduction of a Conservative bill that would give police new Web-snooping powers.

“I was advised yesterday that an employee of the Liberal Research Bureau, in fact, is responsible for the Vikileaks30 site,” Mr. Rae said after Mr. Toews complained about the breach of his personal privacy perpetrated in repeated Web videos by an online hacker group called Anonymous that objects to the same bill.

“I discussed the matter with that individual this morning, he offered his resignation and I have accepted his resignation, and I want to offer to the minister my personal apology to him for the conduct of a member of my staff,” Mr. Rae added.

The Interim Liberal Leader told the House one of the things that makes public life difficult is when political attacks become personal.

“I have tried in my political life to make it very clear that matters of personal and private conduct are not to be the subject of political attack or political reference,” Mr. Rae said. “We did not meet that standard with respect to the establishment of that site by a member of that research bureau.”

Mr. Toews said he accepted the personal apology of Mr. Rae. “I think it is a heartfelt apology and is worthy of acceptance,” he said.

But he pointed out that other Liberals – including Montreal MP Justin Trudeau, though he wasn’t named directly, promoted Vikileaks material. He asked Speaker Andrew Scheer to look into their actions.

When Vikileaks came to the attention of the public, an investigation by the Ottawa Citizen discovered that the account was linked to a House of Commons IP address.

The Conservatives then accused the New Democrats of being behind the site and John Baird, the Foreign Affairs Minister, said the Official Opposition had engaged in “dirty, sleazy Internet game” and demanded the party identify the culprit.

NDP House Leader Joe Comartin said that, in light of Mr. Rae’s admission, the government and Mr. Baird now owed the New Democrats an apology.

Mr. Baird responded by saying there are times when emotions get strained in the House, especially when colleagues are under attack. He said he “unequivocally and unconditionally” retracted his comments about the NDP.

“And I would also like to retract the comments that I made about the Liberal Party on Friday last as well,” the minister added, “in which I said I wasn’t accusing them of anything.”

Bill C-30, which the Conservatives have named the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act, would require telecommunications service providers to give police a person’s name, address, phone numbers, e-mail address and Internet Protocol address – which identifies a person on a computer – upon request and without a warrant.

The Harper government said it’s now prepared to accept a broad range of changes to a bill criticized as a major intrusion into Canadians’ privacy.

Under the bill as written, companies would also be forced to adapt their equipment so that authorities could monitor the actions of subscribers. Those authorities would have to obtain a judicial warrant, however, before they could track the mobile-phone movements and online activities of people suspected of committing a crime.

No comment.

Toews is not going to seek reelection. Rumour mill says he is being thrown a bone and is going to be appointed to the Manitoba Court of Appeal. Must be nice to be well connected.
Nemo888 said:
Toews is not going to seek reelection. Rumour mill says he is being thrown a bone and is going to be appointed to the Manitoba Court of Appeal. Must be nice to be well connected.

His rumoured appointment to the bench was released weeks ago, and I fail to see how that has anything to do with the thread topic. If we want to talk about well connected, how about the staffer that conducted this privacy breach was given a plum job back by the Liberal party. Glad to see the Patronage Liberal party is still as crooked as ever.
PuckChaser said:
His rumoured appointment to the bench was released weeks ago, and I fail to see how that has anything to do with the thread topic. If we want to talk about well connected, how about the staffer that conducted this privacy breach was given a plum job back by the Liberal party. Glad to see the Patronage Liberal party is still as crooked as ever.

Toews not seeking reelection because he is now an embarrassment to the party is not relevant to the thread about his public shaming?

Please go on.
Nemo888 said:
Toews is not going to seek reelection. Rumour mill says he is being thrown a bone and is going to be appointed to the Manitoba Court of Appeal. Must be nice to be well connected.

We don't deal in rumour around here. Especially from you, who has no real connection to that particular subject.

Nemo888 said:
Toews not seeking reelection because he is now an embarrassment to the party is not relevant to the thread about his public shaming?

Please go on.

That is only an assumption on your part and you will have to prove it, or shut up.

And not with your rumours or innuendo.

Milnet.ca Staff
While I may disagree with how this turned out......however according to what is pushing forward into law this fall it seems to have worked!