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Trudeau Wants Digital ID from Provinces in Exchange for Health Funds

Fishbone Jones

Army.ca Relic
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It won't be just health data ID. Everyone knows it'll be woven into every aspect of our lives. Typical of our unCanadian PM, who cares little for this country, this is true to form. Using Canadian's health and welfare as a bargaining chip. We are no more to this government than chattle to be exploited. A resource to be exploited. Fortunately, Premiers Moe's and Smith for rejecting this bully's extortion, outright. Bribing us with our own tax dollars.

The Feds at this point are contributing only 20-22% of health funding. Anyone chipping in such a small share shouldn’t get to blackmail terms for public surveillance. We have that additional 100,000 public servants that Trudeau is pouring into the public service, a few of them should be able to assist with the ‘not anything more than usual’ level of support the Feds give to provincial health care programs. This isn’t China….yet.
I thought we had privacy laws? I know our med staff steadfastly refuses to inform us on our “guests” medical conditions citing privacy laws. We generally find out by asking the “guest” who in most cases are quite forthcoming.
I thought we had privacy laws? I know our med staff steadfastly refuses to inform us on our “guests” medical conditions citing privacy laws. We generally find out by asking the “guest” who in most cases are quite forthcoming.
We do. And any digital ID program would have to abide by those rules.

This was a statement by the Privacy Commission last fall.

Got a better source than The Liberty Bacon Beacon??

The Liberty Bacon Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo, the international Jewish conspiracy and other far-right survivalist bullshit. Unsurprisingly, they embrace and promote all the wacky conspiracy theories associated with the worst of Trumpism.

Of course, I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:
There may be some reasonable arguments for a national ID system, but I'm familiar enough with government to be leery of potential misuse or security issues. Particularly when tied to healthcare.
I was thinking the same. As far as I understand the CAF has a national system for medical information so someone in BC can access my medical history if I'm out there fighting climate change and a SEAL bites me. The potential for misuse and security leaks with our unaccountable governments (and even just the system in general) seems too risky.

The conservative party gave/sold my personal information (after becoming a member) to the National Firearms Association(NFA) who started soliciting me. So it happens.

I can only imagine what might happen with our medical information spread across a national ID system. Especially when you look at who the government contracted out their $80,000 $55,000,000 ArriveCan app to.
Got a better source than The Liberty Bacon Beacon??

The Liberty Bacon Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo, the international Jewish conspiracy and other far-right survivalist bullshit. Unsurprisingly, they embrace and promote all the wacky conspiracy theories associated with the worst of Trumpism.

Of course, I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:
Respectfully, it looks like this response is a quote from rationalwiki.org. In the time it took you to search for this and then cut and paste it here, you could have punched Premier Scott Moe National healthcare ID into google and potentially answered your own question. Unless you already did, then I'll digress.
What interests me is the level to which the federal health contribution share has fallen. Rough numbers for BC: the federal health contribution is somewhere between $5.5B and $6B, and the BC budget spends a little over $60B total (based on figures I found for the last couple of years) - the federal health contribution amounts to somewhere just under 10% of BC's total budget.

That's close enough for a province to think about doing revenue lifts to make up for any penalties for violating terms of the Canada Health Act (amounts withheld by federal government) and start exploring ways to increase the number of businesses providing health care services.

The first province or two to do so will have a competitive advantage over the later adopters. Providers will be attracted to set up businesses. Availability of services will increase; wait times will shorten. Those provinces will be beneficiaries of the revenue spun off by inter-provincial health care tourism.

I suppose the big heads in the federal government have also thought this through and are starting to get a little worried that they risk losing control of the enterprise if they don't kick in, soon, but will nevertheless use the crisis/opportunity to try to further dig in their hooks to prevent recurrence of the risk in future.

Provinces should take money, and nothing else new.
Respectfully, it looks like this response is a quote from rationalwiki.org. In the time it took you to search for this and then cut and paste it here, you could have punched Premier Scott Moe National healthcare ID into google and potentially answered your own question. Unless you already did, then I'll digress.
Damn, that's funny - quoting the heavily biased smug progressive mimic of Wikipedia as evidence of someone else's bias...
Respectfully, it looks like this response is a quote from rationalwiki.org. In the time it took you to search for this and then cut and paste it here, you could have punched Premier Scott Moe National healthcare ID into google and potentially answered your own question. Unless you already did, then I'll digress.

Oh yeah. LifeSiteNews, Rebel News, Western Standard, Epoch TImes, Twitter. All bastions of factual reporting. ;)

I'm not questioning the content, just the source.
Member has been warned about this post.
The Feds at this point are contributing only 20-22% of health funding. Anyone chipping in such a small share shouldn’t get to blackmail terms for public surveillance. We have that additional 100,000 public servants that Trudeau is pouring into the public service, a few of them should be able to assist with the ‘not anything more than usual’ level of support the Feds give to provincial health care programs. This isn’t China….yet.

Hitler started out as a pretty chill dude too....
Got a better source than The Liberty Bacon Beacon??

The Liberty Bacon Beacon (TLB) is a fringe online news source that promotes vaccine hysteria, chemtrail conspiracy theories, the FEMA concentration camps conspiracy theory, hysterical GMO woo, the international Jewish conspiracy and other far-right survivalist bullshit. Unsurprisingly, they embrace and promote all the wacky conspiracy theories associated with the worst of Trumpism.

Of course, I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:
Surprise, surprise. Go ahead and check with Scott Moe's office for his comments in the article and what Danielle Smith said. Nice little tirade there over the delivery system, but nothing on the content. There was tons of sites to factcheck this. I simply posted one. The facts are there, I don't give a shit who printed it. Obviously, the TDS has taken hold and some can't see the forest for the trees in their angst. Blowing off a whole article because of their bias against the writers. You can always check CBC. I'm sure they'll give you the leftist spin you want. Maybe you can drop your useless tangent and proffer forth some substance of the actual subject.

Of course, I'm not surprised. 🥱
Here is the problem with health care in Canada.

The feds may be on the hook for some portion of the funding, but the provinces ultimately decide what are funded services and what are not, which means the growth of healthcare expenditures is not within the control of the Feds. The provinces are also the gatekeepers for how many doctors and nurses get trained each year. How can we possibly keep up with attrition in the healthcare sector, much less grow, when only 3000 doctors are trained each year in Canada, because the provinces limit entry to med school because they know they have to employ all the graduates? Funny there are no shortages of dentists in Canada…yet.

In theory, a national healthcare card would be a good idea in Canada, but we are terrible at stuff like that, so…
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Surprise, surprise. Go ahead and check with Scott Moe's office for his comments in the article and what Danielle Smith said. Nice little tirade there over the delivery system, but nothing on the content. There was tons of sites to factcheck this. I simply posted one. The facts are there, I don't give a shit who printed it. Obviously, the TDS has taken hold and some can't see the forest for the trees in their angst. Blowing off a whole article because of their bias against the writers. You can always check CBC. I'm sure they'll give you the leftist spin you want. Maybe you can drop your useless tangent and proffer forth some substance of the actual subject.

Of course, I'm not surprised. 🥱

Did you see where I said I didn't question the content??

Anyway, have at 'er. I don't really give a shit.