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Troops Who Responded to COVID-19 Crisis Are Now Eligible for These Medals


Army.ca Myth
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Wonder if CAF members will get anything for OP LASER?

Service members who built hospitals, ran COVID-19 test sites or participated in other missions tied to the ongoing global pandemic are now authorized to receive military awards for those operations.

Defense Department officials this week approved the Armed Forces Service Medal and Humanitarian Service Medal for troops who took part in COVID-19-related missions, officials announced on Wednesday. The medals are approved for both active-duty and Reserve troops -- including members of the National Guard -- who were tasked with responding to the coronavirus crisis.

The eligibility window applies to anyone whose mission started on Jan. 31 or later. There is no set end date, as pandemic-related missions continue.

[More on link]

Dimsum said:
Wonder if CAF members will get anything for OP LASER?


Given the high amount of reservists on that I doubt it.  Probably a nice letter. Maybe a coin.
Oh for frigs sake......I guess it can go right beside the one for being able to start a campfire.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Oh for frigs sake......I guess it can go right beside the one for being able to start a campfire.

Hey!  I wear that on my Velcro sleeve.  With my knot tying and crossed canoe paddles.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Oh for frigs sake......I guess it can go right beside the one for being able to start a campfire.

"Set arctic tent on fire while refuelling Coleman stove still in his sleeping bag" appears in no investigation report ever.
Remius said:
Given the high amount of reservists on that I doubt it.  Probably a nice letter. Maybe a coin.

I am involved in the H+A process at CJOC, which includes all ops, domestic and expeditionary, and have been for 3 years now.  My experience suggests that being a Reservist is considered a plus in weighing the validity of a submission.
PPCLI Guy said:
I am involved in the H+A process at CJOC, which includes all ops, domestic and expeditionary, and have been for 3 years now.  My experience suggests that being a Reservist is considered a plus in weighing the validity of a submission.

Interesting;  what is the reasoning behind that? 
My guess would be volunteer instead of voluntold
PPCLI Guy said:
I am involved in the H+A process at CJOC, which includes all ops, domestic and expeditionary, and have been for 3 years now.  My experience suggests that being a Reservist is considered a plus in weighing the validity of a submission.
That would be for an existing award.
For creating a new award or a different bar to an existing medal would be a different process.
I could see an SSM bar potentially being created for LASER.
I think that if the Crown were to create a Covid related medal, they would be better off to create a generic one for everyone involved: health care workers, first responders, military, and probably a lot of other deserving people. They could also create a domestic service medal as well. We do enough domestic ops to justify it. Even if this dosent happen I could see a lot more Queens Platinum Julibee Medals being handed out across the country in 2022 then might have been under normal circumstances.
Kilted said:
I think that if the Crown were to create a Covid related medal, they would be better off to create a generic one for everyone involved: health care workers, first responders, military, and probably a lot of other deserving people.


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I dunno;  I already not a fan of things like the 125 and Jub's;  a COVID or DomOps medal? 
Eye In The Sky said:
I dunno;  I already not a fan of things like the 125 and Jub's;  a COVID or DomOps medal?

Rather a medal for 'doing something' than a medal for 'knowing someone' ;)
Why not? If troops keep stepping up (many voluntarily) and are contributing to our national interest, directly here at home in arduous or dangerous circumstances, that seems worthy, no? We’ve given medals for less. There’s already SSM bars for a few years of Ranger work, or for Alert. We’ve had some not-very-awful-at-all deployments get gongs (Tampa, anyone?). I would say he troops going into the long term care homes (and dealing with repeated quarantines) have done some good work worthy of recognition.
Brihard said:
I would say he troops going into the long term care homes (and dealing with repeated quarantines) have done some good work worthy of recognition.

Thankfully, they have enough surge capacity for that. Not all organizations do: "Quarantine when you get home. See you in 12-hours." 
Brihard said:
Why not? If troops keep stepping up (many voluntarily) and are contributing to our national interest, directly here at home in arduous or dangerous circumstances, that seems worthy, no? We’ve given medals for less.

The entire CAF is volunteers.  ;) 

A grenade range with recruits is also dangerous work with risks (I almost lost my head on one in the late '90s);  do we give something out now for that?  Is COVID/OP LASER the only time mbr's serve domestically "contributing to our national interest, directly here at home in arduous or dangerous circumstances"?  I think the answer to that question is an obvious "no", so why single OP LASER out? 

So, comparing it to Iraq...would the folks on LASER (LTCF) get a certain gong...and those who are 'not LTFC folks' get a different one (like the folks who go to Kuwait)?  I'm in a LASER CFTPO pos'n (not at a LTCF);  I expect nothing other than my pay for it when all is said and done. In fact...I wouldn't want to mount it.  My CD covers my LASER time.

There’s already SSM bars for a few years of Ranger work, or for Alert. We’ve had some not-very-awful-at-all deployments get gongs (Tampa, anyone?). I would say he troops going into the long term care homes (and dealing with repeated quarantines) have done some good work worthy of recognition.

I have to admit, you've got (a bit of) point there.  But I'm still not convinced, personally.  I'm also not a fan of the FORCE DEU pins, wasn't a fan of the various color Warrior Badges back in the day...

Given the high amount of reservists on that I doubt it. Probably a nice letter. Maybe a coin.

Yup, that's exactly what we got. Letter and coin from Durham Region, letter from the province, and a coin from the 1 TBG CO.
Yup, that's exactly what we got. Letter and coin from Durham Region, letter from the province, and a coin from the 1 TBG CO.

What, you didn't get paid 3 months late too, like I was during OP LENTUS? :)

If I was there, I'd draft up a glowing reference for myself and push it up the chain for the Div/ Army Comd to sign. At least it's something you can use as a reference in civvy street.

Notice that I didn't suggest that the CDS sign it? Gotta protect your Ethical Six in civvie street :)