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Traffic Technician ( merged )

Wow typical jerks.

I looked on the search and could not find out anything so i posted and they posted it here. Wow screw this ill go to pet and talk to actual people who wanna help other then be assholes
We're done here, everyone to your corners and think about why this thread went down the sewer.
Looking for input from any Tfc Techs out there. Doing a CT to the trade (Air Force). Just looking for what your experiences are, potential postings, deployments, etc.  I've asked for Trenton, but we'll see what happens.  ;D. Have 17 yrs in the reserve world, so i'm going to guess that i'll ba a Cpl at the least. Have my PLQ up to Mod 6 Pt 1.  But thats all up to Ottawa now. 
As well, is there much to do for your spouse on bases. She has a diploma in CYW.  Is there assistance for her to find work, or is that thru the MFRC?

:cdn: :yellow:
I hope you have a strong back?  I think you mentioned in another thread concerning MSEOps that you have a toasted back.  Well, you need a good one to be in either trade.  Tfc techs here in Trenton work very hard, rain or shine, cold or hotter than the hobs of....
As a Trucker, you're in and out of equipment, getting bounced around alot on the "nice" seats, you can end up doing backbreaking work in Heavy moving cutting edges and lifting stuff. 
I wouldn't recommend either trade if you back is already pooched...most of us end up with bad backs within a few years.
On the bright side, tfc techs do go places and you can work up to be a Loadmaster on the Hercs.  Lots of overseas work for both trades too. 
Hope that all helps.
Regards, BYTD
While I have never seen a trucker work hard ( ;D) I'm tellin yah if you got a bad back traffic tech is maybe not a good place.Those guys load the freaking planes!Ever see those guys tossing luggage around?Honestly besides the obese people working the traffic tech desks across the county most of the guys doing baggage from my experience were in amazing shape.
Well being a tfc tech, especially in Trenton, will keep you pretty busy. I've been in the trade almost 2 years and am pretty satisfied with my decision. Just returned this week from a 6 month deployment to KAF, so if you want a tour, there are a lot of opportunities in both KAF and the other place. Virtually every month I've been in Trenton, I've been deployed on a tasking to wherever we are required. More or less, anywhere there is a 1CAD plane doing something that may require MAMS (Mobile Air Movements) support, ie.. loading, cargo breakdown/buildup, pax loading, etc.. we are there. While not on tasking/deployment, you'll work on the flight line in Trenton loading/unloading planes, working in Cargo, CMTT or Pax. All loadmasters are traffic techs first, so if you're interested you'll have the opportunity to fly in the back of a herc (SAR or TAT), C17, or Airbus. Outside of Trenton there are many opportunities as well for travel and different experiences, but since I'm not there, can't give you the same angle. It is an extremely busy time for our trade right now, which is exciting for some and dreadful for others. And yes, having a good back is required..

If you'd like to know anything else, just send me a PM. I'm on leave for 5 weeks :)
pylon said:
Well being a tfc tech, especially in Trenton, will keep you pretty busy. I've been in the trade almost 2 years and am pretty satisfied with my decision. Just returned this week from a 6 month deployment to KAF, so if you want a tour, there are a lot of opportunities in both KAF and the other place. Virtually every month I've been in Trenton, I've been deployed on a tasking to wherever we are required. More or less, anywhere there is a 1CAD plane doing something that may require MAMS (Mobile Air Movements) support, ie.. loading, cargo breakdown/buildup, pax loading, etc.. we are there. While not on tasking/deployment, you'll work on the flight line in Trenton loading/unloading planes, working in Cargo, CMTT or Pax. All loadmasters are traffic techs first, so if you're interested you'll have the opportunity to fly in the back of a herc (SAR or TAT), C17, or Airbus. Outside of Trenton there are many opportunities as well for travel and different experiences, but since I'm not there, can't give you the same angle. It is an extremely busy time for our trade right now, which is exciting for some and dreadful for others. And yes, having a good back is required..

If you'd like to know anything else, just send me a PM. I'm on leave for 5 weeks :)

Thanks for the info. Anyone else from a different base around?
21trucker said:
Thanks for the info. Anyone else from a different base around?

I'm posted to Winnipeg and if pylon is who I think he is we were on the same QL3 course. While I haven't been away almost every month I've been posted there I have been on a few takings including a six month tour overseas. Our base has a bit slower tempo than Trenton's. ;D A lot our our work in Winnipeg involves the SAR planes and doing SAR changes which is taking the kit from one plane and putting it on another. Christmas time is a busy time of year for us with the Christmas flights.

One thing that is different I think on a small base as opposed to Trenton is we do line crew, PAX and cargo build up where as those are all different sections within 2 AMS. CMTT is it's own section in Winnipeg and they are pretty busy.

Definitely happy with becoming a Traffic Tech and would recommend it to anybody.
For those of you who CT'd (or OT'd), how long where you in Borden on PRETC waiting for a course?  Is it possible for me to do a tasking at Base TN(MSE Op currently) while waiting for my course?

21trucker said:
For those of you who CT'd (or OT'd), how long where you in Borden on PRETC waiting for a course?  Is it possible for me to do a tasking at Base TN(MSE Op currently) while waiting for my course?

I would suggest going through the CofC at PRETC with a request memo.  They may use you as an MSE Op or they may even try to get you some OJT at Base Traffic or CMTT.
hey, I'm considering joining as a Traffic Tech and would just like some information. Where am i most likely to get posted now days? This post started in 2005 so i'm sure things have changed.  What is the schedule like as a Traffic Tech? would I still have time to pursue personal goals as a mixed martial arts fighter? My only problem with joining is, I don't want to get posted to small base where I cannot train mixed martial arts. What would my chances be of getting posted to a city?
pugilist said:
, I don't want to get posted to small base where I cannot train mixed martial arts.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, although the military will ask you where you would like to go, where they actualy post you is a different story. Even if you should be posted in or near a large city, you wont be staying there your entire career.

Military = moving ( and not always to a location you want or like).......fact of life.
21trucker said:
For those of you who CT'd (or OT'd), how long where you in Borden on PRETC waiting for a course?  Is it possible for me to do a tasking at Base TN(MSE Op currently) while waiting for my course?

I did a tasking, for a few months, as a PRETC duty driver. It was a pretty jammy go. You were left alone and drove PRETC troops around to appointments or injured troops to the mess, shacks etc. I also did a tasking at Transport at School Support. Not much driving involved there other than hitting the fuel pumps to top tanks up.

Anything is better than sitting around T-83 all day. Take whatever taskings you can get. I'd suggest trying to get on MP taskings. I did a couple of those and they were pretty good.

[quote author=pugilist]I don't want to get posted to small base where I cannot train mixed martial arts. What would my chances be of getting posted to a city?[/quote]

As CDN Aviator said you may not get where you want. They will try their best to accommodate your choice. Our trade you could end up in a city like Winnipeg or a place like Wainwright. If your decision on whether your going to join is based on whether you can train for MMA this might not be the best choice.
MAMS_933 said:
They will try their best to accommodate your choice.

:rofl:  Sorry, couldn't help it.

MAMS_933 said:
If your decision on whether your going to join is based on whether you can train for MMA this might not be the best choice.

Agreed.  If you're going to pull the plug the minute they post you somewhere you don't want to be, then don't join.
MAMS_933 said:
I'm posted to Winnipeg and if pylon is who I think he is we were on the same QL3 course.

Hey buddy.. its me. Can I borrow some money? See you in February, there for AMT... and maybe BSERE.. blah.

And... they'll do the best to accomodate your posting wishes?? ha ha ha.. Dude.. you're in Winnipeg..
pylon said:
Hey buddy.. its me. Can I borrow some money? See you in February, there for AMT... and maybe BSERE.. blah.

And... they'll do the best to accomodate your posting wishes?? ha ha ha.. Dude.. you're in Winnipeg..

Borrow money?? You're the Corporal who just got off tour right?? Something wrong there. Shouldn't have to ask the one hook for cash.  :P

February isn't bad.....for AMT. It will suck if you do BSERE though. Have fun with that.

I put Winnipeg as a choice. It is better than Wainwright....
My question is simply how often do traffic techs travel? I've stalked all the previous forum topic but it never answered this question.

1) whats the difference between a traffic tech and a loadie? same thing? how soon after BMQ till you get a bit of travelling?

2) when you fly cargo over to different countries, how much time are you staying at that other airport? do you usually get time to explore or right after unloading you just hop back on the plane and head home?

Thank you