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Taliban's Latest Op Warning, Reminder of Who the "Bad Guys" Are

The Bread Guy

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The official English version here - highlights mine - with .pdf also attached if you don't want to go to a pro-terrorist web page.
statement regarding the start of new Nasrat (Victory) operations

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

1. Since America and NATO have resolved to send extra troops to Afghanistan, therefore, the Afghans too in response feel the need to start rapid and strong operations, as part of their struggle, to defend themselves and to free the country.

2. Beginning 30 April 2009, which corresponds to 10 Sowr (Ghwayi) 1388, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will start the new Nasrat operations throughout Afghanistan. These operations will include ambushes, offensives, explosions, martyrdom-seeking attacks and surprise attacks. The targets of these operations will be the military units of the invading forces, diplomatic centers, mobile convoys, high-ranking officials of the puppet administration.

2. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again calls on all military, security and administrative officials of the Kabul puppet administration to refrain from working for this slave administration and to help the Mujahideen. If they cannot do the latter, then at least they should wait until the establishment of a true Islamic government and should no longer support the invading infidels and should not prolong the occupation of beloved Afghanistan with their service.

3. The Islamic Emirate once again warns private construction companies, transport companies, contractors, owners of vehicles and drivers, who build military centers for the infidel invaders and their internal slaves and transport military equipment, fuel and other logistical goods, that they should completely stop and end such dealings with the invading Americans and their puppet administration because providing such services to the infidels and the puppet administration harms Islam and the homeland, strengthens the enemies and prolongs the occupation of Afghanistan.

However, if despite repeated warnings, the owners and workers of construction and transport companies continue such unpatriotic and un-Islamic deeds, the Mujahideen will take action against such inadmissible deeds, and if something happens to them as a result of these actions, then responsibility will lie with them.
new Nasrat (Victory) operations?

Do they run Defeat Operations?
Teflon said:
new Nasrat (Victory) operations?

Do they run Defeat Operations?
If you ambush someone and you kill them, you win. If you ambush someone and they "Matyr" you, you still win! Those silly sods would celebrate putting a sock on correctly and claim it proves "Allah's will".
Hopefully the boys over there now can give them more "Victory" then they know what to do with. "We're so victorious that almost all of us are dead!"
milnews.ca said:
statement regarding the start of new Nasrat (Victory) operations

In the name of Greed corruption and hate

1. Since America and NATO have resolved to send extra troops to Afghanistan, therefore, the insurgents too in response feel the need to make a verbal show of force on the Internet (Yes we realize the Internet was made by Infidels and we're using it, it's just different okay?) as part of their struggle to keep Afghanistan in the stone ages or as close to it as possible.

2. Beginning 30 April 2009 (not really), which corresponds to something 700 years ago, the insurgents who call themselves Mujahideen to try and give themselves some iota of respect but failing since it's basically trying to ride the coat tails of another organization, will fail to  start some pretend operations in Afghanistan. We want to think these operations will include ambushes, offensives, explosions, martyrdom-seeking attacks and surprise attacks. In truth they will be some poor souls tricked, lied to doped up and forced to carry out attacks. We're going to say the targets of these operations will be the military units of the invading forces, diplomatic centers, mobile convoys, high-ranking officials of the puppet administration. In truth we'll end up mostly killing local civilians. Sometimes by accident and sometimes we'll just murder them if they refuse to accept our will.

2. The insurgents once again calls on all military, security and administrative officials of the elected Kabul administration to refrain from working. We don't have much to offer, we could  go on but does it matter? No.

3. We once again warn, well pretty much anyone that they should completely stop and end such dealings with the invading freedom lovers because providing such services to the jerks trying to rebuild this country strengthens the economy and prolongs the advancement  of Afghanistan which will take us even longer to destroy and ruin.

However, if despite repeated warnings people die, we'll conveniently blame you. Allah is a merciful God, stop making us murder people in his name Okay?

Fixed  ;D
....here's some excerpts from the Globe & Mail (.pdf here if G&M link doesn't work) - I've highlighted the similarities with the Tailban's OP Victory announcement:
.... "We have new plans, new tactics," a Taliban logistics director based in the volatile Panjwai district says. He recently returned from high-level meetings with militant commanders in Quetta, Pakistan, and spoke about plans on condition his name remains unpublished.


Central to the summer strategy is a two-pronged terror campaign currently being mapped out by Taliban planners in a mountain refuge in northern Maywand district. The area links Afghanistan's Helmand and Kandahar provinces and is poised to become a focal point of the war when U.S. troops deploy there.

Their plan will be carried out by young fighters who, in recent weeks, have been trickling into the notorious rural areas west of Kandahar city, armed with new machine guns and sustained by villagers' donations of dry bread and watery yogurt.

When their commanders give the green light, these young militants, mainly between 18 and 30 years old, will instigate clashes on two fronts: the first will be across rural areas west of the city - the traditional summer battlefields for militants clashing with coalition troops. The second will be in urban Kandahar city, home to key provincial government offices and a hub for Canadian troops.

Out-powered in rural areas by military weaponry, fighters there will carry machine guns and attempt to sharpen the results of their ambushes, but they will rely more on land mines and improvised explosive devices, sources say.

Inside the city, insurgents plan to stage more frequent multi-bomber suicide attacks and targeted assassinations. Government officials and civilians who appear to be in favour of the current government will be hunted with new intensity.

"If a man or woman is working with the government, or they are supporters of the government or of the foreigners, we want to kill them," said one Taliban organizer speaking through a Pashto translator. "We want to put the pressure on Kandahar city. And we want to dissolve the government."....

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