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Supply Tech - merged

No, I joined the Canadian Forces.
it just struck me as odd when I was setting up a career fair today that there was everybody's own banners above their particular areas. That's my only question -  if we are promoting the Canadian Forces - why does each area (Army Reserves, Army/Air/Navy/Comms) have their own banners/toys etc out in their particular area of the parade square.
Spartan said:
No, I joined the Canadian Forces.
it just struck me as odd when I was setting up a career fair today that there was everybody's own banners above their particular areas. That's my only question -  if we are promoting the Canadian Forces - why does each area (Army Reserves, Army/Air/Navy/Comms) have their own banners/toys etc out in their particular area of the parade square.

For the same reasons that we maintain traditions; none of which negates the fact that we are all ONE team -- the Canadian Forces.

Let's equate it to sports shall we?

You've got the NHL. Within that organization you've got smaller organizations all making up the one entity ... you've got the Loser Leafs, the Canadiens, the Oilers, etc -- all with their own logos and uniforms -- doesn't negate the fact they are all part of the NHL (and, you'll note that each Team uniform also incorporates that "NHL" logo).
With all due respect to everyones uniform and opinion on where we can get posted the originator wanted to know about the Naval aspect of our trade. Which I think I did a fairly broad but accurate job of explaining. I find it pour taste when others have to inject certain statements that detract from the point of this post originally.

As I have stated I have no qualms about going anywhere. If could choose my next posting It would be Edmonton. Why ? Because Army crap doesn't scare me in slightest. My only problem with Pet would be that its in the middle of nowhere. In Eddie at least I would have Eddie. I don't lead a very military oriented life when I take off the NCDs for the day. I prefer to head out play some rugby with my mates and carry in good form. This would be hard to do in Pet. But I would never pull the pin for a posting.

More on the pulling of the pins for postings. Most of that blame should be fairly placed on the career managers shoulders. If your going to leave someone one in the same city 18 years you cant expect them not to put down serious roots. Also what good is a PO with 18 years in and 18 years navy time to a Svc Btn ? That makes no sense at all, none there is no way to justify that move other than just because. What good would a Sgt storesman with 20 years in 2 Svc Btn be to HMCS_________ ?

See I don't think its the move itself or difference in Army V Navy V Air Force I thinks its doing things a certain way for eons and then suddenly being forced to change for no more reason that what seems to be someones whim.

I am all for separating us by uniform for good. I think it needs to be done and would alleviate many internal identity and pride issues. You join as a Navy Cook/Stwd/Clerk or Storesman then your Navy for your career. But that's just my 2 cents worth and opinion. No need to get anything ruffled up but I can see heavy seas headed my way.
Actually, Halifax Tar I'm in agreement with you.

I was a purple trade (Adm/RMS Clk) and spent the entirety of my career, with one exception, in Army field units.

The one exception was an air force squadron I was posted to as a freshly promoted Sergeant, right out of the Airborne.  To say I was a fish out of water is an understatement.  I just didn't "fit" - nothing wrong with the Squadron, it was just that I was an "Army dude".

During my career I saw many air force and navy folks posted into field units.  This usually worked out fine at the Jr NCO level, but could be the kiss of death for a Sr NCO.  Many seem to forget that each element has different expectations regarding what secondary duties their people are expected to fulfill.  In the case of an army RMS Sr NCO, you are expected to run a CP, site and man defences, along with all the other "field" stuff that comes second nature to one raised in that system.  I imagine there are similar duties expected of Petty Officers and Chiefs on board ship - nothing to do with the trade, but everything to do with the element.  Some folks I served with adapted adequately to their changed environment, but many others did not - which caused them to be miserable, their troops to be confused, and adversely affected the operational effectiveness of the unit.

I would hasten to point out that the above applies mainly to "pointy end" units - ships, army field units, and flying squadrons.  I don't think (although I don't have any personal experience with it) that there would be much difference being a purple trade at Garrison Edmonton, or CFB Halifax, or CFB Cold Lake.  There's much more to being a sailor than meets the eye, no matter your primary trade, same for soldiers, same for airmen.  The "purple" idea works at static locations, but it sets people up for failure when at the "sharp end", no matter the element involved.


Halifax Tar said:
With all due respect to everyones uniform and opinion on where we can get posted the originator wanted to know about the Naval aspect of our trade. Which I think I did a fairly broad but accurate job of explaining. I find it pour taste when others have to inject certain statements that detract from the point of this post originally.

With all due respect -- he did ask only about the naval aspect of the Sup Trade in his originating post -- and also had the distinct impression that he would spend his entire career in the Navy if he wore the Naval uniform. There is ZERO wrong with correcting that fallacy -- it IS misleading, especially when one is considering joining the CF and becoming a purple trade. Actually, I consider it to be quite FRAUDULANT to imply to any purple trade that their service would be strictly with the enviornment whose uniform was worn. And, that WAS the impression he had and he said so. I corrected that -- and don't feel the least bit bad for the apparently "poor taste" in correcting false impressions of what he believed his entire service career would entail.

I respect ALL enviornments and trades for what they do. Telling someone that they are purple, doesn't mean I'm being disrespectful of you, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Army for that matter ... it's pointing out the facts.
  Just a purple question..............if a navy supply tech is posted to Cold Lake...or Petawawa, do they still wear their NCD's?
CallOfDuty said:
  Just a purple question..............if a navy supply tech is posted to Cold Lake...or Petawawa, do they still wear their NCD's?
Just to add to riggermade said...

If your posted to a land unit, (ie Pet or Cold Lake)  then you are entitle to the CADPAT.

ArmyVern said:
... you've got the Loser Leafs,

Ok, ok - thing's are getting just a LITTLE out of hand here.  Bad mouth my mother, my dog, and I would put up even a teensy tiny bit about the CDS, but my Leafs?  Vern, you got me in agony here!!
BinRat55 said:
Vern, you got me in agony here!!

Wouldn't be the first time ... nor the last; of that -- I'm quite sure. After knowing me since 90, I'd think you'd know me better by now!!  ;D
  Hey all...I've got a quick question.  When we return our kit, do we return the items that were ordered from the logistik unicorp website..or just the inital kit issue?  I had to order my navy white pants and shoes, as well as extra shirts and whatnot online.
COD :cdn:
CallOfDuty said:
  Hey all...I've got a quick question.  When we return our kit, do we return the items that were ordered from the logistik unicorp website..or just the inital kit issue?  I had to order my navy white pants and shoes, as well as extra shirts and whatnot online.
COD :cdn:

My understand (I'm not Supply Tech) is that anything Logistik Unicorp that you order from the site. You can throw out. It doesn't go onto your charge. Your inital kit issue does go on the charge, I'm thinking.

Hope they may/may not of help,
CallOfDuty said:
  Hey all...I've got a quick question.  When we return our kit, do we return the items that were ordered from the logistik unicorp website..or just the inital kit issue?  I had to order my navy white pants and shoes, as well as extra shirts and whatnot online.
COD :cdn:

Your initial issue kit does go on your charge (ie ... the stuff that Supply issued you after getting it from Logistik).

That said ...

NOTHING ordered by you, or issued to you by Supply, that comes from Logistik needs to be returned. ALL DEU items are permanent kit issues and retained upon release.
Perfect....thanks for the quick replies.  :)

  One more though.  When changing elements, are you entitled to having your new No. 1's tailored free?
CallOfDuty said:
Perfect....thanks for the quick replies.  :)

  One more though.  When changing elements, are you entitled to having your new No. 1's tailored free?

Thanks Halifax Tar for all the info, it's appreciated... I know supply techs (all purple trades) can be posted with all three elements, but the CFRC said that generally your FIRST posting is with your uniform (navy in my case)... plus I have a good idea what the trade entails on air/land bases but I figured being at sea would be somewhat a different story
NJL said:
know supply techs (all purple trades) can be posted with all three elements, but the CFRC said that generally your FIRST posting is with your uniform (navy in my case)...

...  :rofl:

Then, generally -- all the ones who do not get posted to their environmental uniform colour of base first -- MUST come here!!

Tonnes of new Ptes -- very few in green.
NJL said:
I know supply techs (all purple trades) can be posted with all three elements, but the CFRC said that generally your FIRST posting is with your uniform (navy in my case)...

That's a total lie... I'm Army posted to a Navy base. First Reg Force posting too... Enjoy!  ;D
Knecht Ruprecht said:
That's a total lie... I'm Army posted to a Navy base. First Reg Force posting too... Enjoy!  ;D

Exactly my point too; you should see the Black and Blue uniforms on the new Sup Tech Ptes on this Green Base!!  :D

One of the Black uniformed ones is even coming to work for me on the 15th --- poor young lad!!  >:D