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STOLEN dirt bike


Army.ca Veteran
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my 1983 xr 350 dirt bike was stolen from CFB Borden on July first 05.  It is red in color and has a black seat on it. I figure the theives stole the bike and covered it with a blue tarp which they also stole. If any one seen this  email me or the MP's.
I'll ask my co-workers to keep an eye as well,
(I'm a Paramedic in the Angus Station)
Hope you get it back soon :salute:
How i loathe thievery, even when Im not the victim. Its so cowardly...
I sit here and i think about the person whom steals. I think how much more they need it then me so i dont feel to bad. After all they did take the time to make it look as if nothing was out of place where the bike was.  I also think about how great it would be to see the theives walking around with out a hand.  or two broken legs. The fact is the police will do very little. (i think they could have at least gone to see where the bike was and maybe lift prints off the milk crate or propane tank that was moved)  oh well. I am no cop and cannot understand their job.  Back to the person. I would love to get the chance to meet ther person and shake their hand for their liberation of my own belongings. the hand shake proceded by a piece of re bar comming sharply down on their hand to which i was shaking. I would never call the police,I would recommed the person didnt either. The police huh, I live on a miltary base which has been rampent with off road vehicle thefts, yet their is very little one can do, as if you dont have a friend with a storage unit at a Q you are screwed.. One has to think of what eles gets stolen from the miltary base that never gets reported. The lack of securtiy at the front gates ensures a free reign of the base for those whom deem it upon them selfs to liberate products from others. I personally feel with out securtiy at the front gates they should have cameras. and keep those tapes for at least 48-72 hours. Ie on a weekend keep the tapes till monday or tuesday so their might be a chance if something did go missing you have a record of thoose on and off the base. I garentee the thief whom stole my bike would have been caught driving off. Then it would have been a matter of hunting them down. Yes hunting them. They should be treatred like vagrents, let to go free them hunted by those whom lost their property. May do some public punsihment, for example cut their hands off. maybe even a lef if the crime was large enough.  One thing is sure miltary bases are not safe from the every day vigils of those whom deem crime is a way of life. Nor is it free  of drugs and other such acts. Untill we crack down on these problems and start doing a proper job of policing our selves and proper security then all will be lost some. 
I'm willing to bet that the MP's are doing a bang up job of catching all those criminals doing 3km/h over the speed limit though. My sympathies, my trucks were broken into when I lived in the shacks - the MP asked me if they were both insured - I only had parking ins on one of them (full cov on the other) - so he towed it - because you can't store a veh at the shacks.

Makes you wonder whose side they are on...

And they never found the perp..
I understnad that you're upset that something was stolen, but life goes on. And bashing the MP's... not cool. MP's do their job just fine. I went to CFB Borden last year for 6 weeks, I had a problem with a male cadet, he almsot broke my wrist and the MP's did everything they could. He was Returned to Unit. I realize you are frustrated, but find a better way to vent rather then bashing those who protect, whether you think so or not.

Infortunately this problem is not isolated to Borden.  One of the JR messes in Pet has to constantly deal with thefts of umbrellas, light, and even BBQs.  When they were putting in the railings for the ramp at the front someone even took the "Do not Cross" tape.

I also once had my wallet stolen out of my coat in the Moose Jaw officers' mess.  That really pissed me off.  What a hassle to get all my ID back, especially my birth certificate!!!

RANG, telling CTD that "life goes on" seems a tad harsh.  You spent 6 weeks at a camp.  He lives on the base 24/7.  This is like someone going into your backyard and stealing something of yours.  It's not like if someone swiped your MP3 player from your tent.  In that case, it would be your own fault for leaving it out, since the cadets will spend about 6 weeks there and can get away with that type of theft very easily.  In the shacks on base one would expect a little more respect with regards to someone elses property sine this is not a "temporary" living space, but one that people pay rent for.
This kinda sh... stuff really pi... ticks me off.  I too will keep an eye out for it - but I'm gone 19 Aug, have passed on the description to my students.

I just can't believe they stole your tarp as well.  They must have been scoping out the bike for quite a while.

As a security guard, although not military, I'm constantly dealing with thefts.  The best thing to do is to spread the word and the description around to a point that if the thief is local to the immediate area they won't be able to use the item in public without there being a chance that someone who heard the story/description enough times to memorize it recognizes the item.  Upon their act becoming public knowledge the thieves will no longer be able to use or keep the item, at which point they'll try to sell it or just leave it somewhere for the sakes of getting rid of it fast.  Those are my two cents.  Hope you get your bike back.
Q.Y. RANG said:
I understnad that you're upset that something was stolen, but life goes on. And bashing the MP's... not cool. MP's do their job just fine. I went to CFB Borden last year for 6 weeks, I had a problem with a male cadet, he almsot broke my wrist and the MP's did everything they could. He was Returned to Unit. I realize you are frustrated, but find a better way to vent rather then bashing those who protect, whether you think so or not.


Cadet  -  how your six week course qualifies you to claim that the MPs do a great job is beyond me, but thinking back, when I was 16, I knew everything too. ;)
I would venture to say that the MPs, as a group, don't even do an adequate job, given the high levels of theft of personal property on bases, and the high proportion of tickets/charges laid by the MPs that bounce in court because of shoddy paperwork, or a complete lack of substantiation. But that is merely my humble opinion.
Ahh the good old MP's are doing their job. Yes i agree they do protect us only at the expense of our own dignity. How many times have they not up held a professional attitude when dealing with Members of the CF. I understand that they have a job to do. But believe me if i was a MP i would have at least taking a look at the site where the bike was, After all they are the trained people in investigations. To not showed a complete lack of respect for ones property and another member of the CF. I will tell you why they dealt with your situation at summer camp with another cadet, it is called liability on the CF's Part had they not of done something about it right away and the situation had gotten worse then the CF no doubt would have been in deep doo doo regarding cadets and assault. Now to compare what happened their to a theft on a base and no real look into the matter is comparing different things, not to mention the legality's of Cadets compared to the Reg's. a Little back ground. I was ordered to place my dirt bike into the very back parking lot by the School Chief via his assistant. To which my comment was why/ Answer cause we don't want this place to look like a slum. Well i call an apple an apple when i see it. Any ways so be it, it is now gone. What to do next, not really a whole lot to do, wait and see if it turns up. I am off in less then 7 days for my new posting, and such will not be around even if it is found. But hopefull it is. I had little choice of where the school would allow me to store it. IE the far back parking lot un lit. the base has very little security to deal with the open base policy, ie no guards at the entrances, at a time when most people are gone for vacation the Mp's should be    stepping up their patrol schedule and actually patroll more then usual due to the fact of fewer people around meaning  more chance for stuff to be stolen. the manning of gates and or video cameras mounted at them would be a great help, i guarantee they would have had it on tape who stole my bike, this is not to mention the numerous other bikes, atvs and other things missing through out the last few years. so yes i do blame the MP's and the base security policy for their lax of security measures on a base such as Borden. What works out in the sticks such as Wainwright and that should not be done in a built up area such as Borden withs its close proximity to Toronto and such. Big market for thieves and drug dealers. Any ways it is gone and it was the procedure that followed from the members in blue who cry out when they feel they get the treated un fairly by the rest that i have a bone to pick with. Not with standing this i would have to place all the blame on the actual person whom stole the bike, the are at fault, but due to procedural actions on this base it had a chain effect that finally fell.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the Hells Angels opening a clubhouse at the Rainbow Trailer Park in Angus, or the bar they took over in Angus???

Guards at the Gates...took 3 weeks after 9/11 then it only lasted a short while.
Why does Lislie gate have a commissioner?  Protect the Cadets of course.

I remember years ago having somethings taken off my Iltis and the responce was whatever and that it was my own fault.  Funnier when the same items went missing from an MP's Iltis :-X

Lodge a complaint at the MP shack for not following procedure and at least looking where your bike was stolen, I'm sure you can think of something.

Any MP's on the sight to give 2 cents???
I think any comments from any MP's on here fall under a previous subject of "whistle blowing" where you wouldnt rat your buddy out even if he wasnt doing his job. Ahh have to love the life. interesting you mention the HA in town. A buddy said he noticed  an older suden looking at my bike last week, but it was to dark  to see the color, plus he never thougth anything of it at the time as it was for sale.. Thanks guys for the suport. hope they find the person.
True about protecting your own.

Is a report filled with the OPP?  If your not allowed for what ever reason and just shared more details....

The OPP station is just across the road from my station. :salute:

sorry for how long this has taken to post. The bike is a 1983 xr350r Honda dirt bike. It is red in color, with the front number plate half red and half yellow, the paint is fading off the number plate. the seat is black in color, the rear passenger pegs are missing, one side is broken off completely. The rear fender is mis fitted to the bike, it looks proper from the side but from rear view you can see how only one out of the three mounting holes under the seat match up. The seat is not yet bolted down as the fender is in the way of the bolts. The drive sprocket cover is chewed up from to loose of a chain. The front head light is not working on it. All the electricle is all disconnected and tied to the frame. The gas tank is gouged underneath it where it was resting on the frame with out any hold down bolts, Now it is held in place by some new shiney 1\4" ones now. It is missing its kickstarter. the handle bars are slightlly bent on the left side of the bike. It is two wheel drum brakes with a speedo connection on the front tire but is not connected anything.  That is the best description i can think of right now.
I'm guessing it no longer looks like that. Though some of the individual pieces might still be identifyable.
thats crapy CTD that your bike got swiped, I had a palm pilot taken from my locker, buddy cut the lock and put it on my bed, the mp said so bad so sad. Now I have a  portable safe which I put all my personal belongings in when i go on course.