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Steubenville Rape Case

My bad, I was going off a huffpost story that has since been taken down.

Should have checked it for more updated info,

Hatchet Man said:
Anonymous already did that.  :nod:  It's why the moron in the youtube video, got punted from school, and is under constant threats.

That's a good start.
There is probably something intrinsically wrong with supporting Anonymous doing that but after listing to the youtube video I find myself not caring one bit. I'd like to see the same thing happen to everyone in the room.
Maybe if these people in our society can't fathom the moral and ethical wrongness of that type of action they can at least fear the repercussions.
What is at least a positive in all this is that there is enough outrage out there to force one of them to move out of state.  As much as some people are d**ks, others show that this kind of crap will not be tolerated regardless of how much "promise" someone has.