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SOM Brits caught by SAS face execution

The Bread Guy

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My, one DOES travel to exotic places in the SF, hunting down one's countrymen, doesn't one?  ;)

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Somali Britons caught by SAS face execution
Abul Taher and Rob Crilly, Times Online (UK), 11 Feb 07
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FOUR British citizens have been deported from Kenya to Somalia where they face terrorism charges carrying the death penalty for allegedly fighting alongside Al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.

Their lawyer, Louise Christian, said their families had been assured by the Foreign Office that they would be returned to the UK this weekend, and accused it of “failing abysmally in its responsibilities.”

“They face torture, arbitrary detention and capital punishment,” she said. “This is the first time there’s been evidence of direct participation in an act of extraordinary rendition by the British government.” The Foreign Office said it was powerless to intervene because it was the decision of the Kenyan government.

The Muslim Human Rights Forum in Nairobi warned that foreign alleged jihadists recently sent back to Somalia have been executed.

The four Britons, sent to the southern Somalian town of Baidoa, were captured by SAS troops working with the Kenyan antiterrorist police on January 20. They are alleged to have “good links” to Al-Qaeda, one defence source said.

The SAS have been acting as a “screen” on the Kenyan border to trap terrorists fleeing American special operations forces in Somalia after the defeat of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) militias.

The four Britons were among 15 alleged jihadists picked up at the border post of Kiunga on January 20 after walking through malaria-infested mangrove swamps. One Kenyan police official said: “They said they had walked [300 miles] from Mogadishu, and they looked like it. They were never going to put up much of a fight.”

Kenyan security officials said the fighters were on their way to the island resort of Lamu, an Al-Qaeda haven.

The British Muslims were named by the Kenyan authorities as Mohammed Ezzouek, Hamza Chentouf, Shah Jehan Janjua and Fesal Afshar Zabe-qun. They are believed to be British-born, in their twenties, from central and west London.

Ezzouek’s mother Malika, who has five children, claimed last week that she had no idea he was in Somalia. She said she had paid his airline ticket to Egypt, where he flew five months ago to study in a Koranic school.

“I am very worried about him because I know he has done nothing wrong,” she said. “My son is innocent. He is not an extremist.”

She said police had taken away her son’s computer and holiday photographs in a raid on her council house near Regent’s Park, and told her that he had been caught with weapons at the Somali border.

Last week neighbours said the 22-year-old had become a devout Muslim about two years ago. One said Ezzouek attended the nearby Regent’s Park mosque, not known for extremism. “He was a very nice man. His father is also very nice — he works as a chef in a local hotel. Mohammed would be the last person on earth to do something like that,” said the neighbour.

Chentouf lived nearby with his family in the Westbourne Park area of west London. Janjua, 22, is believed to be from Hounslow, west London.

British consular staff have had no access to the men, who are all believed to be in poor health. Janjua has a broken nose and foot injuries caused by a bullet wound, a police source said.

Additional reporting: Michael Smith

Hamza’s big bill

Abu Hamza, the jailed cleric who claims to be penniless, has been paying £9,000 a year in private school fees for his children to study at an Islamic school accused of racism, write Dipesh Gadher and Sian Griffiths.

At least two of the preacher’s six offspring attend the King Fahad academy in Acton, west London, where pupils use Arabic textbooks that describe Christians as “pigs” and Jews as “monkeys”, according to a former teacher.

Hamza was jailed for seven years last year for soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred and faces being extradited to America. His school fee bill emerged last month after a judge ordered him to pay his defence costs — estimated at more than £1m — instead of claiming legal aid.

well.... hope all their papers are in order and that their wills are up to date

Bye, bye!!
The end!
I think I feel sorry for them.........oops, nope, just gas.
A good lesson for anyone who wants to participate in jihad. 8)
Death as a consequence. Who'd a thunk it? If only we were so enlightened.....17 dudes in Toronto....
milnewstbay said:
Mohammed would be the last person on earth to do something like that,” said the neighbour.

Though I am pretty sure I would be the last person on earth to walk 300 miles through mangrove swamp in Africa, this is excellent news!  The last Al-Qaeda terrorist has been caught. 
the last????

somehow.... I don't think so.
there's bound to be a cockroach under a rock somewhere.
Why is it that neighbours are always interviewed who say "he was nice." "his family is nice."
And then there is always the inevitable comments from the mother "I know my son is totally innocent, cause he's my baby."
The guys was captured with weapons, in Africa...I wonder what was on his computer. Nice notes to his neighbours and Mom? ::)
To bad the SAS guy's just did not sort it all out then OOOPs they opened fire.
milnewstbay said:
Their lawyer, Louise Christian

I love unintended irony...

The typical comment that one would expect that we haven't seen yet is "he is a good man, because he is at the mosque all the time".  Yeah, exactly. 
Death as a consequence. Who'd a thunk it? If only we were so enlightened.....17 dudes in Toronto....

       +1 to that if you get caught conspiring against your country that you live in now than you face the  consequences
Now now, we all know that Islam is a religion of peace. I'm sure these lads were just trying to peacefully spread the good news about Allah to the poor stupid infidel pigs living out in the House of War. Using the AKs is just their way of illustrating how peaceful and all-accepting Islam is.

As far as the death penalty goes, they should be shot solely on the basis of being in possession of weapons grade stupidty. I mean really, who the fack leaves England to live in Kenya OR Somolia or any part of the Dark Continent?Dumb, dumber, dumbest. Give you head a shake troop.
Marauder said:
who the fack leaves England to live in Kenya OR Somolia or any part of the Dark Continent?Dumb, dumber, dumbest. Give you head a shake troop.

I got a friend who goes to Somalia every couple year's for summer vacation. ;)CF member as well,and good guy.
We joke around about getting a Leopard for down there.....we would so be "the shiz".Selling kat,....didnt an american soldier do that while there?Maybe I'm just remembering something else.