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Should OC Transpo bus drivers have to call out stops in both French and English?


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Should OC Transpo bus drivers have to call out stops in both French and English?

Yes   10%
No   90%
Total Votes for this Question: 1461 

In response to this article.

IMHO, this guy is a douche who just likes stirring the pot. I found that OC Transpo was one of the best transit systems that the country has, and it's people very professional.

Suing because the driver never says "Bonjour" to you in the morning? Gimme a break. And announcing the stations in English and French? The station names in Ottawa are unilingual enough. If you don't understand "Leeds Station" and need the driver to say "Station Leeds", you may have some problems.

And 6 grand for not being able to order a Pop in French? I wish I'd jumped on that bandwagon! What's the French word for "Coca-Cola" ? This guy embodies the definiton of a Troll.

Edit; before anyone says anything about my understanding the situation :

Oui, je suis un Canadien-Français, d'origine Acadien.
Shouldn't have to call out stops at all.  Handicapped persons should inform the Bus driver of any need to be informed when they come on the bus.
Reccesoldier said:
Shouldn't have to call out stops at all.  Handicapped persons should inform the Bus driver of any need to be informed when they come on the bus.

Agreed, actually. That's what the bell is for. If you are unsure of the station, or have a disability, then inform the driver.

I know some drivers announce all the main stops, some don't. I just saw it as a courtesy on the drivers part.
    I read the article and I think I have to give my head a shake .  I can understand the person frustration about not being served in his language  but to actually sue some one over it ?  especially when that person is in English Canada  sheesh what next  ::).
      My next question is if he wins this does this mean the next time when I am in Quebec and some taxi driver or restaurant worker doesn't serve me in English I can sue them for not providing me with my official language of choice  ::)
Well once Canada catches up with the excellent transportation system in Europe and installs an automated system that announces the next stop in whatever language is required then this won't be an issue.
kincanucks said:
Well once Canada catches up with the excellent transportation system in Europe and installs an automated system that announces the next stop in whatever language is required then this won't be an issue.

I think they proposed that solution but the city decided not to go ahead with it because it would cost too much money to install. Just like our light rail issues in Ottawa, it seems this issue will go on for a long time.
Comment dits-on "Hurdman" a Francais? 
Unless I misread the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, NB is the only province with entrenched bilingualism.  Though there may be unofficial policy in the Ottawa region to do things in both languages, and given that OC Transpo is not a federal crown corporation (I think), then there is no legal grounds for suing.  No?
Should OC Transpo bus drivers have to call out stops in both French and English?

Yes  9%
No  91%
Total Votes for this Question: 3386 @ 2101hrs NST
Michel Thibodeau is a grumpy old man at a very early age.  I just saw him on the news, and he does speak English.  His little crusade for Francophone rights has gone to the extreme.  His inability to order a 7 Up in French or a Coke is his problem.  Order a Pepsi.  As for Dual signage on the Buses.  What a Twit.  I can see the 95 buses now  Orleans/Orleans,  Trim/Trim or Baseline/Baseline.   This is a friggin Separatist who probably lost his job with the Language Police when he moved to Ontario for cheaper Taxes, and now makes a living suing everyone for not speaking French to him.   ::)  
...but how dare we expect the same in return if we cross into Hull?
BILL 101 or death!!!!!!!!
Listening to the news recently I believe I heard that OC Transpo is federally regulated as they cross provincial boundaries. So the OCOL may apply.  ::)
WR said:
Listening to the news recently I believe I heard that OC Transpo is federally regulated as they cross provincial boundaries. So the OCOL may apply.  ::)

As do the Gatineau Buses.  Do they offer English language service, even if only on the Ottawa side?  (I have never been on one, but I highly doubt it.)
George Wallace said:
As do the Gatineau Buses.  Do they offer English language service, even if only on the Ottawa side?  (I have never been on one, but I highly doubt it.)

The Gatineau buses offer traditional French service -they're surly and ignore all passengers, regardless of their linguistic affiliation.
Traditional French service? I'm an English Quebecer, and I resent that.

Still, God help me if I ever suggest to a Montreal bus driver that he call stops in English...
It has several years since I have been on a city bus. I have only been in Ottawa for a year now, but I have never seen a transit bus from the dark side...oops...I mean Gatineau over here, but then again I am generally looking at the "scenery" downtown and not the transportation.  ;D
WR said:
It has several years since I have been on a city bus. I have only been in Ottawa for a year now, but I have never seen a transit bus from the dark side...oops...I mean Gatineau over here, but then again I am generally looking at the "scenery" downtown and not the transportation.  ;D

WHAT!  You've never had a Timmies in the Rideau Center and watched those blue and white buses from across the river driving up and down Rideau Street........My God man, where have you been!    ;D
I have led a sheltered life.... ;)

I try to go downtown as much as possible in the spring and summer just to people watch. I should start looking at what is driving in front of me and not who is walking/running by more often.