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Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

There are all sorts of major crime files sitting in boxes where the investigator knows damned well who the offender is but, for whatever reason, can't put the puck in the net. You only get one shot. With the advancement of forensic science, sometimes it's just a matter of time and patience. Tough on the victims/families, though.
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or this is your actual view. If its your view we skip due process and put them down we are NO BETTER than Hamas. Give your head a shake FFS.
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.

Serving police officer here: this idea is hot garbage, and you need to take a seat. Due process is what distinguishes our country from some really shitty ones. I’ve sent quite a few people to jail for various things. I’ve also made a few mistakes. Due process keeps those circles from overlapping and protects our profession ethically and morally.
Serving police officer here: this idea is hot garbage, and you need to take a seat. Due process is what distinguishes our country from some really shitty ones. I’ve sent quite a few people to jail for various things. I’ve also made a few mistakes. Due process keeps those circles from overlapping and protects our profession ethically and morally.
Not to mention people charged but are found not guilty - or actually innocent of the crime.
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.

the dark knight rises batman GIF
Serving police officer here: this idea is hot garbage, and you need to take a seat. Due process is what distinguishes our country from some really shitty ones. I’ve sent quite a few people to jail for various things. I’ve also made a few mistakes. Due process keeps those circles from overlapping and protects our profession ethically and morally.
I'll take a seat. Appreciate it.
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.

Are you suggesting that your grandfather murdered people? And that you're proud of that family heritage? Hopefully he wasn't in law enforcement. Is he still alive?
Just skip due process. Change the assumption that a criminal deserves a 'fair' trial. Due process and the inevitable slow march is inspirational for trash to perpetrate sex crimes. Put them down quick quick. Old days style. My grandfather 'found' more than a few bodies down old dirt roads.

Work with many trauma survivors? Obviously not to say something so insensitive and idiotic.

Vengeance is not justice, and it does not bring closure in most cases. The truth and the victims getting their chance to get their truth out in the open is taken away if there isn't a trial.

I had a co-worker who was violently raped by a service member lose that option because her assailant hung himself before charges were laid. She has faced 10 years of mental anguish, released for mental health reasons, and was basically shunned from her peer group because "you brought up allegations that made Pte McFuckFace hang himself. What if you were just lying or had regrets?"

I would rather see trial after trial, acquittal after acquittal, and have the process completed properly without an inch of speculation... than have victims lose their chance for proper justice, in the vindictive pursuit of vengeance .
Work with many trauma survivors? Obviously not to say something so insensitive and idiotic.

Vengeance is not justice, and it does not bring closure in most cases. The truth and the victims getting their chance to get their truth out in the open is taken away if there isn't a trial.

I had a co-worker who was violently raped by a service member lose that option because her assailant hung himself before charges were laid. She has faced 10 years of mental anguish, released for mental health reasons, and was basically shunned from her peer group because "you brought up allegations that made Pte McFuckFace hang himself. What if you were just lying or had regrets?"

I would rather see trial after trial, acquittal after acquittal, and have the process completed properly without an inch of speculation... than have victims lose their chance for proper justice, in the vindictive pursuit of vengeance .
I've worked with a huge variety of trauma survivors from every cultural and socioeconomic background. I've also worked with sex trade victims.
Following on to the post above:

Following on to the post above:

This summed up the article pretty early on:

Her newly released second report to the government said there is an “impressive quantity of rules and regulations” and a “broad range of policy instruments” governing the Canadian Armed Forces.

“I am told that they can sometimes contradict one another,” Therrien wrote in her Nov. 7 report, which was made public on Monday.

“As a result, even relatively simple policy changes can take many months of work by many individuals.”

as told by ginger nicksplat GIF
There remains in force a medical CFAO ordering the use of a chemical as an insecticide that has been prohibited for use in Canada as an insecticide for 15 years or more.
On the flip side the RCN canceled all the MARCORDs however many years ago, and some are still in use because they haven't actually replaced them with a NAVORD.