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Rick (Master Crayon Eater) on choosing your political horse

Great post!

I would add

"Understand how our Westminster style, constitutional monarchy works. Read a synopsis on the BNA, Constitution Act, Charter, and the divisions of power within Canadian governance."

Too many folks I have gotten into political conversations with, on both sides of the political spectrum; have no idea which level of government is responsible for the issue we're discussing, what relevant piece of legislation it pertains to, or that a particular Office has ZERO ability to act on matters outside their Arcs.

I'm pleased as punch you're happy Manitoba was allowed to enter Confederation as a province, but talking about First Amendment rights IRT free speech in Canada is kind of confusing.
Great post!

I would add

"Understand how our Westminster style, constitutional monarchy works. Read a synopsis on the BNA, Constitution Act, Charter, and the divisions of power within Canadian governance."

Too many folks I have gotten into political conversations with, on both sides of the political spectrum; have no idea which level of government is responsible for the issue we're discussing, what relevant piece of legislation it pertains to, or that a particular Office has ZERO ability to act on matters outside their Arcs.

I'm pleased as punch you're happy Manitoba was allowed to enter Confederation as a province, but talking about First Amendment rights IRT free speech in Canada is kind of confusing.
Valid point. Might explain why everyone is confused about all the angry emails I send my mayor demanding he buy new fighter jets.

In my volunteer group for Navy League, I clamp down on any political discussion, as I know that there are several competing views on the subject and I don't need it poisoning our teamwork. What people, do, say and post outside of our program is their own business.

We were "prohibited" from "supporting or opposing a political party and/or candidate during working hours."
I mean, the West Ed Mall has had subs... Why not have municipal fighter sqns ?
NAVRES did have aircraft at one point:

In the period from 1953 to 1964, there were Naval Reserve Air Squadrons at five naval reserve divisions:

  • VC 920 HMCS YORK – detachment at HMCS STAR

The important thing with discussing politics is people have to be willing to discuss it. What tends to happen is one or two people shouting down the other(s) for not having the same view point. If people aren't willing to listen and explain, there is no point in trying to talk.

I have had great discussions with people of the opposing view point as I can learn their perspective, which at the minimum gives me more ammo to prepare my responses with. In some rare cases it has actually changed my mind on some things. I have also had terrible conversations with people of similar viewpoints in that they find out I am not 100% in their camp and will proceed to attack for it.

There is a reason it is a taboo conversation for many as some cannot control themselves when discussing it (much like religion or any other hot topic).
Political control in Canada ultimately rests with voters; if you rule out talking to other people, you rule out the possibility of influencing political control and necessarily cede the battlefield to others. Obviously it's easy to win an uncontested battle. Obviously not all fora are appropriate for potentially contentious discussions. Since another person's vote is effectively a means of asserting a degree of influence and control over me, I resent the votes of incompetents, fools, and lazy teat-sucking grifters.

As noted above, political discussion ought start with understanding the system and correcting myths/misunderstanding. That discussion can be entirely non-partisan. Next up should be a practical understanding of economics, which will start to touch on some people's partisan "priors".

Ultimately, nothing is possible without some kind of fiscal and economic framework, and fewer things are possible with weaker frameworks. The "things" (spending preferences) are the topics to which arguments should be confined. There should be no argument over how to seek optimum frameworks, but since so many people are so fucking lazy and greedy, trying to argue against spending the future's taxes today is a never-ending battle.

Finally, since (noted elsewhere) peoples' social change velocities are different, necessarily over time the major clusters of political affiliation are going to become increasingly separated. That will make it increasingly difficult to talk with anyone assured that they occupy whatever they imagine to be "the right side of history".
Well, they should have new fighters, too…
Well, I am going to have to tell Mayor Paul McQueen I will be the CWO of the Grey Highlands Armed Forces. Its gonna be interesting when we plit off from Canada. Hopefully the Dundalk Armed Forces are our allies.
Well, I am going to have to tell Mayor Paul McQueen I will be the CWO of the Grey Highlands Armed Forces. Its gonna be interesting when we plit off from Canada. Hopefully the Dundalk Armed Forces are our allies.
You had better hope so… :giggle:
Well, I am going to have to tell Mayor Paul McQueen I will be the CWO of the Grey Highlands Armed Forces. Its gonna be interesting when we plit off from Canada. Hopefully the Dundalk Armed Forces are our allies.
Tough to say, most of Southgate will be with you but Dundalk is pretty much a suburb of Brampton now. Next municipal election will be... interesting
Well, I am going to have to tell Mayor Paul McQueen I will be the CWO of the Grey Highlands Armed Forces. Its gonna be interesting when we plit off from Canada. Hopefully the Dundalk Armed Forces are our allies.
I’ll be the CDS for the Winnipeg Farces. Oops I mean Forces…..