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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I am a student, currently at a civilian university in Ontario, last year I was in BEeng, but switched to BSc this year. I am wondering if I would be able to transfer to rmc after 2nd year. Also I am not a Canadian citizen, nor a permanent resident, but I was looking at the application and it says you can still go if you get permission from the Canadian government. Should I give up on the RMC dream, or is there still hope?
Talk to a recruiter, they should be able to answer those questions for you, or at least point you in the right direction.

Good Luck!
rmcwanter said:
Also I am not a Canadian citizen, nor a permanent resident, but I was looking at the application and it says you can still go if you get permission from the Canadian government.

First of all, are you referring to the application for the CF?

If this is true and all you need is the "government's permission," don't expect this to be your ticket in. If it was that easy, everybody in your situation would be asking.

The only circumstances that I have heard of where people without citizenship were able to join was because they possessed a specialized skill that the Forces were in need of. However, you should take this with a grain of salt, since I came across this information by word of mouth from a "far from official" source.
rmcwanter said:
this is what i found

First line of the application......."Must be a Canadian Citizen or authorized by the Canadian Government"

I would assume that the term "authorized by the Canadian Government" applies more specifically towards foreign "Exchange Officers" as opposed to civilians trying to apply.

You can always submit an application and see what happens.
Thank you for the congrats. My intention of the post was to inform other people in similar situations of the offer I received (i.e. CT or applied for CivU). I am not taking it for granted and congratulate everyone else for their offers.
rmcwanter said:
this is what i found

In addition to what DAA stated, I think the Eligibility Criteria "C" would also preclude you:

c) Must meet one of the following conditions:
• Be a member of the Regular or Reserve Force and have completed basic MOSID training. Members who have not yet completed their training may apply with written recommendation of their Unit or Formation Commander
• Be honourably released from the Regular or Reserve force
• Be an employee of the Department of National Defense (DND) or another Federal government department
Be the spouse of a member of the CF – Regular Force
Note: Individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements for admission to
RMCC as specified above and who wish to pursue RMCC's Certificate Programmes or specific individual courses offered by RMCC may apply as 'interest only' students and may be accepted, on an exceptional basis, provided there is space available and their admission serves the aims established for RMCC, the CF and the Government of Canada.

I'm sure it was a typo, but leaving the title of this thread the way it is might also preclude you based on Eligibility Criteria "B":

b) Must possess the academic programme prerequisites OR qualify for Mature Student status

Best day ever! My CT was approved: Junior ROTP- AEC - CMR St-Jean. HQ of Ottawa emailed me this afternoon. Can't wait to see you guys at St-Jean! By the way, congrats to everyone that got accepted and for the others, don't give up!
Seems like a lot of people are headed to St Jean first year, anyone feeling up to making a thread for our crowd?
blcbandit said:
I'm in for a group like that. Would help us get to know one another before heading off.

Well there is this:
Alright- congratulations to all that have been accepted! Etc etc...

Though, I would love to know the averages of any or all successful applicants -what was your overall mark in high school, applying into ROTP ??? Please and thank you.
jasph said:
Alright- congratulations to all that have been accepted! Etc etc...

Though, I would love to know the averages of any or all successful applicants -what was your overall mark in high school, applying into ROTP ??? Please and thank you.

I had a high seventies average but you have to remember, grades are only one part of your application.  You're interview and extra curriculars are just as important from what I hear.
jasph said:
I would love to know the averages of any or all successful applicants.

The average of all the applicants who were accepted last year or the year before (can't remember which one) was either 85% or just a little below that. However, like Alex10370 posted, marks are not the only deciding factor for an applicant.
Hello All;
  I'm wondering if anyone could answer the question: can you graduate early from RMC?

By "early" I mean in 7 semesters or less. Will they allow you to do that? If not, would you know why?

Note: If someone had a demanding trade that required many phases, I could see why RMC would not let you graduate early, however for a trade like AEC which has two on-the-job training summers after 2nd AND 3rd year, one could make the argument that graduating early is not only possible, but beneficial.

Thank you.
I'm not at RMC but judging by the daily routine schedule ( http://www.rmc.ca/lar-vac/dr-etq-eng.asp ), I think you would have a hard time completing any extra courses.
So after 3 tries (yes it took me 3years), I finally got in! Gonna be at RMC St-Jean INFANTRY OFFICIER!
I applied at CFRC Montreal

Looking forward serving with you guys!

For those who are still waiting keep hope and keep trying, do not give up on your dreams!
All officer occupations have on the job training during the summer periods. Did you think the military was going to pay you you during the summer months while you sit around? As for graduating early, good luck, your schedule ratio of classes to extracurricular activities will be strictly adhered to. Most students find it very difficult to complete all of their daily routines before forced lights out. As for AEC it has one of the highest military failure rates in the CF (you'll find out at the NAV Canada training school in Cornwall) which means you better be prepared to accept a different MOC. And yes I know what I'm talking about, my wife is a Proff at RMC, and I have over 18 years in the CF.
The CF is full of time tested process. Good luck proposing to RMC (or the CF) that you have uncovered a better way. Let me say in advance that you will be enjoying the same box everyone else is placed in.
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