As someone that has won a Grievance, (all the way to FA)
I started out with a small memo, stating what I thought was wrong, why I thought it was wrong, had a meeting with the OC, and one was moved. I was also threatened saying "We can charge you for this." I was promoted and posted, IDGAF, what had happened was wrong, I was marked down so others may be brought up, and personal conflict. The OC moved one of my bullets. He said, I realise this is rush for you (informed them of my intent to grieve, and 12 hours later, uncompleted memo I was in front of the OC), but you take it up one more step then you will be good to go. Meaning take it to the IA of the CO.
So with more time and already at my new posting I hammered it out, completed the memo, at that point told by my at the time current AO said that the Greivance Analyst will get in contact with my former supervisors, and gather information from them as so it is not biased. Upon a phone call from the GA, he had in fact confirmed that.
Several months pass, I receive notice that it did not pass and it was not approved. I search the file for the information from previous supervisors and staff saying "Member should of scored higher and this is where." Previous is a bad word to use, as they all had been my supervisor at some point during the reporting period, and were just not available at the time of the Boards to "fight" and or be like " hold up thats not right"
Needless to say, the GA did not contact anyone except the old troop WO to confirm that I infact did Grieve.
I said eff this, this is going all the way up. So once again, I added to the memo, receiving emails from previous supervisors, that stated exactly what I was fighting for the whole time.
Regardless of what the member writing it thought and trying playing puppet master using the buddy buddy system, my PER was fixed.
1. Gather all pertinent information yourself
2. They will try to bully you
3. Get in touch with previous supervisors,
4. It takes time, it took me three years once the FA said " he has substantiation, give him this"
5. Ensure you state how and why your being affected from how you were wronged.
It is worth it in the end, especially career wise, short term yes, long term for sure yes. If you get promoted sooner and are benefiting with more money, improving quality of life, thats how it affects you personally, not "I didnt like it so here is a 30 page memo on why"