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RCHA Reunion Thread 1970's- 1980's-Come One, Come All

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Hi Boys, Paul Gillman sent me by your position. All is well with me, living in Wash DC right now, believe it or not moving back to Germany this summer, Garmisch. Wife is in the US Navy, been married for almost 20 now, geez... Wish I could make the reunion, maybe if you had it in Lahr!!! Great to see some old names. I'll be around...
Jim Brault
Wow, some old names for sure, yea I remember the stero, I lived in the room across the hall, had no choice on the volume or play selection!!! Best party I ever went to was my year in Lahr...
Was it at my place?  ;D

Pat Wolfe and I shared an apartment near the Gutenburg School. 
I am sure I can speak for Roger (Wawah) in saying he would come to a reunion.  I would also love to see many of you.  You can contact Roger through me and/or get his phone number by contacted me.

See you there!!
Okay not sure if this might be the right place, but i know my daddy was stationed in that general area around then,  Would any of you fine people happen to know Lloyd Ingram? Best as I can explain him would be a short balding electrical engineer at the time.  In fact my mom woulda been preggers with my older brother (who was born in germany actually) around then (he was born in '80)  well if you do know him could ya send me a PM, would love to let him know about a possible upcomming reunion
Calling all 1RCHA Gunners from Lahr (76 to 82 - or so).

I just sent out an e mail for the reunion in Armprior Ontario.  I have attached it's contents below. 

Fellow "Gunners" their families and associates.

I thought I would take a leap and get this reunion thing rolling.

Over the winter, I have been staying in contact with a few of the guys in the above addy's and it looks like there is more than encouraging interest in arranging a "get-to-gether/reunion.    After looking at a calendar, I believe a function would be great for sometime in July.    Since I am the guy who has taken "one pace step forward" (or did you guys all step back????), I get to choose the date (26 July 2008) and venue.

Some of you may be aware that Turtle Lancaster has offered up his Hangar at the "Mile High Parachute" club located in Arnprior, Ontario.  Turtle has advised that this property also has camping and all other amenities.  For those who have spent more time under canvas than the average gypsy, there are many hotels and B&B's all over the area as well.

I am hoping to start the actual reunion at 1800 hrs (at the Hangar) however, prior to that (morning), Turtle has offered to take any brave and adventurous soul(s) for a "Tandem Parachute descent (for a fee of course).  In addition to the tandem drop, and in keeping with the "living life on the edge" theme,  I have scoped out Wilderness Tours which has white water rafting and a bungee jump tower.  I will send out another e-mail with all the prices of these activities.  If you are not into doing the above, you could just show up at 1800 hrs,  or come earlier and relax at the hangar or campsite,  have a few cocktails and throw some horse shoes.  There is also great shopping 30 minutes away in the fair city of Ottawa.

Lastly, If anyone is interested, I will be arranging a Golf outing (18 holes) on Sunday after the farewells.

So, to start, this e-mail is intended to see how many of you are serious about attending something like this. 

If you are, would you be so kind as to send me back an e-mail indicating if you are going to make it?

If you are planning on coming, please let me know if you are interested in:

Tandem Parachute descent
White Water Rafting
Once I see how much interset there is, I will send out another e-mail.

P.S.  I know I have missed a lot of guys, so please forward this e-mail on to anyone you know who served with us and may be interested in attending.

Wawah (Roger Conway) and I will definitely be there.  I will see who I can find to pass the word on to.

I wondered if it would be helpful to have an event page on Facebook?  Is Facebook popular with this bunch?  I know of at least 4 RCHA Lahr folks that are on there.

I would be happy to set it up and it would be a great way to keep everyone up to date on the plans, details, etc.

Yahoo!!!! Party Time!!!
Hi Denise.

Thanks for the reply.  I will be great to see Roger (aka- WAWA) and meet you.

I am on facebook but not sure if anyone else is

See what you can do.
Sorry guys, won't be able to make it, belive it or not I'm moving to Germany in early July, maybe I could do a Sim-u-cast from the steps of the Hurst, I could have the"Bucket" filled and join you in a toast, wouldn't that be cool! I really wish I could make it, if anything to see Paul Gillman do a tandem jump! If I could make it I would definetly have a tent, with ammo boxes and the old coleman stove with a pot of "NATO" standard coffee going. George could come over with his old doggie dish and have some MRE's. Man I wish I could make it. Take Care.
Jim Brault said:
Sorry guys, won't be able to make it, belive it or not I'm moving to Germany in early July, maybe I could do a Sim-u-cast from the steps of the Hurst, I could have the"Bucket" filled and join you in a toast, wouldn't that be cool! I really wish I could make it, if anything to see Paul Gillman do a tandem jump! If I could make it I would definetly have a tent, with ammo boxes and the old coleman stove with a pot of "NATO" standard coffee going. George could come over with his old doggie dish and have some MRE's. Man I wish I could make it. Take Care.

The only Tandem-jumping this old gunner will be doing is jumping into bed...wait, that didn't come out right.......forget it, you know what I mean... ::)

I envy you Jim. I loved my time in Germany not only for the friends I made but the country itself had a great hold on me. 

We're moving in July I hope it all works out timing wise to make it.

Indeed Paul.

It would be great if you could make it.

I have heard from a few more hopefuls - Cid Saunders - Lane Lambert - Onion

Keep getting the word out folks, this is starting to look like the perfect storm!!!  LOL

Paul Gillman said:
I envy you Jim. I loved my time in Germany not only for the friends I made but the country itself had a great hold on me. 


Man, ain't that the truth.

Jim are you moving to Lahr?
I have created an Event page through Facebook.  Anyone on Facebook can access that page to confirm attendence, see pics, share stories, or just keep up to date on whats happening.  Please pass on this info to anyone.  I have emailed Joe Claus and will pass on any messages as we go along.  I am new to this application so be patient.

Dust off your beer boots and get ready.  Its going to be a freakin good time!
Hi All,

Not sure if you know there is a reunion in the works for this summer.  Joe Claus has started the planning and there is a Facebook page that you can get all the info.  If you arent on facebook, you should sign up. The group is called  1RCHA Lahr (1976 - 1982)

There is a forum in here that talks about the reunion so you can look it up that way if you prefer.

Just trying to get the word out so it can be as fun as possible.
Thanks a million Denise.


To all interested in attending the 1RCHA get together - Because of the "no booze" at the parachute hangar, I had to arrange a new venue which I am sure everyone will enjoy.

It is 5 minutes from the hangar at the Arnprior Legion Branch 174.  There are all the amenities including darts - pool - horseshoes etc....  I am trying to secure a BBQ pit where I hope we can cook our own.

One catch -  It is for the following Saturday on 2 August (the long weekend).  I know this works for a lot of people and I hope it works for everyone.  I apologize for this change and hope you can plan around it.  What I can do is assure you that the legion booking is in stone and will not change. 
No Booze?  Did our reputation preceed us?  It was that Gillman fella that they were worried about! >:D 
In relation to my last post (1RCHA reunion- Arnprior Ont)

The date and venue has been changed to one week later on the long weekend (2nd  of  AUGUST)

The 1 RCHA get together will be held at the Arnprior Legion starting at noon on Aug 2nd.  There is the usual Legion games (darts - pool - Horseshoes  etc...) 

We have access to two  BBQs and the bar will remain open all night.

Camp sites will be at the mile high parachute hangar and are free.

The tandem parachuting is still a go, but you need to let me know asap.  It will cost approx $ 275.

Hope to see everyone there! 

Bring the wife, kids, an appetite and your old Lahr pictures.
