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Question of the Hour

I would also add the sexton!  Good answer.

What were the distinguishing features of the uniforms of French cavalry trumpeters of the Napoleonic period?
They wore reverse color's. I.e. if the squadron was blue withorange trim, their tunics would be orange with blue trim.
Larry, that is crack on correct, the reversed facing colours distinguished French Cavalry trumpeters.  The other feature of note would be that the trumpeters usually had first pick of gray or white horses.

On what date did Erwin Rommel learn of his promotion to Field Marshal at the tender age of forty-nine?
redleafjumper said:
Larry, that is crack on correct, the reversed facing colours distinguished French Cavalry trumpeters.  The other feature of note would be that the trumpeters usually had first pick of gray or white horses.

You stumped me there for a few minutes, as I forgot the trumpeters usually got grey horses. Also Napoleon decreed on 23 May 1810, described in the Journal Militarie of 30 Dec 1811 and detailed in the 1812 regulations that ALL trumpeters and drummers etc wear a Green tunic and had the facings and piping of the regimental color, and a specially developed lace. This lace which edged the collar, cuffs, turnback's, false back pockets, came in 2 varieties, the one for vertical and the other for horizontal positioning. The design consisted of alternating Imperial "N's" and eagles, in green on a yellow base separated by black thread. Most trumpeters and drummers did not receive these till 1813 though.
3rd Herd, that is the date he was promoted, the same day that he captured Tobruk.  However he did not learn of his promotion until June 22.  According to Desmond Young's book Rommel:

"On the morning of June 21st, Rommel was able to report that Tobruk was in his hands.  Next day he learnt by wireless from Hitler's headquarters that he was a Field-Marshal, at forty-nine the youngest in the German Army...  After dinner he wrote to his wife: "Hitler has made me a Field-Marshal.  I would rather he had given me one more division."

Also good information about Napoleon's decree of 1810 on the dress for Trumpeters.

What feature generally distinguished British Napoleonic cavalry horses from French ones?
Docked tails for the French. I seem to remember a painting of British infantry  ( Gordon Highlanders)being carried from the stirups or holding onto the horses tails to get into battle quicker. The charge of the Scott's Greys also shows undocked tails. The French charge of the British squares at Waterloo shows docked tails.
Bobbed or docked tails for the French cavalry horses it is.

Anyone else have a question?  Doctor says I'm off typing for a few weeks  :-(

Sure Red Leaf
The name of the first tank developed by the British in September 1916. Hint mothers sometime have to remind young sons to shake their ..............................
Little Willie.  Gee, I could type that!  "My Boy Willie" is still the armoured corps marchpast.

In August of 1561, an important  passenger got off of a French ship anchored off of Leith, Scotland.  Who was that passenger?
It is not only a good answer, it is also the correct one - Mary had come to Britain to press her claim to the English throne.
On August 16th 1960 an independent republic was formed, in 1963 dissolution set in. What is the name of this republic and why was it created? Red Leaf Jumper due to what I suspect are self inflicted injuries I will allow one word answers from you.