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PT- Running with weight and gasmask


Army.ca Myth
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To alleviate the tediousness of running on a treadmill I started running with body armor, training plates and a gasmask.

Is there anything really detrimental to running with a mask on? Obviously it makes breathing more difficult but is there a risk of any long term harm?

I'm also told through a friend a couple airforce members don't like seeing it. Is using PPE during personal PT allowed?
Grimaldus said:
Is there anything really detrimental to running with a mask on? Obviously it makes breathing more difficult but is there a risk of any long term harm?

I'm also told through a friend a couple airforce members don't like seeing it. Is using PPE during personal PT allowed?

Other than looking like an douche AFAIK it has no long term effects.  Gas masks during workout seems to be the new craze out there.

We wear PPE for PT at times, this really is no different as long as you aren't destroying it.
Just have a spotter when working out like that, wouldn't want to overheat and pass out.
Gas masks during workout seems to be the new craze out there.
Everyone wants to be fruity Rudy.
Instead of providing yourself with session of self induced c@ck which will make anyone who sees you doing this question your sanity, perhaps you should look at other cardio activities that are not just running on a treadmill.

Jumping rope for instance,

Tabata intervals squats or burpees or anything else you want to do,

1 minute speed or elevation training on your tread mill,

or just breath exclusively through your nose while you run

Nobody knows what the harmful long term effects of doing cardio with a gas mask on because there are no medical researchers whom would ethically subject people to such a test.

As for adding weight, via weight vest or pack, there is science. The largest risk is the added pressure to the joints and a relative increase in the risk of developing degenerative joint disease later, esp if you are running long. This was evident by all the broken people who ran in cbt boots with rucks on.

If you are going to do this, like the five fingers shoe training period, you should restrict your increases to 10% (of weight or distance, not both) per week. Ideally you do this for a workout which is more involved than just a straight run. Also, start working to strengthen your abs, because it will add strain on your back too.

MJP said:
Gas masks during workout seems to be the new craze out there.

Guess it is true that stupidity is more contagious than knowledge.
I dont run with weight but I ruck with it. I also train with a gas mask- because I work in a gas mask- and I put out better than the super fit who dont train with one when we both strap one on.

The argument is that it can simulate altitude training to a lesser degree and it used by lots of professional MMA fighters- who have their own mask now but originally were using snorkels taped to their heads.

I train for "c@ck" like conditions so that I dont care that much when they happen. I dont expect everyone to get it.
Oh I didn't catch stupidity, we've been friends a while  ;)

I'll usually change up the runs and not just go at one speed for 40 minutes.
5mph pace on the machine for a few minutes then speed it up to a sprint for a minute or two then drop it down to a walk for a few minutes, sometimes I'll throw up the incline.
It may be a placebo effect but it feels like my normal sprints are improved.

As for running with the vest, I notice if I push it too much my knee gets just a little sore but at the end of the day even with the vest and plates I still weight 8 or 9 pounds less than what I did when I started running.

I never thought about jump rope, thanks.  I got a nose like Owen Wilson, no way I could breath though that honker alone.
Grimaldus said:
Oh I didn't catch stupidity, we've been friends a while  ;)

You might be resistant.

You questioned what you could do instead of just jumping on the bandwagon.
Grimaldus said:
I got a nose like Owen Wilson, no way I could breath though that honker alone.

If that's true, you should be able to do 4 minute miles, breathing only through that schnozzle.  ;D

Hang on....maybe you'd suck the mask right to your face.  :eek:
Grimaldus said:
I'll usually change up the runs and not just go at one speed for 40 minutes.
5mph pace on the machine for a few minutes then speed it up to a sprint for a minute or two then drop it down to a walk for a few minutes, sometimes I'll throw up the incline.
It may be a placebo effect but it feels like my normal sprints are improved.

That's interval training for you, and it will improve your sprints and your distance runs.

Grimaldus said:
As for running with the vest, I notice if I push it too much my knee gets just a little sore but at the end of the day even with the vest and plates I still weight 8 or 9 pounds less than what I did when I started running.

And that's really the set-back about running with weight, it can be pretty detrimental to the joints. I don't know how much you weigh, but I have a 40 pound weight vest. Consider if you were a 200 pound person, performing like a 200 pound person, but the impact on your joints is that of an overweight 240 pound person, doing things that an overweight 240 pound person wouldn't be able to do to his joints because he's too out of shape.

I use the weight vest for training on stairs, hill sprints, and for ruckmarching, as well as for callisthenics (it's made a huge difference on my push ups), because there's less impact. I am looking at buying a parachute for sprint training, I used them from ages 14-17 when I played hockey competitively and they were great training tools with a lot less chance of injury / stress on joints. Something you might want to consider as opposed to sprinting with weight.
cypres78 said:
Gas Mask?? Haha is this a serious thread?

No I'm just joking. You should never train wearing a gaskmask for things you might be exposed to like physical exertion, shooting, applying first aid etc..

RDJP said:
If that's true, you should be able to do 4 minute miles, breathing only through that schnozzle.  ;D

Hang on....maybe you'd suck the mask right to your face.  :eek:

It's big but crooked, air has to twist and turn to get around all the bends. Requires more effort! 
Grimaldus said:
To alleviate the tediousness of running on a treadmill I started running with body armor, training plates and a gasmask.

Not quite sure how piling on weight and restricting your breathing alleviates tedium.  As far as I can see, you'd still be bored, just more tired.

If you want to make running interesting, check out this routine:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L30rynCHwPs&feature=youtube_gdata_player

This one's even better (except for the leaping off the cliff part): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLctf4o6feQ
cypres78 said:
Im no stranger to sarcasm ;D

I can't help but laugh thinking of being out running and crossing paths with someone running wearing a gas mask. 

To each his own.

I'd be looking for said individual to see if he/she (weirdness knows no bounds and cuts across all demographics) was carrying a bloody machete.

cypres78 said:
I can't help but laugh thinking of being out running and crossing paths with someone running wearing a gas mask. 
Until further down the trail when you find the toxic spill the masked-up person was running from.  ;D

I agree that it probably looks retarded......but think of it as resistance training for the lungs, for someone who can't afford to fly to the mountains to train at elevation.
Personally I don't see any real reason not to train like that, especially for someone that actually needs to work in that equipment (other than the looks you get from folks - best not done in public).  You need to be able to regulate your breathing and your muscles have to adapt to a change in delivery time of the O2.  Go watch a youtube video called "First Among Equals" about the NZSAS - you get to see some training sessions of the boys on their counter-terror training doing PT in their respirators for two reasons: they have to be able to do CT in a CBRN environment, and they wear them routinely as part of their assault kit, so they train in them.


cypres78 said:
Im no stranger to sarcasm ;D

I can't help but laugh thinking of being out running and crossing paths with someone running wearing a gas mask. 

To each his own.

I hear ya.  If I was out running around the streets in a gaskmask and I passed someone else in a gasmask I'd snort and make fun of them too  ;D

While I don't run around the streets with it on, if it looks a little retarded but makes me stronger I'm willing to wear a little egg on my face over it.

I was reading up about it in the Journal of Sports Science.  It says it;
Training the muscles responsible for breathing in – inspiratory muscles – can improve performance by 15 per cent, meaning a runner can run for longer and a swimmer can swim faster
-Dr Mitch Lomax, university of Indiana's Department of Sport and Exercise Science

Run farther from Zombies, swim faster from sharks? Sold
Grimaldus said:
Run farther from Zombies, swim faster from sharks mutated sea bass with frickin laser beams attached to their heads? Sold

There - fixed.