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Prince Harry may be training in Alberta: reports

America has NOTHING comparable to the cultural or historical significance of the Royal family.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion...

Yes, we are ;).  I admit that I am incredibly biased towards the Royals.  To be more fair....the President of the United States would hold a SIMILAR, YET I maintain NOT EQUAL standing to to the conscience of society.  Though the President was chosen by the people, not born into it.  A new President is elected every 4 years.  The Royals serve from birth to death, though they are not as significant as they once were when they held more power personally.  They are a symbol more than anything now.  The Royals of past were the politicians and celebrities of their day.  The rise and fall of nations and the lines on the map were decided by families and their followers, the political parties of past.  History was shaped by the personalities of individuals born to rule.  Elected Officials are not as personally significant as the position they temporarily hold and decisions are more disseminated.                        
Prince Andrew was in the skies when he saw action in the Falklands. There is an enormous difference between being in the skies under fire, and being on the ground in the center of a city filled with people determined on attacking and/or kidnapping.

This is a VERY important fact to point out in this debate. 
Why is it the Queen Mum was such a favorite ? Was it because she rode out the blitz with the common folk rather than live in the countryside or in Canada ? I think Harry could serve a similar role in either Iraq or Afghanistan. As for secrecy the Brits have the Official Secrets Act which would keep the press in check.
Why is it the Queen Mum was such a favorite ? Was it because she rode out the blitz with the common folk rather than live in the countryside or in Canada?

Yes, that's exactly why.  The Royal family during the Second World War really stood out as an example to the British people of strength through hardship. 
The Queen Mum (Queen at the time) was photographed a lot touring bombed out areas of London.  She is credited with bring a lot of hope to these areas  and apparently her concern for her people appeared very genuine.  Queen Elizabeth II also did her part during the war.  A Princess at the time, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service and was trained as a driver.  She was the first and only female member of the Royal family to actually serve in the armed forces. 

The Second World War to the British is a LOT different than Iraq.  WW2 was the fight for their homeland and for their way of life.  It was total war that affected every facet of life.  Iraq is for "interests abroad" and does not have a lot of daily significance for anyone who is not personally involved or doesn't have a loved one there.  It is geo-politically significant, but not the defining moment of a nation. 
InfantryGrrl said:
Yes, we are ;).   The Royals of past were the politicians and celebrities of their day.                        

Not to mention nutters, womanizers, wife killers, tax avoiders,  the list goes on. A quaint but totally outdated institution that has no place in a modern independant country such as Canada. Argueably the longest chain of welfare cases in history. But we keep on sucking up to these foreigners.

This topic was featured on page 4 of the Edmonton Sun today.
InfantryGrrl said:
Queen Elizabeth II also did her part during the war.  A Princess at the time, she joined the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service and was trained as a driver.  She was the first and only female member of the Royal family to actually serve in the armed forces. 

History also proves that her platoon mates were hand selected, indeed were already fully trained NCOs,  so HRH would not have to associate with the wrong kind of girls. And she got to go home to Windsor Castle every night. I doubt her peers were afforded the same quarters. What a sacrifice!
a78jumper said:
History also proves that her platoon mates were hand selected, indeed were already fully trained NCOs,  so HRH would not have to associate with the wrong kind of girls. And she got to go home to Windsor Castle every night. I doubt her peers were afforded the same quarters. What a sacrifice!

a78jumper said:
Not to mention nutters, womanizers, wife killers, tax avoiders,  the list goes on. A quaint but totally outdated institution that has no place in a modern independant country such as Canada. Argueably the longest chain of welfare cases in history. But we keep on sucking up to these foreigners.

This topic was featured on page 4 of the Edmonton Sun today.

OK, you've made your point. You don't like the Royal family, which is a point I believe you've made before more than once.  Do you have anything constructive to add to this thread?
a78jumper said:
History also proves that her platoon mates were hand selected, indeed were already fully trained NCOs,  so HRH would not have to associate with the wrong kind of girls. And she got to go home to Windsor Castle every night. I doubt her peers were afforded the same quarters. What a sacrifice!
True story from a WWII vet.  He was driving with a mate through England in 45.  Saw a "lorry" on the side of the road with someone under it.  They pull over to help.  When asked, the person working on it from underneath popped out and said "No, thank you, I have it" (or words tothat effect).  It was HRH Princess Elizabeth.

Anyway, as for HRH Prince Harry, I'm certain that he wants to do "his part", just like any other subaltern worth their weight.  Just like his uncle Andrew, who served as Exocet bait in the Falklands.
Not to mention nutters, womanizers, wife killers, tax avoiders,  the list goes on. A quaint but totally outdated institution that has no place in a modern independant country such as Canada. Argueably the longest chain of welfare cases in history. But we keep on sucking up to these foreigners.

My Canadian cultural identity is greatly tied to our history as a British colony.  I will always unapologetically love the British Royals and fully support their continuing ties to Canada.  Despite my strong British identity I do realise we live in a multicultural society and understand that this view of Canada is not relevant to many Canadians.      

I will agree that the Royals are nutters though lol.  No more or less nuts then every other family though.  Their lives are public so their problems are too.  If your family was watched as intensely Dad's affairs, Mum's death, your Brother's relationship breakup and your military career would be front page news too.  Nothing that happens in their lives is out of the ordinary for any other family.    
Just a small point of Prince Andrew's risk factor being minimised with him being in the air...how do you think he got to the Falklands? Flew? Swam? Paddled? Arrived via worm hole? He and his Sqn, were on board a ship for the three weeks it took to sail down there.  Those very same ships that every other squaddie, bootie, matelot and para were on and held to the same risk of attack.

i've been following the news and the threads on HRH Prince Harry for awhile, finally had enough and had to reply.  One of the saddest and most unfair things in this life is to be prevented from fulfilling a life long dream because of the stupidity of other people.  Unlike some other heirs and heiresses (like Paris what's her name) Prince Harry is actually trying to do something meaningful with his life.  When he parties too hard and gets drunk the media makes it headlines, like there aren't enough issues in this world more deserving of the front page.  Yet here he is trying to serve his country, something many middle and upper class Britons of his age have no interest in doing, and is being hampered in doing so by the media.

The unnecesary publicity they placed on his possible deployment to Iraq is what made him a target and caused it to be nixed in the first place.  The media have messed up his career enough, why don't they just F#$% OFF and leave the young man alone so he can be what he just wants to be, a soldier.
Ogres eyeing royal rugby


MEDICINE HAT -- Prince Harry is a royal and a soldier but for members of the Medicine Hat Ogres --
who have extended an invitation for the prince to join them on the field -- he's a rugby player first.

The Alberta champions know it's unlikely the prince, who counts rugby as one of his primary passions,
will ever take them up on the offer, but they extended it anyway, said team member Trent Teft.

"If he wants to come out, that would be brilliant," he said.
Prince Harry chats up Calgary bartender
Jamie Komarnicki CanWest News Service; Calgary Herald  Saturday, June 09, 2007

CALGARY -- A Calgary bar is basking in reflected royal limelight, after a bartender caught the eye of Prince Harry.

The young prince, training at CFB Suffield, visited Calgary's Cowboys bar during Wednesday lady's night, but spent much of the evening chatting up local bartender Cherie Cymbalisty, 22, said Cowboys manager Doug Donald.

"If it goes somewhere, fantastic," he said. "She'd look fantastic on the dollar bill."

Prince Harry headed straight for the shooter bar where Cymbalisty was working, and he took "quite a shine to her," Donald said.

After spending a few hours drinking and chatting, Harry returned to Cowboys after the crowds had left the bar to say goodbye to Cymbalisty.

"I can certainly see why he'd be attracted to her. They're both young ... young kids having some fun."

Cymbalisty is refusing interviews, after reportedly getting an exclusive interview deal with a British media outlet.

The two are still in contact, Donald said.

"She's not going to talk to any media at the moment. We're going to respect her privacy and allow her to pursue it as she wishes."

Donald said he believed Harry also visited a number of other clubs in Calgary this week.

The second lieutenant in the British military - and third in line to the throne - came to Cowboys around midnight, accompanied by a military buddy, two RCMP officers and two British security guards.

As word of his presence spread, he strolled through the bar, shaking hands and chatting.

"He was good with that, but the crowd was good with him. They didn't annoy him, they didn't constantly hound him," Donald said.

"He said to Cherie, 'I don't get to do this, I don't get to go to places without microphones and cameras constantly being pushed in my face.'"

He came back after the crowd had left around 2 a.m.

"He quietly knocked on the door. He wanted to know if he could come in say goodbye and have a little chat with her. He came in, we brought the crew back in and they had a little quiet time upstairs," Donald said.

"They had a little chat, a few laughs."

Cymbalisty's biography for the Canada's Hottest Bartender contest lists her favourite drink as Crown and Coke with a twist of lime and her favourite body party as her "tummy."

She lists modeling as an aspiration. "I plan to be a Playboy Bunny or Playmate in 3 or 4 years! (cross fingers) Haha ..." she writes on the contest's website.
Yes, I can just see the third in line to the British throne marrying a bartender whose biggest ambition is to be a Playboy Bunny.  ::)
Following in the tradition of Uncle Andrew and the porn star?  :P
Send him to Iraq, dont tell anyone, and have him pop up once in a while in Sydney, London, Toronto, etc... Once his tour is done, say Prince Harry here did his duty. Basically no one can blame the British Army for this because if they said the prince is going to Iraq and no one made such a big deal well it wouldn't have been a big deal.

visited Calgary's Cowboys bar during Wednesday lady's night,

It must be a gruelling training schedule for the Brits down in Suffield.  But of course they get some time to relax and do more than battle runs.

The six-week exercises allow a full infantry battalion, with support weapons and its attached Royal Artillery Battery to conduct realistic live firing training at all levels. From section tactics to battalion assaults, the training area allows armoured Battle Groups to conduct a wide variety of training, much of which is live firing.

Before the troops leave, they often take advantage of the excellent adventurous training facilities in the Rocky Mountains.

Yeah, that's the story, he was on adventurous training.
Hey I remember that place... Calgary's Cowboys bar .. indeed I do... girls still run around with the pistols? Please don't tell my niner.... ;D