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Post-secondary education and joining reserve


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Hi there,

I'm wondering how (and if) my Political Science training (UofT honour specialist) could help me in any specific trades in CF. I'm also completing a major in computer science in the next year or two (part-time). That would obviously lead me into more technical trades, perhaps SigOps?

My recruiter hasn't been very helpful (or available) the past week so turning to the forums to get some feedback. Also wondering if anyone has a similar educational background.

On another note, I'm wondering if the CF recruiter will take high-school education and place of study into consideration. I was fortunate to attend a rather rigorous and regimented school. Strict uniform, facial hair rules etc. It's part of the reason why I think the military appeals to me.


I don't think going to a strict and regimented high school will hurt your chances.

That wasn't the point of the thread, but yeah obviously it wont.

Heh sorry, I realised that was an unnecessary thing to add, but what I was getting at is if one is competing for a more difficult trade...I assume it would be included as a positive aspect for the applicant.

Bah whatever, I'm more interested in the first part of my thread.
Are you interested in becoming an officer or NCM?

Another factor you need to consider is the time it takes for you to complete your trades training. Some trades are broken into modules to make it easier, but some aren't. For example, I believe the RMS course is 11 weeks long. You are better off tracking down the recruiter. Are you applying to 32 Brigade? (You said you went to UofT)
It sounds like I should be applying for Officer, though quite honestly I'm not sure. This is something to discuss for the recruiter of course. By the way I'm trying for reserve forces.

RMS course? Note that I'm still a part-time student and run my own freelance development business. I'll likely have to sacrifice time to complete my courses.

I attended the University of Toronto for my undergrad, yeah. What's 32 Brigade?
32 Brigade encompasses all the Reserve units in the Toronto area.

Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you have to become an officer. I have a degree and I am applying to be a NCM combat engineer.

RMS Clerk is a trade.

Ahhh, I see. Interesting. Yeah, I realised that I can apply for both. I think I really need to sit down and understand the two different paths both in regards to timing and future directions.

Thanks for the help Larkvall. The question is still...what could I potentially apply my polisci degree to? I doubt the army employs political scientists. Hah.
Recruiters seem more interested in what your interests are. If you decide to go officer then your degree can be a factor. For example, you won't qualify to be an Engineer Officer with your degree, but I have been told that trades such as Infantry, Artillery, Armoured will still be open to you. I don't know about SigOps or the support trades.

My impression from the recruiters is that most of the trades are open except for the medical trades and the Intell Ops are very picky and might be closed now.
Friend of mine has a PoliSci degree, and he joined the PRes as a SigOp originally. He took his commission after basic, and is now a Signals Officer with that degree.
reds said:
Ahhh, I see. Interesting. Yeah, I realised that I can apply for both. I think I really need to sit down and understand the two different paths both in regards to timing and future directions.

Thanks for the help Larkvall. The question is still...what could I potentially apply my polisci degree to? I doubt the army employs political scientists. Hah.

CFRC doesn't care what your degree could apply to, unless it's a specific degree required for a specific trade (i.e. Engineering,medical, legal)

YOU sir, need to go to the Forces.ca website and do some research on the trades. Quite frankly, it seems to me that you are quite uninformed for someone in a poli sci program!

Do the research, figure out what you'd like to apply for and apply. Don't ask US what you should do with your life for the next 25 years.
What are these forums for but to respond to queries from potential candidates. I've parsed the trades list and have a sense of my options. Is it such a bad thing to post on the forums and ask for advice from, what I was hoping, would be people who might be in a similar situation?

You seem to have a conception that I'm looking for someone to tell me. Once I get a range of facts from both the official literature and from real-life people (such as PuchChaser who let me know of his friend who has a degree and went into SigOps - which is something I've been considering), I will be in a better position to make my decision.

[ Edited to be more respectful to other board members -- apologies ]
reds said:
Eh, Otis...pipe down.

I mean seriously, what are these forums for but to respond to queries from potential candidates. I've parsed the trades list and have a sense of my options. Is it such a bad thing to post on the forums and ask for advice from, what I was hoping, would be people who might be in a similar situation? If you find it annoying...you don't freaken have to respond. Ok, buddy?

You seem to have a conception that I'm looking for someone to tell me. Once I get a range of facts from both the official literature and from real-life people (such as PuchChaser who let me know of his friend who has a degree and went into SigOps - which is something I've been considering), I will be in a better position to make my decision.

I agree some of my early queries were initially rather vague and needy, but they've been more focused as of late. So take a chill pill will ya?

I suppose this is the way you figure you should respond to advice from someone with knowledge and experience, just because you don't like their answer?  Well, I have news for you, you aren't going to get a lot of "Yes, you can be anything you want to be." answers here, without showing at least the very minimum of initiative into doing some minimal research.  You have failed so far.  We are not here to "Mother" you.

Use some initiative and do some research first and then ask questions to clarify what you may not understand.  We don't have the time to lead you personally by the hand through your life. 

Snotty responses on your part to others, only goes on to demonstrate who you are.

DO some research into what the TRADES are that you may be eligible to enter into.  Research first, so that you give the slightest of indications you have some initiative.  That way you will be able to ask more knowledgeable and informed questions and get the same in return when answered.

Perhaps it is time you went on "Listening Silence" and did some reading before posting again.  I am sure that you wouldn't have talked back to your father the way you did, and can see you were too lazy to even do a cursory check of Otis' profile.  I am sure that had you done so, your above reply would have been much different.

Perhaps it is time for you to learn yet another CF saying:  "What goes around, comes around."

Perhaps someday you may reflect on it, because Otis now has a fairly good perception of who you are, as have I and many others. 

Well -- don't I feel silly and respectfully apologise. I should have checked Otis' profile indeed. Well I guess it's too late to apologise, else my response would have been a lot less direct. Listen, I understand you fine gentlemen get a *lot* of bull on the forums. I didn't intend to be Mothered and the last thing I'd like to do is paint myself with a giant target. I'd assume that part of being a good soldier is being humble - definitely jumped the gun on that one.

It wasn't that I didn't like Otis answer, as mentioned I simply am the type who needs to gain a range of facts before diving into something this important. This particular thread and its responses have been useful overall. I'm going to clean up the post so that it's more respectful towards Otis.

If someone pegs me as "that guy" on the forums, that's fine. I'll have my ducks in order and my research conducted to hopefully redeem myself. I don't think that posts on a forum should count towards my character as that would hardly be accurate. I've always been a very good student, a respectful individual and good leader. I'll let the application speak for itself.

Best regards. I'll keep my posts to only vital requests.

The reason you received the reply from me that you did, is as follows:

You didn't know what an RMS clerk was (no big deal, maybe it's not within your field of interest)
You didn't know what 32 brigade was (slightly more important, as you are looking to join that illustrious group of soldiers)
You were given advice and STILL asked what your poli sci degree could apply to ...

I concluded from this that you hadn't done enough research into what you wanted to do.

If you came in to the CFRC, you would get a very similar response from me and my colleagues. I could give you a list of the Reserve units in Toronto, I could give you a list of trades, but I would still make you go away and come back with an answer as to what YOU wanted to do.

I realize that my response could be read as harsher than intended, so no need to apologize, but the advice given was sincere ... do some more homework, come and see us and get some assistance if you need to, but no one is going to TELL you what trade to apply to with a poli sci degree. If they do, they are doing you a disservice.

Good luck,

Thank you Otis.

There is a need to apologise however. I don't like being disrespectful. Yes, your response was a bit...tense, but as mentioned it's understandable since you likely have to reiterate the same monotonous lines.

The idea was not to get told what I can do with my degree. That's only one part of my education. I just needed to get a sense of what was possible with the degree. The first part of your response answered that effectively.

I'd assume the other part of being a soldier is having thick skin. Thus, no harm done.

Best regards.