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PLA troops building camps @ CFB Cold Lake (allegedly?)

The Bread Guy

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People are believing this stuff?
An unfounded rumour circulating on social media about the Chinese Communist Party building concentration camps on the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range has resulted in employees at 4 Wing receiving a number of public queries about the merits of the post.

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Such claims are false, said Col. Dave Moar, 4 Wing Commander, in an Oct. 21 media statement.

“There is absolutely no construction involving the establishment of nefarious camps as was described in various social media posts,” he said.

He believes these rumours started in relation to the mandatory vaccination policy for Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake. Contractors and individuals employed by other organizations working alongside Canada’s defence team at 4 Wing also must be vaccinated as per Government of Canada policy. Businesses that are non-compliant may have their contracts terminated.

“The Cold Lake Air Weapons Range is utilized for training purposes by tactical aircraft from 4 Wing and other CAF and allied nations’ military units,” said Moar. “Work is continually done to maintain the buildings.” ...
I've gone down the rabbit hole on Facebook several times. People either have way too much time on their hands or are very creative.

Some examples:

39 Combat Engineer Regiment fixing a bridge in Masset was "proof" of military "occupation" Haida Gwaii military exercises will improve access
Martial law was to be declared sometime between 8-15 October. (Guess they were wrong on that one, huh?) No link, that was a bitchute video.​
UN vehicles seen around the former Apotex plant (now INKAS, an armoured vehicle manufacturer) in Toronto were "proof" of forced vaccines coming. UN Vehicles in Toronto

The list goes on.... :rolleyes:
rumours have been floating around for decades about UN troops . I am a train fan and there were pictures of Canadian Equipment painted in UN colour going thru the USA on a train. That was the UN Troops coming to take over the US of A . Canadian cougars, grizzlies, and bisions going to be shipped over to Bonsia or Yugo etc for a peace keeping mission, or were being shipped to California or Texas by rail for the Canadians to use on an exercise to get ready to ship over. I was like wow this little train load of lightly armoured Canadian junk was the lead force to invade the USA. We will be victorious by Christmas.
Yeah, I always think that if these conspiracy theorists knew the actual fighting strength of the CF, they wouldn't be saying the same stuff. ;)
I don't doubt there are conspiracies, I also don't doubt they fail badly for the same reason most things do, stupidity, greed, arrogance and poor planning.
Phew... I thought I was going to read about another great idea from our Psy Ops people...
A few years ago while working nights I received a call from my sister-in-law who spends way too much time on the internet. She asked me, at zero dark thirty, why the Canadian and US militaries were moving troops and equipmwnt around during the night. Was this part of Jade Helm?

I said " it's simple. Less traffic."

The phone got really quiet followed by "oh....". 🙄
Does anyone remember the Liberal attack ads against Harper in 2006 election (I think if I remember correctly) where the voice over complains that "Harper wants to put machine guns...in Canadian cities!"

Oh my, all any city has to do is head down to the nearest armoury for "assault" rifles (I get a kick out of that term), Machine guns, grenade launchers, oh my! How scary.

Canadians are truly sheltered from the real world.
Does anyone remember the Liberal attack ads against Harper in 2006 election (I think if I remember correctly) where the voice over complains that "Harper wants to put machine guns...in Canadian cities!"

Oh my, all any city has to do is head down to the nearest armoury for "assault" rifles (I get a kick out of that term), Machine guns, grenade launchers, oh my! How scary.

Canadians are truly sheltered from the real world.
I can't remember how well those worked. I don't remember any furor over it.

I mean, there were Ottawa Police officers with C8s (or some M4 variant) at Lansdowne Stadium this past wkd and it hasn't made the news.
Does anyone remember the Liberal attack ads against Harper in 2006 election (I think if I remember correctly) where the voice over complains that "Harper wants to put machine guns...in Canadian cities!"

Oh my, all any city has to do is head down to the nearest armoury for "assault" rifles (I get a kick out of that term), Machine guns, grenade launchers, oh my! How scary.

Canadians are truly sheltered from the real world.
Troops with guns in Canadian cities. This was in response, I recall, to Harper wanting to move some major units closer to urban centres and out of the hinterland.
This was in response, I recall, to Harper wanting to move some major units closer to urban centres and out of the hinterland.
I'm not surprised. Most Canadians (and I'd argue the same in pretty much any western country) have a big NIMBY sense.

Not to mention noise, aircraft (if an airbase), etc. Hell, people call in noise complaints at established airports even though the place was there when they moved in. Just ask any Wing Ops desks.