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Ottawa Remembrance Day


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Perhaps someone can tell me what the appropriate dress would be for this occasion.   I am ROTP...therefore I am not required to be on any sort of parade or even present at the Remembrance Day ceremony.   However, I obviously plan on attending.   Do I wear uniform (DEU's), a suit, or just casual clothing?  Also, if I should be wearing uniform, I suspect I will need to wear the long overcoat...do the rank slips go on the shoulders of that coat?
For officers, the epaulets with rank are worn on the DEU overcoat.  For NCM's, they wear blank epaulets with their rank worn on shank pins which are located on the collars of the overcoat.  The NCM's blank epaulets have their Unit affiliation on them.  As for the coat being mandatory, I've brought mine to every Remembrance Day Parade I've ever been to, but never actually wore the thing.  The DEU looks much sharper (no matter how cold it is  ;)) without it. 

(Don't forget your Poppy  ;D)
reccecrewman said:
(Don't forget your Poppy   ;D)

or your year of the veterans pin's. I know My unit is parading at the cenotaph in Vanier...I'm one of the Cenotaph Sentinels, so I will not be wearing a Gabardine....and those white gloves SUCK for the cold.

But a little bit of cold is a small price to pay for rememberance

You are a serving member of the CF and you will wear your DEUs and you don't need to ask permission to do so.  Find a service near you and attend.
kincanucks said:
You are a serving member of the CF and you will wear your DEUs and you don't need to ask permission to do so.   Find a service near you and attend.

As a reservist, if he is not signed in with his unit, or a specific parade, he is not technically on duty, and as per regs, must request permission from his Chain of Command to wear his DEUS. They will say yes.

Theoretically, he can just wear it, and will likely not be called on it, but say his RSM sees him, and knows for a fact that he's not signed in? Some people are picky when it comes to obeying, you know, regulations
my bad...I was thinking reserves for some reason...

Don't know what the procedure is... What the hell, just go then, and if anyone says you shouldn't have, plead ignorance
Sig_Des said:
As a reservist, if he is not signed in with his unit, or a specific parade, he is not technically on duty, and as per regs, must request permission from his Chain of Command to wear his DEUS. They will say yes.

Theoretically, he can just wear it, and will likely not be called on it, but say his RSM sees him, and knows for a fact that he's not signed in? Some people are picky when it comes to obeying, you know, regulations

Perhaps you should reread his post before you jack me up and please let me know where you see anything about him being a reservist.
Sig_Des said:
my bad...I was thinking reserves for some reason...

Don't know what the procedure is... What the heck, just go then, and if anyone says you shouldn't have, plead ignorance

So, insert right foot. Use it for leverage to force the lower mandible open enough to insert the left foot also.

You've got one year in the Reserves, make sure you know exactly what your talking about before you say something you may regret.
Of which post? Third word of the first sentence in the post is "can".
On another note.. I was hoping to make 'the pilgrimage' this year but can't make it after all (so I get to help keep the practice in my local community again this year ..no loss there just different  :salute:). 

Out of curiosity, anyone going to make a special trip into Ottawa to attend?
My parents are coming up from Hamilton, for a normal visit but also specifically to attend the ceremony at the War Memorial tomorrow. He was 8 CH from 57 - 65 ish. Spent a year deployedo on UNEF I.
Hey look, I can fit a size 11 Combat in my mouth.

I'll apologize, didn't want to irk anyone, I was thinking RESO when I read the earlier posts for some reason
Thanks for the responses.   Anyone here been to the Ottawa ceremony before?   Have any good tips on where the best place to observe from is.   What time is best to get there?   Also, because I'm a CF member, should I be anywhere in particular or is it fine just to stand among the crowd?   And the poppy goes on the left lapel right?
Most of us congregate on the South end of the War Memorial plaza but you can see (what little there is to see) from the surrounding streets, too.  If you want a really good view take a room in either the Chateau Laurier or Westin - which I'm sure you can afford on a OCdt's salary  ;) .

Many of us will gather at the Army Officers' Mess after the service - there is a lunch, usually.  You, being an OCdt, are welcome to come along.  It is at 149 Somerset St W - a few (eight or so) blocks South of the War Memorial on Elgin Street, then East (left) on Somerset for a few steps - it's an old Victorian mansion on the left.
I'm full of questions now that I start thinking about things.  Because I'm in uniform when/who/what do I have to salute?  They never taught us much about the formalities of a ceremony like this.  I don't want to look like a goof while I'm in uniform...although I am an OCdt so I'm sure some of you don't think thats possible ;).  Anyway...any advice on the stuff I should be doing would be greatly appreciated.
Hint - when not in formation, do it when everybody else does.  When in formation, wait for the order.
jwsteele said:
I'm full of questions now that I start thinking about things.   Because I'm in uniform when/who/what do I have to salute?   They never taught us much about the formalities of a ceremony like this.   I don't want to look like a goof while I'm in uniform...although I am an OCdt so I'm sure some of you don't think thats possible ;).   Anyway...any advice on the stuff I should be doing would be greatly appreciated.

You can find the order of service on the Legion's web site at: http://www.legion.ca/asp/docs/feature/RemDay_e.asp

There are five main 'salute' points:

1. When the GG arrives - Royal Salute
2. Chanada
3. Last Post
4. Reveille
5. God Save the Queen

If you join us in the Mess, here are a few (bloody near grandfatherly) hints.  They're free, take 'em for what they're worth:

"¢ The CDS and/or several other very senior officers may stop by.  They want to meet visitors, especially junior officers but: do not but in - join the group surrounding him/them - he, whichever he, will, in due course say hello.  Be polite, answer his questions, move on;

"¢ Watch what/how much you drink.  Over-indulged juniors are not amusing;

"¢ Do not be shy - do not be pushy.  Do not hang back in a corner; look for your cap badge/tie and join a group.  Enjoy yourself; and

"¢ OCdts are not expected to stand rounds of drinks - there's time for that when you get paid in real money.

Thanks very much for the tips.  I don't know if I'll have time to stop by the mess but it hadn't really crossed my mind before you mentioned it.  I think I will try and stop by though.