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NORAD Ready to Track Santa

Hopefully Santa tracking '07 goes better then it did last year....

Man Santa sure has a rough go at delivering all those presents; being blown up, hit by commerical aircraft, people not believing in him. I think we totally dont give him the respect he deserves  ;D
Santa's trip has started!!  He's currently in New Zealand.  (Wes & Hale, hope you boys are asleep, he'll be at your place soon!)

Definitely a big jump in technology for the site this year, using Google Earth.  The kids are going to really love it this year!  (yep, me being one of them  ;D)
Is that ever great! I'll be checking on Santa throughout the day. Christmas brings out the kid in all of us!


Just checked it myself.  I like the little blurb about the math equation used to determine Santa's speed in Japan!
Just saw him over the Himalayas in Nepal......be careful, Santa!!
PMedMoe said:
Just saw him over the Himalayas in Nepal......be careful, Santa!!

Now Italy....getting closer!  >:D

My battery is still waiting.
Last check, Slovenia.  I am now at home, drinking Moose Milk!!  :cheers:
Reindeer Meatloaf said:
Randers, Denmark.

He's made it through the Balkans.

Time to get out the Soviet Era SAM I bought after the Wall fell..  ;D
I think either Google Earth or Santa forgot about daylight savings time as he is presently over Dartmouth, NS as I type.  :-[  Maybe I'd better go to bed!!!!
For those of you with young children, forget NORAD:
If it's a clear night, take your kids out and look up at the moon.  At about 11 o'clock from the moon, at about 9 moon widths is a very prominent red "star" (It's actually Mars).  My younger daughter thought it was Rudolph's nose.  With the clouds scudding by, it looked like it was moving towards us.  She actually screamed out "I SEE SANTA!" and ran to warn off her sister (the non-believing 11 year old who is going on 22).  So, with sugar plums in her head, she's sleeping away as I prepare to do Santa's work.  God, I love this night!
Update from Southern Ontario :)

Santa just officially left my house for the little one. We made sure, his belly was full of cookies.. and also a nice glass of choco milk. I just wish he had more gift bags, under the front seat of his sled... he should know by now I'm not overly fond of wrapping paper, ah well maybe next year!

And no, we didn't forget the carrots for the Reindeer.

Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. My thoughts and prayers are also with families that are away from thier loved ones at this time of year, and always. May our soldiers also be safe, no matter where they are.

It's that time of year again folks!!  For all of you non-believers, check out the NORAD Tracks Santa site.  (all of us believers have the site bookmarked already :D) And for those last minute shoppers, you can track Santa on your cell phone this year to make sure you're home in time!!

Happy Holidays everyone!!
US military incorporates web in traditional tracking of Santa

Children wanting to track Santa Claus's global journey on Christmas Eve
have a number of options this year.

As always, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) will be
keeping tabs on Santa and children can follow his progress on Google Earth.
In addition, they can send e-mails to the tracking team or even follow Santa
on Twitter.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of a tradition that started by accident
in Colorado, in the US. Father Christmas's journey will start at 1100 GMT
and children worldwide can track his progress using Google Maps and Google

He will pass 24 "Santa cams" around the world, providing live video feeds of
his progress, which will in turn be put onto Norad's YouTube channel as they happen.
For even more up-to-the-minute progress reports, Santa can be followed on the
Twitter microblogging service, on which he is known as @noradsanta.

And lastly, Norad volunteers can answer e-mails about Santa's journey
(the address is noradtrackssanta@gmail.com).

Newspaper misprint

Norad's 50-year tradition of tracking Father Christmas goes back to a misprint
in a Colorado newspaper advertisement in 1955.

A local child wanting to know Santa's whereabouts dialled the phone number printed,
which connected to the Continental Air Defense Command (Conad). As more mistaken
calls came in, the commander on the other end of the phone answered the queries and
the tradition continued in 1958 when Conad became Norad.

The effort spread to the internet in 1998 and in 2007 Norad's Santa tracking site saw
more than 10m visitors from 212 countries. Volunteers fielded nearly 95,000 phone
calls and 140,000 e-mails.

This year when Santa takes flight from the North Pole, more than 1,000 volunteers
will be on hand to help out.

Welcome to NORAD Tracks Santa 2009


Santa's Escort Pilots


And if you want to follow no more than 140 characters at a time: