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First of all, if you don't have a profile, don't question the credibility of anyone, you're not credible yourself.  Secondly, in the short time that I have been visiting this site, I have found that almost all of my questions could be answered just by reading.  I have had very little need to post as most questions have already been asked and answered if you bother to take the time to actually use the search function.  As many reliable and knowledgeable people there are that FREELY share their knowledge with EVERYONE here,  sadly, there are even more posters here that whine, and bitch, and complain to no constructive purpose.  This is NOT a frustration venting forum.  It is a knowledge resource.  Wading through all the posts of people who can't take the responsibility upon themselves to help themselves is the only frustration I have.  I realize that this is not the thread to post a message like this, however, we seem to have some people here who don't understand plain English.  Enough of my rant.  In my experience,  KINCANUCKS has been a reliable source of info which is verifiable with your local recruiting centre.  BTW, if you failed to read his  profile, he has 23 years of military experience which most here cannot match. Give the guy some credit,  I would hate to see Army.ca lose such a valuable source of info. 

P.S.  Mods,  if you don't care to see this post here,  feel free to move it or delete it as you see fit.  (not that you need my permission) Also, on another topic,  everyone waits to get into the military to some degree or other, quit asking how long it will take for this or that.  Suck it up and tough it out.  Everyone else does.  Last thought:  The recruiting centre is your best source of information, use it. ::)
I did use the recruiting centre for my source of info and was just relaying what I was told. Also, I hope you don't think I questioning the credibility of anyone on here.   Would that be a credible quote? ;) Anyway I was just hoping for a bit of eloboration and I appreciate the information that I have gotten so far..been very helpful...and will continue to "suck it up" as it was might as well be put. :)

My intention was not to single out anyone in particular and upon further reflection, I probably should have waited to post my opinion a little longer as I was quite irate at the time.  *note to self*  Anyhow,  that's all I'll say on the subject in this thread.
All very good points I am reading.

No applicant should ever leave a recruiting centre or detachment not knowing what is going to happen to his/her file.  Unfortunately, as I can ascertain from the many disgruntled posts on this forum, the opposite is sometimes happening across the country.  Some of you are being fed some god awful BS and others are being outright lied to.  A word of advice to all applicants if you don't understand exactly what the next step is then don't leave the office until you have a warm fuzzy feeling and if you don't trust the information you are getting then ask to speak to someone higher.  That is your right.

The list I have posted is a mix of component transfers (CTs), raw recruits and re-enrollees (ex Reg F).  Therefore, those selected were unskilled, recruit school bypass (RSBP) (mixture of CTs and ex-Reg F), semi-skilled (those that have applicable education) and skilled applicants (CTs or ex-Reg F).

These selection boards happens 3 or 4 times a year now.  So if you see that only 3 Infantry were selected and it is Jan then perhaps that is it for the FY.  I don't know when these selected people (some of them don't have to) are going to St. Jean (probably Feb or Mar).

This intake is not the last one as there will another one to fill up the deficient naval trades.  There may or may not be early intake for FY 05/06.  We at the pointy end are as much in the dark about that as many of you are.

One point I would like to hit on is the competitiveness of joining the military now (yes even Infantry).  The applicant with Grade 10 and no work experience is not likely to get selected or perhaps even not processed.  We are looking for the brightest and best for every trade now.  That is not to say that the Grade 10s won't get selected but it will be far and between.  When you fill out your application make sure you fill out every section, don't get your friends to write your letters of reference and show us that you really want the job.  This is because while  every Canadian citizen has the right to apply to the CF that does not mean they are going to get processed.  We now assess every application for merit based on the amount of schooling, work experience, activities and physical fitness and only the highest rated ones will get a kick at the cat.  The others? Well we will get to those later, maybe.

Every person merited listed is assigned a military potential (MP) score from 3 to 9.  Anyone below a 3 is unsuitable and won't be merit listed.  The applicants are selected in the following priority: Skilled, Semi-Skilled, RSBP and then Unskilled.  So a Skilled applicant rated 5 or 6 could realistically be selected over an unskilled applicant rated a 7 or 8.  Fair? Probably not but it is cheaper to enrol/transfer a skilled than an unskilled applicant.

Remember a lot of the trades will fill up early and at the end of the year we are still looking for Signal Operators, Crewman and all the Navy trades.  That is when we start looking at the lower rated applicants.

I have probably created more questions but it is hoped that have answered some others.  If you want to know where you have been merited or what your chances are then just PM me with your last name and CFRC/D and I will honestly tell what your chances are.  I can only look at Reg F NCMs.

I am not going divulge who I am or where I work(so stop asking) but rest assured I know what I speak of.

Cheers to all and good luck. :salute: :cdn:
kincanucks, thank you very much! It's one of those things where I can't make it to the recruiting office at any time, rural, but I can certainly call. So, when I call and get what I need to know....absorb it...translate it....it always sparks new questions. But from what you posted it helped a lot in shedding some light and new ray of hope. hahaha thanks..

Kincanucks, your posts sure are interesting. Just a question, could one assume then that an applicant would have a good chance of getting in quicker if they applied for a naval trade, even if they were unskilled (assuming I guess that the CFAT showed they might have the aptitude)?
Pencil Tech said:
Kincanucks, your posts sure are interesting. Just a question, could one assume then that an applicant would have a good chance of getting in quicker if they applied for a naval trade, even if they were unskilled (assuming I guess that the CFAT showed they might have the aptitude)?

That would be a good assumption as long as the trade is one that is in distressed like NESOP, Sonar Op or one of the tech trades.
Thank you very much for the post:

When do the calls start being made to the recruits that got in??
jarko said:
Thank you very much for the post:

When do the calls start being made to the recruits that got in??

Some have started already and the rest should know by the middle of next week.
It is important to note that the latest selections for Infantry went to Francos only.  Which is surprising because there are hardly ever any vacancies in the Van Doos.
If you are going to send me additional PMs please make sure that you always include your surname and CFRC/D so I know you are as I don't keep your messages.  It is hard getting old.

Thanks for the helpful info!  Do you know the date of the first selection board of the next fiscal year? (05/06, sometime in April I assume) If so, could you please post it here for all who would like to know?
Air Force Wannabe said:

Thanks for the helpful info!   Do know the date of the first selection board of the next fiscal year? (05/06, sometime in April I assume) If so, could you please post it here for all who would like to know?

You are very welcome.  There is a rumour that they may start selecting for FY 05/06 in March but when I hear for sure I will post it here.
Every person merited listed is assigned a military potential (MP) score from 3 to 9.  Anyone below a 3 is unsuitable and won't be merit listed.  The applicants are selected in the following priority: Skilled, Semi-Skilled, RSBP and then Unskilled.  So a Skilled applicant rated 5 or 6 could realistically be selected over an unskilled applicant rated a 7 or 8.  Fair? Probably not but it is cheaper to enrol/transfer a skilled than an unskilled applicant.

Forgot one other point and that is the date you are merit listed is important.  In that if there are, say, 10 people going for Infantry and they are all rated MP 6 and there are only 6 positions then the selection would be by merit listed date. Clear as mud?  Cheers.  :salute: :cdn:
is there still a fair chance somone with an mp5 would eventuley get in infantry these days?
copecowboy said:
is there still a fair chance somone with an mp5 would eventuley get in infantry these days?

If there a lot of positions then yes.
>> 1940 people boarded and 125 selected
Wow... I had no idea the reg-force army was so competative to get into.
Does anybody know the annual national ratio of applications to positions?