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Meanwhile back at the perpetually offended tent/Infidel tattoo questions

Colin Parkinson

Army.ca Myth
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Sigh someone got their knickers in a knot for someone proclaiming exactly what they are.


Mod edit -- Just added a bit to the title to make it clearer.
Google that term and search results are full of white supremacist and Islamophobic memes.


1: one who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity

2a: an unbeliever with respect to a particular religion

b: one who acknowledges no religious belief

3: a disbeliever in something specified or understood


1: not holding the faith of a given religionEither they must come to terms with surrounding infidel tribes or they must conquer the hinterland.— Daniel J. Boorstinthe infidel nations

2: opposing or traitorous to a given religion

Send that sailor to prison!
Google that term and search results are full of white supremacist and Islamophobic memes.


Canadian infidels,

Infidel vs Canadian Infidels.

Am I missing the word Canadian or even a maple leaf in that tattoo?

I'll tell you right now, there's alot of caf members with an "infidel" tattoo.
And Tshirts, and bumper stickers, and back window stickers.

Should we ban proud to be Canadian tattoos?  ::)
Jarnhamar said:
Infidel vs Canadian Infidels.

Am I missing the word Canadian or even a maple leaf in that tattoo?

I'll tell you right now, there's alot of caf members with an "infidel" tattoo.
And Tshirts, and bumper stickers, and back window stickers.

Should be ban proud to be Canadian tattoos?  ::)

I assume that, as we speak, there are legal defence teams scanning the internet for photos of Senior Officers in the CAF wearing the (almost) ubiquitous 'Infidel' morale patch on their combat uniforms...
Google that term and search results are full of white supremacist and Islamophobic memes.

Jarnhamar said:
Infidel vs Canadian Infidels.


Canadian infidels
You forgot all the people that THIS guy calls infidels! :

daftandbarmy said:
I assume that, as we speak, there are legal defence teams scanning the internet for photos of Senior Officers in the CAF wearing the (almost) ubiquitous 'Infidel' morale patch on their combat uniforms...

And the next CANFORGEN coming up.
Since this isn't touching on a specific op, just moved this into a more general military news thread.

Please continue, folks ...

Milnet.ca Staff
... and, for the record, here's an image of the tattoo in question for reference, in case it disappears elsewhere.


  • InfidelTattoo.jpg
    422.5 KB · Views: 330
That is the Tattoo they are complaining about?


On another note, I've been rewatching the Sopranos which is widely considered a masterpiece and one of the greatest TV series of all time.  With the militant political correctness that exists today, would that show even be able to be made today?

Interesting commentary as well from Dan Houser (the creator of the GTA video game series):


The prospects of a new GTA being released appear increasingly unlikely as Houser doesn't think he can satirize the game with today's political climate.  GTA 5 was the number three selling video game of all time behind only Tetris and Minecraft.

We are living in a very strange time of censorship and are becoming less free as a society. 
Just wait until some special group decides that our GCS-SWA medals represent a war of racism, and colonial oppression, then demands take them off lol
Furniture said:
Just wait until some special group decides that our GCS-SWA medals represent a war of racism, and colonial oppression, then demands take them off lol

That may have to be my release date
We then identified the sailor and the chain of command is now investigating,” says Major Mark Gough, Senior Public Affairs Officer, Maritime Forces Atlantic Headquarters.

Why the need for an investigation?

If I was a civilian in a Nova Scotia Tim Hortons just itching to cry about something and seen a sailor with a infidel tatoo my first thought would be why the hell doesn't Canada have an aircraft carrier and fancy carrier group. Or even just some cruisers and destroyers to really kick ass on the high seas.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Because it's easier then leading?? :whistle:

It's easier than having the entire CAF accused of wrongthink, resulting in Deschamps V2.0.

With a CAF comprised maily of white males I'm sure you can imagine how that would work out...