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Maple Leaf headline...correct me if I'm wrong but...


Army.ca Veteran
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I feel there is something seriously wrong with this headline.  They are obviously talking about post 9/11 missions in Afghanistan and the first line is:

For more than 10 years now, Canada has been supporting the action of the international community in Afghanistan – in particular, through its involvement in ISAF.

It is pretty hard to criticize a generic media outfit (CTV, CBC, etc) mixing up a tank with an APC when the CF's own media organ can not get the length of the biggest operation we have been involved in for decades right when putting it on the front page.
Maple Leaf?  Poor quality journalism?

Shocked.  I am shocked.

(Or maybe they're remembering the sappers who went to Pakistan in '89-90 to train refugees from Afghanistan in mine awareness, mine clearance, and train-the-trainer for mines)
Well, I did think of them, but then they could have said 20 years...
Maybe they don't read the papers?  Oh, wait, maybe they do....
The Maple Leaf has awful headlines and stories. Read one about how CFHA was so great for tearing down 4,000 PMQs and recycling the waste. Awesome, what about the 4,000 soldiers and their families that now have to live on the economy because all those PMQs are gone?
PuckChaser said:
The Maple Leaf has awful headlines and stories. Read one about how CFHA was so great for tearing down 4,000 PMQs and recycling the waste. Awesome, what about the 4,000 soldiers and their families that now have to live on the economy because all those PMQs are gone?
I have to agree ... the Maple leaf is quite boring and I rarely read it ( unless I'm waiting for an appt ) the stories are fluff and don't really report anything of interest. When I was overseas I started to read the Stars and Stripes and really liked it especially the comic section, what i found interesting was they are allowed to report on anything miltary or civi as long as it doesn't comprimise opsec .I think if the Maple Leaf actually reported on real stories and not just trg and exs it may turn out to be an alright paper.

By the way does anyone know why we got rid of the Sentinal mag way back when .
PuckChaser said:
The Maple Leaf has awful headlines and stories. Read one about how CFHA was so great for tearing down 4,000 PMQs and recycling the waste. Awesome, what about the 4,000 soldiers and their families that now have to live on the economy because all those PMQs are gone?

Chances are, those 4000 PMQs had been empty for years.  For example, look at the row houses in Gagetown that were (are?) being used for storage.  No point wasting money maintaining empty buildings.
Look at Shannon Park in Dartmouth.  Those "Soviet Housing" looking PMQs have not been lived in for years and are probably beyond reasonable remediation back into a decent place to live for most institutions.  I can imagine they are a huge drain on someone's budget.
If you think the ML is great now, just think what the monthly version will be like... ::)
Strike said:
If you think the ML is great now, just think what the monthly version will be like... ::)

I guess those weekly deadlines were too stressful.  I'm certain, however, that putting out fewer editions with a much lower total page count will not result in any staff savings, or any material increase in fact checking / correctness.
startbutton said:
I have to agree ... the Maple leaf is quite boring and I rarely read it ( unless I'm waiting for an appt ) the stories are fluff and don't really report anything of interest. When I was overseas I started to read the Stars and Stripes and really liked it especially the comic section, what i found interesting was they are allowed to report on anything miltary or civi as long as it doesn't comprimise opsec .I think if the Maple Leaf actually reported on real stories and not just trg and exs it may turn out to be an alright paper.

By the way does anyone know why we got rid of the Sentinal mag way back when .

Comparing the Maple Leaf to Stars and Stripes is apples and oranges.  They have different mandates  The Maple Leaf is a "feel good - look at us"  publication designed to inform CF members about the CF.  Stars and Stripes is an actual newspaper designed to keep military members informed of news issues in the absence of other sources of information.

Sentinel died in an effort to cut costs.  The Maple Leaf replaced it.  Incidentally, the Maple Leaf was the name of the Canadian Army newspaper of WWII.  Interestingly, in its original form, it was more like Stars and Stripes.
Pusser said:
Sentinel died in an effort to cut costs. 
For whatever it's worth, Sentinel is back.

I know only because a copy was amongst my office mail; it went almost immediately into recycling.
Journeyman said:
For whatever it's worth, Sentinel is back.

I know only because a copy was amongst my office mail; it went almost immediately into recycling.

Journeyman said:
For whatever it's worth, Sentinel is back.

I know only because a copy was amongst my office mail; it went almost immediately into recycling.

Now you're making me cry.

... and making me come up with a slightly different definition of a "Walt"...
I found a copy downstairs here at the Infantry School.  It is the "official" publication of CANADA COMMAND.

Technoviking said:
I found a copy downstairs here at the Infantry School.  It is the "official" publication of CANADA COMMAND.


Makes sense doesn't it? After all here it is August @ approx 85 F and Volume 1, Number 1 is recorded as WINTER 2011.

Off to a spectacular start  ;D
recceguy said:
Makes sense doesn't it? After all here it is August @ approx 85 F and Volume 1, Number 1 is recorded as WINTER 2011.

Off to a spectacular start  ;D
The one I saw was Vol 1, Number 2, Summer 2011.