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Joe Rogan #1391 Joe with Tulsi Gabbard and Jocko Willink


Army.ca Veteran
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Has anybody watch this yet? If your interested in American politics, I urge you to watch this.


I am getting warm and fuzzy feelings about Tulsi. What are your thoughts.
ArmyRick said:
Has anybody watch this yet? If your interested in American politics, I urge you to watch this.


I am getting warm and fuzzy feelings about Tulsi. What are your thoughts.

I listened to the podcast this morning.
She certainly is a disrupter (and not in the Trump sense) and has certainly taken the lead in breaking the monopoly of the new Tammany Hall of the DNC.

Wish her luck, but since I'm not a yank I have no real dog in that fight.
ArmyRick said:
I am getting warm and fuzzy feelings about Tulsi.

According to 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls, not so much with her own party,

Perhaps more warm and fuzzy with Republicans,
mariomike said:
According to 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary Polls, not so much with her own party,

Perhaps more warm and fuzzy with Republicans,

Well if the Democrats decide to go with Sleepy Joe Biden then they deserve to lose the presidency to Trump.
FSTO said:
Well if the Democrats decide to go with Sleepy Joe Biden then they deserve to lose the presidency to Trump.

Someone said it long ago, “Every nation gets the government it deserves.”  :)
Tulsi has corporations trying to screw her over. The statement about how Google without explaination suspends her account during a debate and without explanation reinstates it? Come on Hillary, go away already
Ive been following Tulsi for a while.  She is my kind of centrist and non interventionist politician.

Unfortunately the DNC has been routed by the far left and SJWs, much like our Liberal party.  Which makes her kind of center line politics to far to the right. 

She will never win the nominations.  And thats a god damn shame.  T
Thats too bad. I agree with you, she will be rail roaded by the extreme leftist and SJW.
If she fails to secure the Democratic nomination, some speculation on the internet about running as a third-party candidate,
Food for thought. How many never thought the Trump would make it in as president?
ArmyRick said:
How many never thought the Trump would make it in as president?

How many never thought this could happen in America?

7 January 2017

"We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency."

"We also assess Putin and the Russian government aspired to help President-elect Trump's election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavourably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment.

ArmyRick said:
I am getting warm and fuzzy feelings about Tulsi.

Looks like someone else is too,
Trump Praises Tulsi Gabbard for Not Voting to Impeach Him

Wait for it. The Dems (with Hillary blessing) will support Biden as their candidate and at that point, just say Trump wins.
ArmyRick said:
Food for thought. How many never thought the Trump would make it in as president?
I actually like her and think with with a little work she could pick up a lot of undecided voters, but she is a bit to reality based for the "woke crowd" in the DNC. Unlike Trump she does not have the connections and money to go it alone.
Colin P said:
I actually like her and think with with a little work she could pick up a lot of undecided voters,

Nov. 12, 2019

What We Know About Tulsi Gabbard’s Base

So what do we know about Gabbard’s base? For one thing, it’s overwhelmingly male —according to The Economist’s polling with YouGov, her support among men is in the mid-single digits, while her support among women is practically nonexistent.

Her supporters, for instance, are more likely to have backed President Trump in 2016, hold conservative views or identify as Republican compared to voters backing the other candidates.

Reportedly, Steve Bannon dubbed her, "Queen of the incels".

“He loves Tulsi Gabbard. Loves her,” the Hill newspaper quoted a Bannon associate as saying after Bannon arranged for Gabbard to meet Trump following the November 2016 election

Gabbard lays low after voting ‘present’ on impeachment
The Hawaii Democrat’s campaign canceled a media availability in New Hampshire.

Democrats across the political spectrum continue to rip her decision not to vote “yes” or “no,” portraying the move as cowardly and emblematic of how out of touch she is with the Democratic Party she’s seeking to represent.

Gabbard became a trending topic in the U.S. — first by name, then by the hashtag “#TulsiCoward” — Wednesday night and Thursday morning after becoming the lone member of Congress not to take a side on impeachment.

Gabbard’s vote Wednesday was more in line with House Republicans, who voted “no” in a unified bloc. And her “present” vote also revived allegations that she’s a Russian asset who could play spoiler in the general election by running a third-party campaign

Gabbard is frequently mentioned in Russian propaganda and media, and her views on foreign policy have been criticized for aligning too closely with Russia

“Her endgame is to be a famous Fox News commentator and go on there and bash Democrats all day. She speaks more harshly about Hillary Clinton than Bashar al Assad and Donald Trump.”

A former Democratic governor of Hawaii on Monday called on presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard to immediately resign from her seat in Congress

( The above may be of political interest because she is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. )

Kellyanne, Steve and Tulsi pictured after the election.



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Interesting perspective on Tulsi Gabbard's longer term campaign. Maybe the real strategy is to be "the last man standing":


Flailing? Tulsi? I don’t think so.
December 26, 2019
Chad Blair’s new opinion piece in Honolulu’s Civil Beat is titled “Tulsi Gabbard’s Flailing Presidential Campaign.” It starts out…

The Hawaii congresswoman has barely registered in the polls, chastises her own party and has become a punchline. Time to throw in the towel?

The piece is predictably sprinkled with all the gauche anti-Tulsi talking points and smears clumsily parroted by the elders of the Democratic Party, the media and those who only dig no further than what the elders and the pundits offer them.

But no, it’s not time yet Chad. The Iowa caucuses are still more than a month away (February 3, 2020) and the New Hampshire primary is a week after that (February 11, 2020). Those are the first true tests, so dropping out now would be premature. Yes, it’s true other higher-profile candidates like Sen. Kamala Harris, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, Rep. Tim Ryan, Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, Gov. John Hickenlooper, Rep. Eric Swalwell, former Rep. Joe Sestak, Gov. Steve Bullock, Rep. Seth Moulton, Gov. Jay Inslee, former Sen. Mike Gravel and Mayor Bill de Blasio have bagged out, but that just shows that they were never really serious players to begin with.

That’s a dozen guys and gals Tulsi’s already outlasted—some of whom she herself vanquished. Guess they had no stomach for the long game and little or no passion among their supporters.

It’s like going to training camp in the off-season and then deciding to weenie out of the opening games of the season. Not so for Tulsi. You’re forgetting she’s a soldier. She’s been in a combat zone twice in Iraq. This little race for the Democratic nomination? Eh, that’s nothing when you’ve had to take shellfire. As Tulsi recalled…

Not so for Tulsi. You’re forgetting she’s a soldier. She’s been in a combat zone twice in Iraq. This little race for the Democratic nomination? Eh, that’s nothing when you’ve had to take shellfire. As Tulsi recalled…

"I fell asleep most nights to the sound of mortar attacks, and woke up to the heart-wrenching task of going through a list name by name of every American casualty the day before. I knew with little doubt that any day could be my last. So every night before I went to sleep, I would rest my heart and my mind in contemplating on verses about the eternality of the soul. I would reflect on the fact that we are only here for a certain length of time and nobody knows how long. Is today going to be the day?"

Does that really sound like someone who’s going to throw in the towel after just a few months of campaigning? Okay, so she’s polling nationally at less than 2 percent. But that’s not what matters at this early stage. What matters is how she’ll come out in the early contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. If Tulsi can break into the top five in any of those three, then her campaign will get some much needed exposure and she may be able to carve out a path. A narrow one, grant you. But still. No reason to back out now. Certainly not when you have so much heart and so many enthusiastic, loyal supporters who think you represent the only real hope of beating Trump.

And certainly not when your competition is so lackluster. Three of the top-tier Democratic candidates are in their 70s, and two of those are in their late-70s. One of those recently had a heart attack, another has a proclivity for sticking his foot in his mouth and forgetting stuff. The other one? Well, she appears to have peaked too early and may have a Hillary-like likability problem on her hands. Then there’s “Wall Street Pete.” Nice guy, but if that nickname continues to stick, along with the whole wine cave thing, that can’t be good.

Why would the idea of throwing in the towel even cross Tulsi’s mind when the current front-runners look like they’re not in all that great a shape?

As of December 25, Tulsi’s polling average is at 4.9% in New Hampshire. She’s ahead of Yang, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Steyer, Booker, Castro, Williamson, Delaney, Bennet and Patrick. That’s 10 guys and gals—six of whom, amazingly, were featured in the DNC’s ridiculous “Unity Fund” advertisement while Tulsi was excluded.

Now Chad, this may be the most reasonable argument one could make for Tulsi throwing in the towel. The DNC appears to have it in for her. So the question is, “Can Tulsi survive, much less win, if the Democratic establishment is hell bent on blocking her every step of the way?”

I don’t know.

What I do know is that Tulsi’s campaign isn’t “flailing.” There’s no clumsiness or panic to it. I’ve seen nothing that remotely reminds me of Beto’s arms. Just plenty of good feeling and optimism. It is the pre-season and the campaign is plugging along continuing to prepare for opening day.

More at link

While I certainly would never support her policies were I an American voter, she certainly seems far more grounded and sane than the putative "front runners". One irony is that of all the candidates, she is likely the one who President Trump is best prepared for:

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard 'Under Serious Consideration' for Trump Cabinet

December 24, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard, encouraged by Trump, may seek spoiler role

It is not exactly breaking news that Tulsi Gabbard will not win the Democratic presidential nomination. Since announcing her candidacy in January, the U.S. House member from Hawaii has never polled higher than 2 percent in the RealClearPolitics polling average.

That may not stop Gabbard from mounting a third-party White House bid and having a major impact on the 2020 election, and one person who is welcoming that prospect is President Trump.

That demographic, while unlikely to give her enough votes to claim victory in 2020, could be lured by her candidacy from supporting the eventual Democratic nominee. As happened in the 2016 election, when Green Party candidate Jill Stein peeled away crucial support from Hillary Clinton, those votes could very well tip the election in Trump’s favor.