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Hmcs Ville de Quebec

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I'm going to everything I can to find the Commander of the HMCS Ville de Quebec.
Any could help with a name please or a link to it.

Look it up on DWAN Outlook address book.  There's a search function there.
I don't understand why the HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC website offers only in English, and that they state that the ship only offers services to it's members in English. I thought that HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC was at least bilingual or not more French. I've been onboard HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC in October, and at least half of the Ship's company were francophones.

Ah well... ???
ctjj.stevenson said:
I don't understand why the HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC website offers only in English, and that they state that the ship only offers services to it's members in English. I thought that HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC was at least bilingual or not more French. I've been onboard HMCS VILLE DE QUÉBEC in October, and at least half of the Ship's company were francophones.

Ah well... ???

Just speculating, but are you sure she's still a French language unit?  Perhaps they come and go depending on the number of francophones in seagoing trades at any given time.
It could have ... I would have to look into it, but I have better things to do with my time.

BTW SLt McKay, do you know what happen to CW? :salute:
ctjj.stevenson said:
BTW SLt McKay, do you know what happen to CW? :salute:

I have Syl's email for msn if you want to ask her yourself?
PM me if you want it.
The Ville de Quebec had an annoying habit a few years ago of sending her message traffic in French and in some cases coming across the radio nets speaking in French. The French Navy didn't even do this.  Usually we ended up shredding messages from her, I know the USN and the RN did as well. If you think about it there was a reason why this ship has not had a significant deployment since Op Sharpguard off of Yugo until her latest NATO this year.
Excellent. This means that the ship and her crew decided to restrict themselves to the defence of what? Oh, I know ... Quebec City. That sort of arrogant conduct is one more example of how official bilingualism has gone too far, especially in the CF. 

Some "team" huh? Talk about reducing a perfectly good ship to the value of a can of crushed assholes.

Let me know if the government takes away your shredder, I'll keep sending you new ones.

whiskey601 said:
Excellent. This means that the ship and her crew decided to restrict themselves to the defence of what? Oh, I know ... Quebec City. That sort of arrogant conduct is one more example of how official bilingualism has gone too far, especially in the CF.    

Some "team" huh? Talk about reducing a perfectly good ship to the value of a can of crushed assholes.

Let me know if the government takes away your shredder, I'll keep sending you new ones.

I know what you mean but there was no need for the inflamatory tone in your comments. If you have a problem with french-speeking troops, PM me and i'll gladly tell you where to go and how to get there...fair enough ?
aesop081 said:
I know what you mean but there was no need for the inflamatory tone in your comments. If you have a problem with french-speeking troops, PM me and i'll gladly tell you where to go and how to get there...fair enough ?

AESOP, lets be clear here. I did not slag French speaking "troops", or French speaking sailors for that matter. I have served with them, worked with them, and do business with them.   They are not typically arrogant, but the situation described by Ex-D speaks for itself. Why in Gods name would they pass message traffic, some of which might be important, in French to our ships and allied ships. What purpose is served by such an action?    What value is a ship that operates such as that in conjunction with others under any circumstances? Uniform, universal, concise and clear communications are   absolutely vital at sea, and I am sure you in your present trade, and the one before that, you might understand why.

Thump your chest all you want on the matter, I and anybody with any common sense could care less.
whiskey601 said:
Thump your chest all you want on the matter, I and anybody with any common sense could care less.

Perhaps it's not obvious to someone from outside of the navy why a ship communicating in French would be a problem.
Neill McKay said:
Perhaps it's not obvious to someone from outside of the navy why a ship communicating in French would be a problem.

Because Communications is done in English when operating internationally.
Ex-Dragoon said:
Because Communications is done in English when operating internationally.

Understood -- I was thinking of AESOP, who I took to be in the air force.
I just came out of my PLQ at the fleet school and I had to laugh. some of the guys were calling it by a street address and saying it was the only ship in NATO with a hard wired cable hook up. And this was coming from the sub guys.
Well hopefully this NATO will prove otherwise and she wil be part of the regular rotation of ships for STANFORLANT.
VDQ was the only RegF ship that didn't go to the gulf and was not at 180 days notice for power while others went twice....

Many used to call her CFB VDQ, but she seems to be sailing quite a bit over the past couple of years.

Despite the fact the VDQ did not sail to the Gulf most of her crew did and some went a couple of times.
Thanks Ex-Dragoon...you put my thoughts into print.  The VDQ has always been considered "D332" or "Jetty 332", or whatever else you may have heard.  Regardless, as serving on her for three years (July 2000 - Sept 03) I can tell you that she sails more than most people think.  But one thing is for certain, the ship's company sails just as much as anyone else that isn't "unfit".  Perhaps it isn't always with the VDQ, but the personnel definitely sail a lot.  Myself, I have very little that I could say negative about my time onboard.  Perhaps I was lucky with an excellent crew, but I truly enjoyed my overall experience.  I'd never remuster, but I have earned a whole new respect for the Navy through my time with them.

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