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HELP! need to choose a career

Michael O'Leary said:
Hmmm, Infantry vs. Armour vs Engineer .....

Well, the Cavalry puts a priority on their troops being good looking to have that necessary elan (or at least better looking than their horses).

The Sappers, they need to be smart, you can be ugly but you have to be able to calculate the right fuse lengths.

Now if you're both smart and good looking, there's probably a place for you in the infantry.  And the training can even help you with that indecision problem.    ;D

I suppose if you were vain or self-conscience you could look at it that way.  Then again, do you want to carry your kit or have your kit carry you, or build things so others can get their kit over obstacles?

Do you want to fire tiny guns or large guns, or just blow things up?

In any of those Trades, you will find friends in the other Trades.
CDN Aviator said:
Quick, whos good at math.......

Whats 250% of $0


Liberal, NDP, or Conservative values?
Michael O'Leary said:
Hmmm, Infantry vs. Armour vs Engineer .....

Well, the Cavalry puts a priority on their troops being good looking to have that necessary elan (or at least better looking than their horses).

The Sappers, they need to be smart, you can be ugly but you have to be able to calculate the right fuse lengths.

Now if you're both smart and good looking, there's probably a place for you in the infantry.  And the training can even help you with that indecision problem.    ;D

Well thanks for the input.  My indecision is due to some preconceived ideas of what these jobs might entail however they may not be true... 
  I wanted to go Engineer because of the civilian job skills i would learn however, I've spent the last three years on a construction crew and doing landscaping so I'm not interested in shoveling any more gravel and would really like to do something different,  I also think I'm quite bright although my school records would state otherwise.  Cavalry appealed to me because I've always had a fascination with tanks and I love to run machinery but, I don't really have an interest in being a mechanic so I'd be quite disappointed if I where to be stuck in a building cranking wrenches and not out in the field where the action is.  Then theres the infantry,  well I'll say this I'd better start running because although I've been doing hard labour for years I'm still a small guy (5'2" 150lbs)and I smoke (yeah I know I should quit).
  A friend of mine had the same problem when he applied, he told me to just join up and I'd have a better idea of what I wanted to do after basic, is that good advice? 
Johnnyfive said:
he told me to just join up and I'd have a better idea of what I wanted to do after basic, is that good advice?   

You have to pick at trade before you go to basic...plain and simple
Johnnyfive said:
Well thanks for the input.  My indecision is due to some preconceived ideas of what these jobs might entail however they may not be true... 

Actually, the biggest problem with people's generalizations is that they fail to encompass the variety of possible jobs in each of the combat arms trades.

As an engineer, you could find yourself doing anything from building bridges to destroying explosive devices to operating heavy equipment .....

In the armour corps, you could be a tank driver or gunner, or a surveillance operator in the Coyote ....

In the infantry you could be a light infatry soldier, or in a mechanized element as either vehicle crew (driver/gunner) or a dismount infantry soldier riding to the objective in the back of a LAV ....

Beyond those basic roles, you can find yourself in a variety of other jobs within each of the units.

All the units have a good track record of matching soldiers to employment that best uses the skills they have.  It's very likely that if all three trades appeal to you, that you would find a place and be comfortable in any trade you chose.

CDN Aviator said:
You have to pick at trade before you go to basic...plain and simple
I know that you must fill out three choices on your application but could you not change your mind before you start your specific career training?
Johnnyfive said:
I know that you must fill out three choices on your application but could you not change your mind before you start your specific career training?

No, the offer you will receive before being sworn in will be for a position in a specific trade.  You either choose that or wait for another offer.  Some may try to change trade while in Basic, or while in a PAT Platoon, but there is ZERO guarantee that that can be achieved by any particular applicant.

Michael O'Leary said:
No, the offer you will receive before being sworn in will be for a position in a specific trade.  You either choose that or wait for another offer.  Some may try to change trade while in Basic, or while in a PAT Platoon, but there is ZERO guarantee that that can be achieved by any particular applicant.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, my friend doesn't really know because he's not going until Jan, following knee surgery.

All the units have a good track record of matching soldiers to employment that best uses the skills they have.  It's very likely that if all three trades appeal to you, that you would find a place and be comfortable in any trade you chose.
All three do appeal to me, I think Cavalry and Infantry most.  Although my skills (electrical, paving, running machinery) say I should be an engineer I really want to do something different, otherwise I'd just stay with my current employer...pays better ;) 
OKAY! I have to put some sense into this whole thing.

If you are good looking, smart and enjoy the working environment of beautiful nurses.... you should pick the HEALTH SERVICES  ;D *muahahahahaha*

Not to mention, charming, great bedside manners (this is relative) and the constant urge to poke people with needles!