Gentlemen, (and Ladies)
Sorry, but this will probably turn into another political rant, but we‘ll ( check other posts for the reason we use plurality) try to stick to the subject. Black Hatters don‘t complain! Her you go. Specifically, the turrets. From good authourity. They were lifted from seviceable hulls. The remaining hulls are sitting in Quebec at the War Stock facility. This facility was put in place as a political appeasement during the 70‘s, for Quebec. Most, if not all of our surplus equiptment, is stored there. In case the of a 50% +1 vote for separation (not independance) is achieved, what are our chances of getting this equiptment back? None. Plain and simple. This is just another typical example of "the petite gars de shawinigan" and his overblown sense of authourity towards the Canadian people. Quebec is slowly, but surely taking control of our War Stock and facilities that have been moved to "la Belle Provience". When the vote comes and R22R decides their alliegence, Quebec will have more equipment than the rest of Canada. Try and take it back, won‘t happen through politics, their all Quebecois! All our vehs have been produced by Bombardier, or most (stated emphatically). Any others have been political plums to some retiring politicians riding (let‘s look at Kim Campbell and the LSVW). Our pilot programme, for flyers is not CF, but Bombardier( when did Bombardier ever fly in combat?) teaches our pilots to fly with THEIR supplied planes.The MLVW, bought and paid for by the public, Bombardier was given free, prime real estate to build this veh, when the contract ended they tore down the plant, kept the land,(they still own it) and used it, and still do, for a tax write off to the Liberal gov‘t that gave it to them. The piece of **** Iltis (before you bitch, I‘ve got 1000‘s of km‘s in both seats.) everyone raves about (used the German one in Germany), was a good vehicle till Bombardier got the contract. Built to the lowest specs to satisfy the Germans and then sent Canadian soldiers to war( and let‘s not kid ourselves about Bosnia, Somolia, et al) in the wanker. So long as they recieved their approx $32,000 a copy in 1985 dollars. We‘re getting screwed, blued and tattooed, minute by minute. (By the way, have I mentioned the CEO of Bombardier is the PM‘s son in law!) They will hold all of the facilities, crown assets and holdings over our heads, then use our own equipmennt, that WE bought against us!!! Time to get someone in parliment to move all this stuff out west where it‘s safe and belongs. We‘d rather be paranoid and wrong, than wrong and sorry!
Sorry only because I knew I‘d get carried away!