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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

"Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore, now one of the world's most famous climate-change activists, has called the federal government's new green plan "a fraud."
Gore criticized the plan while in Toronto on Saturday to attend the Green Living Show and screen his documentary on the environment, An Inconvenient Truth."

More on link

My take: someone should call Al Gore a Fraud, quit selling his propaganda here and basically, "buzz off".  Again, only my take.
The thing I want to ask Gore and Suzuki and all the rest is "Where the hell were you when the Liberals did nothing on the environment for 13 years?"  This criticism is the height of political hypocracy.  Both Gore and Suzuki should be asked that question point blank in front of as many television cameras as possible in as many ways as possible. 

Both of these environmental hypocrites don't have a leg to stand on.  Suzuki tours the country in a pollutant spewing diesel bus when the technology exists for him to have done so in a fuel cell vehicle and Gore jet set's across the globe in a private jet and castigates GWB when Georgie's Texas ranch uses a variety of environmentally efficient and effective measures while Gores mansion burns the equivalent power of a small town in a year.

Political hacks and environmental hypocrites.
What David Suzuki says is worth listening to and considering.  What some has been I-wannabe-US-President-but-only-made- Veep-straight -man says has no relevance this side of the 49th.  He should mind his own business.

PS.  I'm trying to be polite.
Shec said:
What David Suzuki says is worth listening to and considering.  What some has been I-wannabe-US-President-but-only-made- Veep-straight -man says has no relevance this side of the 49th.  He should mind his own business.

PS.  I'm trying to be polite.

One of my university profs studied under Suzuki and said that he is more of a self promoting celebrity than a scientist.  I wouldn't trust anything that he has to say.
Shec said:
What David Suzuki says is worth listening to and considering.  What some has been I-wannabe-US-President-but-only-made- Veep-straight -man says has no relevance this side of the 49th.  He should mind his own business.

PS.  I'm trying to be polite.

The problem is that a lot of environmentalists (David Suzuki among them) are anti-industrialization. 

Sadly, they operate under the Machiavellian belief that the ends justify the means, and in this case, I believe many of them KNOW the science behind GHG-Global Warming is a fraud, but if it means fewer cars and factories, they're willing to promote the lie.

I have ZERO respect for that. 

i just said Suzuki was worth listening to and having his opinion considered and respected;  but not necessarily agreed with. The man does know a thing or two about this country.  Some US politician on the other hand...?
Shec said:
i just said Suzuki was worth listening to and having his opinion considered and respected;  but not necessarily agreed with. The man does know a thing or two about this country.  Some US politician on the other hand...?

I don't believe that Suzuki is worth listening to.  He says what sells.  He doesn't care if what he's saying is true or follows the codes and conventions of the scientific communitiy.  I'd say that Al Gore probably know just as much as Suzuki but that's not saying much.  Suzuki doesn't care about he environment.  He cares about publicity so that he can make money.
Al Gore.I don't trust I have no respect for him.I just think he should go away .In stay out of Canada. :threat: :threat:
Med. Tech if you only read and listen to people who have the same views as yourself then you will get a very slanted world view. I am a liberal Conservative so I try and go out of my way to read Al Jazeera, the economist and other liberal press.
Half of the problems in this world have to do with people on the right only reading stuff ont he right and people ont he left only reading leftist stuff.
I personally disagree with Suzuki but if the Tories want to win green votes than they need to pay attention.
It is not all about global warming either, it is clear that we consume to much and are wrecking our enviroment on a national and international level.
I wish people would focus beyond global warming.
Shec said:
i just said Suzuki was worth listening to and having his opinion considered and respected;  but not necessarily agreed with. The man does know a thing or two about this country.  Some US politician on the other hand...?

Ask him about his cross country, green environmental tour. The one he took on the fume spewing diesel guzzling, rock star bus. The one that had only eight people on board. He's a hypocrite.
FascistLibertarian said:
Med. Tech if you only read and listen to people who have the same views as yourself then you will get a very slanted world view. I am a liberal Conservative so I try and go out of my way to read Al Jazeera, the economist and other liberal press.

Identity crisis or what??
I wish people would focus beyond global warming.

The very thing I've been thinking all along!

Al Gore is a politician. So it's fair to say he has a political motive.

David Suzuki is a geneticist. Then he became a celebrity by wandering
out of his lane.

If you could show them they were wrong unequivocally, it's a fair bet
they wouldn't care.

Legitimate environmentalism goes down the drain and people who
disagree with the current trend get a label.

The world just has to be flat.
Liberal = party
Conservative = party
liberal = political feelings
conservative = political feelings
I am liberal BUT only the CPC really supports the military so I vote CPC even though socially I am not a conservative.
Captain Sensible said:
Gore criticized the plan after leaving one of his vast, energy consuming mansions, riding in a limosine motercade to the airport and flying in on a private jet, being met by another motercade in Canadawhile in Toronto on Saturday to attend the Green Living Show and screen his documentary on the environment, An Inconvenient Truth."

I wonder how many average people's energy consumption that one way trip to Toronto represents? Now double that for the return leg and multiply by each time he comes out somewhere to screen his film..............

Gore is a hypocrite of the highest order.



FascistLibertarian said:
I am a liberal Conservative

Then you would be a Progressive Conservative. Socially responsible fiscal conservative = CPC so keep voting CPC and no need to feel guilty.

Oh ya Gore STFU, cant wait for the new counter gore movie that is coming out.
And now as if to whip the old grey mare up and out of her grave.............


A much older doc about the mythology we all know and love.

Looks like it was out around 1990.
Some stuff is a little different.

Some of the characters are different.
Not a bad way to spend 51 minutes - make your popcorn first.

FascistLibertarian said:
Med. Tech if you only read and listen to people who have the same views as yourself then you will get a very slanted world view. I am a liberal Conservative so I try and go out of my way to read Al Jazeera, the economist and other liberal press.
Half of the problems in this world have to do with people on the right only reading stuff ont he right and people ont he left only reading leftist stuff.
I personally disagree with Suzuki but if the Tories want to win green votes than they need to pay attention.
It is not all about global warming either, it is clear that we consume to much and are wrecking our enviroment on a national and international level.
I wish people would focus beyond global warming.

Listen to people with other political views?  The prof who told us that Suzuki was into nothing but self promotion was the same prof who told us to eat "brownies" because it's better for your lungs than smoking marijuana.  I didn't get that view from a Conservative, I got it from a microbiology prof.  It has nothing to do with politics or the media.  How about you read my post before you go flapping off alright?