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General Duties on TF 1-07.

Steve 1 RNFLDR

New Member
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Hello, all.
On Thursday night, I received word that I have been accepted for a "general duties" position on TF 1-07.  I'm doing IBTS in December.  I know nothing else.  Would anybody  be able to enlighten me as to some details?

Somebody raised an interesting (and disturbing) possibility:  what if this is not for Kandahar at all, but for the "other" camp (the one with the lawn by the patio outside the mess)?  I had never heard tell of "GD" positions overseas before.

With so little work-up training, would I even be able to get outside the wire at all?  It looks damned unlikely to me.

Before I became a reserve infanteer, I was a Sig Op with the finest sigs unit in the CF (2 CMBG HQ & Sig Sqn), and was with NCE Sigs on Op Athena Roto III.  Does anybody see any possibility of my gaining employment in some capacity that might take me outside the wire, owing to this prior experience?

I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I know that this is going to make me sound like a damned ingrate, especially after nagging my clerks, training warrant, and anybody else who would listen about getting some information as to what was going on with my position number, but this is not what I remustered to infantry for. 
From my understanding at the end of Roto 1, the army is no longer sending any troops to Mirage. On roto 1 GD meant several things. It could mean gate at KAF or PRT, guarding the ammo compound at KAF, picking up and dropping off laundry, sentry at the JOC. I do not anyone, however, that was in a specific GD posn.

With so little workup I wouldnt count on being outside the wire at all, but who knows. Stranger things have happened.
Could possibly be sent to Kabul as well. I have heard of some guys being sent to Kabul for some sort of GD work, although from what I can gather it isn't apart of the current TF.
You applied for, and got, a GD position.

If you really wanted to go outside the wire, you could have applied for an infantry position in a platoon, I noticed a number of members of your regiment did just that and are attached to 2RCR for our upcoming deployment.

How do you know which positions are availible to apply for?  Or can you just apply in general and they choose.
Snowy91 said:
How do you know which positions are availible to apply for?  Or can you just apply in general and they choose.
With a question like this, I am not sure that you have sufficient knowledge, nor skill sets, to apply.
as a reserve Infanteer you take what you can get

as a former sigs type, you may have plenty more oportunities open to you.

anyone can fill a GD position......
not everyone can fill a Sigs, driver, etc spot
Steve from 1RNFLDR..
I just rolled through the CFTPO brique and I don't see a "GD" position anywhere. Are you sure what you were told wasn't just somebodies personal view/version of a particular position?
Check with your unit Ops cell. Get a specific task number.
They can show you the specific details of the position and by seeing where it is at you may be able to figure out more.

The positions tasked to this (or any Res CBG) are a constantly changing thing.  Also, when a Res Force soldier volunteers to go, he gets what he gets. At the staff level you can get picky. At the Cpl level it depends on what is open that day.There might be vacant positions in the rifle troops but not sourced to this CBG. That is the way it goes.

From what I have seen lately, his task could change twice before departure date. You just never know.
