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French language "rights"?


Army.ca Myth
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Canada has two official languages, oui?

Our military officers must know French. (I think..)

Signs need to be French and English.

Government services must be offered in French and English.

Why do I need special "rights" to send my child to a french school in order to learn one of Canada's official languages? 

Do french parents need "english rights" in order to send their kids to an English school?
Absolutly, here in Quebec, one of your parents need to be in military or coming from an English family. Otherwise your are not allowed to send your kids at an english high school.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Do french parents need "english rights" in order to send their kids to an English school?

Currently in Quebec, one of the parents must have studied in English to send their kids to an English school, and the current government (Parti Québécois) wants to change the laws to make it even harder to send children in English school in Quebec. This in my opinion violate our rights as citizens of a bilingual country but some people here are so afraid that French will one day disappear  :facepalm:
Funny how rights in Canada get suspended in la bell Provence and not a tear is shed.
Quebec is a very "Orwellian" Province.  "All animals Canadians are equal, but some animals Canadiens are more equal than others."
As if we have that type of restriction in Canada. What's the purpose of being bilingual if we place these kind of restrictions on our schools? talk about putting our kids at a disadvantage.
I'm curious to see what the government will do on Friday, May 17 - it's the 50th anniversary of WO II Walter (Rocky) Leja being permanently maimed by an FLQ mailbox bomb.



The main reason is so that you have a clue about what is going on with your kids education..........pretty hard to do anything for your kid [ie homework] when you don't have a smick what the work actually is.

Just send them to French-immersion.