So there's a bit more news from ...............................The Netherlands [
The link is in Dutch,but it's about the debate for the replacement for the Walrus-class subs.
In short Parliament agreed to replace the subs,only thing is that the reserved budget for replacement is too little,about 2.5 B,all know that about 3.5-4B is needed to replace the 4 Walrusses for 4 new ones.
The prefered combo to bult these is Damen/Saab,but others will be asked too for information(DCNS,Thyssen,Navantia)
The specs or requirements for the new subs are:these are general.
De specificaties of eisen voor de nieuwe onderzeeboten -Specs/requirements
* Moeilijk op te sporen -VeryHard/near impossible to detect
* Goed bewapend voor echte oorlogsacties -Armed for "real"war situations
* Wereldwijd verzamelen, analyseren en delen van inlichtingen -Globally deployable ,gathering,analyzing and sharing information
* Op langdurige geheime missie kunnen in vijandelijk gebied -Prolonged employability for secret missions in hostile terretory
* Speciale operaties met special forces langs een vijandelijke kust -Spec OPS,delivering/retrieving Special Forces along hostile coasts
* Faciliteiten voor vrouwelijke militairen, Hennis noemt dat 'genderneutrale' onderzeeboten -Gender Neutral(or fit for women aswell)
So this was the first step,hopefully Gathering momntum now.