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DEO - BOTC January 2006

As per the advice of previous basic grads, I plan on bringing the following items to basic...
1) the swiffers-for dusting in style
2)measuring tape-ensuring the bed and other items are arranged properly for inspection.
3) q-tips and wd40, and a dental explorer-cleaning the c7 and it's intimate parts
4)hand lotion-to stop my hands from drying up and splitting open, which they often do, especially after cleaning weapons.
5)teddybear and fluffy pyjamas
Have any of you guys been asked to sign anything yet?  I haven't got a call to sign anything so far.
Did you recieve a package in the mail yet? My package gave me a date for my swearing in ceremony, I assume I will sign my contract and all that jazz then.

5)teddybear and fluffy pyjamas
Don't forget your pink bunny slippers  ;D
When I showed up on basic, I only had my clothes and my shave kit (I think I had a book too).   We're too soft - the guys at Parris Island (used to?) get all their effects chucked into a garbage dumpster.

You're going to get gigged on everything, no matter what you do.   Just roll in and be prepared physically and have the right attitude and you'll get through (unless you totally drop the ball).   Bring what you need to look after yourself and go with the flow when you hit the ground.
Have any of you guys been asked to sign anything yet?

No I haven't.  I stopped by the CFRC today asked what the next step was.  First, I apparently need to redo my fitness test.  ::) ..fine ..whatever.  But I was also told that my file was on it's way back to Borden to see if an offer was to be issued to me ..apparently it's not a done deal.  Although the phone mesage I received indicated it was:

(the following is verbatim from my voicemail)

"...The aim of this call is to advise you that you have been selected for ..infantry as an officer.  I would like to have acknowledgement from you within 24  hours to know if you are still interested, and then we can have an offer issued for you."

The fellow who left the voicemail for me called on Friday the 7th.  When I returned his call at 12pm noon, he had already gone for the weekend.  I left a voicemail.  No call back.  I called the switchboard that same day to indicate I was still interested.  She said she marked my file as such.  Fine.  I called on Monday and was told (by the Leading Seaman who called me) that I have the job. 

I called again gain on Wednesday just to ask what the next step is (was too giddy Monday to think to ask  ;D) only to find that the LS was out of the office.  OK.  Anyway, so far so good right?  I have a call indicating that if I want the job I can have a shot at it.

I dropped in today however and (although the LS who called me was out again today) I was told this time that my job offer was not in fact in the bag.  Rather - having established that I am still interested in the job - my file needs to be sent back to Borden to be compared against the other applicants ..and that perhaps a job offer would be made. 

..I was told that I wouldn't know for sure (that is.. have paper to sign) any sooner than 2-4 weeks.

..Oh and just for a kicker my file was still there.  It was laid out in front of me.  I saw paper I hadn't seen in a year.  The fellow I spoke to told me he would put it on the LS's desk so that he would be sure to attend to it Monday.. That is if he is in...

ugh.  ::)
A new development with my file: I got a call a couple of days ago asking if I wanted to attend the Naval Officer Acceptance Board in Victoria. I accepted, as MARS Officer is my first choice for a career. I went to CRFC F'ton yesterday to pick up the itinerary. I was informed that at the end of that week I'll know if I will get MARS or INF. I was also given to believe if the NOAB doesn't go my way, I'll still have a confirmed spot as INF. Barring any major screwups I should be in St Jean in Jan.
Joe Blow said:
ugh.   ::)

You just got to relax man, this is how the CF works; hurry up and wait.

There is a process that has to be done, and they're doing it.  I'm sure kincancucks will be able to explain the process, but your acceptance has to be processed, and all the people selected have to be course loaded and what not.  Nothing is 100% into your boots are on the ground, but they'll get back to you in a couple of weeks once the admin work has been done.
I agree with infanteer.   I can't see why they would offer you a job and then pull back and say, oh wait now we don't offer it.   That would merit bringing out the rubber hose!!! :rage: :rage: :rage: :threat: :threat: :rage: :rage: :rage:
hoote said:
I agree with infanteer.   I can't see why they would offer you a job and then pull back and say, oh wait now we don't offer it.

I believe me, they're more than capable of doing that - I saw a guy completely alter his life for a 3 month job (time off work, moved family, etc, etc) only to have the posting yanked at the last minute, screwing him over so bad that he got out of the Army in disgust.  As I said, don't count on things until your boots are on the ground.

However, my message was to not expect everything to cascade into your mailbox or message machine in one week - these processes take time and your files are being processed by the big green machine.

Hurry up and wait - get used to that.

Tell me about it... I am just waiting to sign something so I know for sure I am off to Basic Training.  I had Lasik eye surgery and I just dropped off my last sheet from my surgeon so I hope I will get to sign something soon! I'm in school and working so I can't quit either until I know for sure. Hurry up and wait is the way it goes for sure :) I just have to be patient, but its soooo frustrating!  Damn CF, I hope its all worth it!
Looks like my complacency with grades throughout my university career may come back to bite me in the ass. With my current CQPA of 1.38 I am falling well short of the 1.7 needed to graduate. I basically need to pull off 3 A+'s in the remaining courses I am taking which all end in December. I will have all the required credits for me degree, just not the required CQPA. I'm going to make my recruiter aware of this situation before I sign anything as my graduation may be delayed by a semester due to me having to go back from Jan-April to upgrade my CQPA. My other option is to get 3 F's I received in my first year changed to retroactive withdrawls. This would raise my CQPA to 1.66 and barring any horrible screw ups by myself, I could pull off some B's and put myself over the required 1.7 CQPA. Lets all hope for option number 2! I often wonder if I subconsciously put myself in these situations just to challenge myself and see how I can get out of them ::) Anyways moral of the story is; Bad grades can haunt you! Do your work and get decent grades! If not you will have no one to blame except yourself when situations like mine arise. Don't be like me!
My other option is to get 3 F's I received in my first year changed to retroactive withdrawls. This would raise my CQPA to 1.66 and barring any horrible screw ups by myself, I could pull off some B's and put myself over the required 1.7 CQPA.
How are you going about doing that? Are you applying through a system? It might help to talk to the Dean of your department. They have a lot of pull when it comes to course requirements, and if you need a rule changed he is the guy to talk to.  I had my Dean change some old rules for graduation so that I could graduate with an additional major.

If you approach him, and are honest about the situtation, explain why your marks were low (especially in the first year) and how you will be held up, I suspect he will be flexible. Too many students are going straight from high school to university, often not having a clue what they want to study and it is a disaster in the first year. It is something that is really hard to recover from. High schools push univeristy too hard I think.

Anyway, good luck and work hard.

Hmmm... that's quite the predicament, eh? If you can't get your F's changed to withdrawals, you might be able to do a little grade fixing in time to up your GPA and make it to BOTC.

Find a bird course (or courses) at a local college, or *online* University. Start looking now, because a lot of places will offer 2 week crash courses near American Thanksgiving and Christmas, in something that is a pre-requisite, but is still good towards your GPA. It probably won't do anything towards your major, but if all you need is a little boost, it's a quick and easy way to get over that hump.

Good luck to you, and I hope to see you in Jan!
Pieman said:
How are you going about doing that? Are you applying through a system? It might help to talk to the Dean of your department. They have a lot of pull when it comes to course requirements, and if you need a rule changed he is the guy to talk to.   I had my Dean change some old rules for graduation so that I could graduate with an additional major.

If you approach him, and are honest about the situtation, explain why your marks were low (especially in the first year) and how you will be held up, I suspect he will be flexible. Too many students are going straight from high school to university, often not having a clue what they want to study and it is a disaster in the first year. It is something that is really hard to recover from. High schools push univeristy too hard I think.

Anyway, good luck and work hard.

Did that but his hands are tied because all grade changes have to go through the registrars office at my school. I have to call them back tommorow and see what happens. Thanks for all the ideas guys  ;D I'll keep you guys posted on the happenings but let's keep this thread on topic. Enough about me  8)
Ouch..  That sucks.  But I would try Pieman's suggestion for sure.  Maybe try the dean of students too.  It might help to get the support of the profs for those classes as well.  I had a course description changed retroactively with the Registrar's office (so that it counted as a different / additional credit) so that I could graduate sooner.

The course had the same title but was different in content bla.. bla.. anyway, the point is that the prof's thumb up helped me get the job done.

Just a thought.  Good luck, and study hard.

[Edit:  Oops.. You're a faster poster than me..]
I got called earlier this month, but the guy said it was for Feb 10, not Jan 10.  He did seem to be somewhat in the dark about any specifics, so I'm thinking he meant January.  Anyways, see you guys whenever.
Has anyone gone in to sign any paperwork regarding their acceptance into Jan 2006 BOTC? 

I haven't yet.  But my file manager said to keep calling back each week. 
Has anyone gone in to sign any paperwork regarding their acceptance into Jan 2006 BOTC?
I got a package in the mail with in offer, my starting date, and a date for the swearing in ceremony. Nothing signed on the dotted line yet.